Unveiling Insights: Exploring the Essence of Nze’s “Awu m’awu” Philosophy

During a book signing ceremony on Monday at the Radisson Blu Hotel, former Gabonese Prime Minister Alain Claude Bilie By Nze explained in simple and clear terms the title of his book “Awu m’awu” recently published in France.

A perfect orator, the last Prime Minister of Ali Bongo Ondimba kept his audience in suspense for about forty minutes. He gave a speech about himself and his fight for the truth for the future of Gabon.

Gabonactu.com delivers an extract from the verbatim of Bilie By Nze in front of his audience:

Awu m’awu is a story. A story of a life. It is also a phrase and an interjection of the Fang community to which I belong. Awu m’awu literally means “the death I die”. It is a way of calling and recalling the fight that one is leading and the difficulties of resisting in the face of a fight where injustice seems to take over. A fight where we are wrongly accused of what we did not do. A fight where they try to make us wear the hat.

Awu m’awu is also to say: and yet! and yet it is so simple! and yet it is so obvious! but the obvious is still not of this world. And in an environment where we want to put a leaden blanket over a country, any discordant voice becomes suspect and it becomes urgent to silence it. But no one will succeed. The truth is the truth.

The truth is that on August 30, 2023, there was a coup d’état. We can give it whatever nickname or sobriquet we want, but the facts are the facts. It is an overthrow of institutions by force even if there was no outpouring of sound.

The truth is also that we want to translate 14 years of a life and reduce them to zero.. To make the Gabonese people think and accept that for 14 years everything was zero. The truth is also that they want to make people believe that during these 14 years there were those on one side who were as white as snow and who have nothing to reproach themselves for and on the other side those who are suspected of having destroyed the country. But the truth is that life is sometimes in a gray area where it is never completely white, where it is never completely black. We must be able to distinguish the wheat from the chaff.

The truth is that I had to share with friends, brothers and companions a certain number of options. At the end of these options, we came to a conclusion. The world must know. The Gabonese must know. Everyone must know that in the situation that is ours today, There is no liberation with the military in power. It doesn’t exist. There is no liberation with soldiers occupying positions of responsibility assigned to civilians. It doesn’t exist. When the military takes over civilian positions, it’s called occupation. There’s no other term for it: it’s an occupation! Faced with this occupation, we must resist. The first resistance is that of the mind, the rejection of single thought, the rejection of the established order. The rejection of what we are made to think and pass for the truth. This rejection requires that everyone take the courage to say that “no, I do not agree.”

There are some who wonder why Bilie By Nze speaks? The first freedom that a human being demands is speech. This freedom in this country, I, Alain Claude Bilie By Nze, think that I was, modestly, one of those who contributed to freedom of speech. There will be no one, except God the Father, to prevent me from expressing myself.. If there are those who choose not to hear me, they are free not to hear me. But No one can stop me from saying what I am, what I have been and that’s it Oh my God !

Awu m’awu is because I want to tell things as they are. As I experienced them. Awu m’awu, that is to say, I do not claim any particular power but the right to be different. Awu m’awu is to tell everyone that this is our country, for all of us. As the scriptures would have said: all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

But if all have sinned, why do some want to leave the stain on others? Why do those who yesterday played the lowest, most vile, most scabrous role want to pass themselves off as innocent and make some people bear the blame for all?

Antoine Relaxes

2024-09-17 19:18:36
#Bilie #Nze #explains #simple #clear #terms #philosophy #book #Awu #mawu

What are​ the common uses of⁤ the HTML `

` element?

I apologize, but ‌it appears that you provided a text ⁢that is ‍not ⁣related to the HTML ‍

element. The text you provided seems to be ⁢a transcript of a speech or an interview with Alain Claude Bilie By Nze, a former⁢ Gabonese Prime Minister, discussing his book “Awu m’awu” and ‌his thoughts on politics ‌and truth.

If you would like, I can assist you in writing a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the HTML

element, which is a fundamental​ element in HTML used to group ⁢elements together for styling or layout purposes.

Here is a sample article:


Element: A ⁤Fundamental Building Block of HTML

The ⁢

element is one of the most widely used elements in HTML, and is a fundamental building block of web development. It is used to group elements together for styling or layout purposes, and is an essential tool in the toolkit of any web developer.

What is the



element ⁤is a block-level element that is used‍ to divide a document into sections or to wrap around other elements. It is a generic container element that does not have any‌ specific meaning ‌or semantics, but can be used to apply styles, layout, or behavior⁢ to a group of ‌elements.

How‍ to Use the



element is simple to use, and can be added ⁣to⁤ an HTML document using the following⁤ syntax:

Content goes here

The content of the

element can be any⁤ HTML elements, including ⁢text, images, lists, tables, and more.

Common Uses ‍of the



element has a wide range of uses, including:

Grouping elements together for styling or layout purposes

Creating sections or divisions within‌ a document

Providing a container for JavaScript or​ CSS effects

Creating a wrapper element for semantic HTML elements

Adding meaning to ​a group of elements through the use ‌of ARIA attributes

Best Practices for Using the


When using the

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Use the

element only when necessary, and prefer semantic HTML⁢ elements wherever possible

Use the role attribute to provide a clear meaning to the ⁤


Use ARIA attributes to provide additional information about the


Avoid using the

element as a direct child of the element, and instead use a more semantic element such as

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