Celestial Conflicts: Duong Mich’s 300 Million Shortfall Amidst a 1.2 Trillion VND Charity Controversy

2024-09-17 19:58:15

Many netizens believe that individuals who “post fake bills” (fraudulent transactions) when transferring charity money are not as blameworthy as those who embezzle charity money. In showbiz, there have been cases where the true face of stars was exposed when they siphoned off donations from many people. That is a lifelong stain because of despicable behavior, ruining the entire career of those stars.

Jet Li and Jackie Chan are two famous stars but have been involved in charity scandals.

Jet Li accused of embezzling donations, refusing to make statements

Jet Li set up a charity fund, attracting many people to donate.

At the end of 2007, Jet Li established the charity organization One Foundation. The amount of money donated to the fund was a lot thanks to the star’s name. In 2013, when the earthquake disaster occurred in Ya’an, Sichuan (China), Jet Li raised 400 million NDT (more than 1,400 billion VND). However, after 1 year, the amount of money spent to help people was only 40 million NDT (about 140 billion VND). The rest was not specifically explained by Jet Li’s organization.

Jet Li encouraged people after the earthquake that occurred in Ya’an, Sichuan (China) in 2013.

However, in response to the accusations, Jet Li held a press conference but only verbally defended himself, asserting that he had not embezzled charity money and admitting that he was tired of the controversy. At the end of the press conference, he refused to provide a statement of income and expenditure. Therefore, he was suspected of “swallowing” 1,200 billion VND in charity money.

Jet Li covered his ears and refused to pay.

Meanwhile, the fund’s secretary said that the schools and markets built were evidence that the VND1,200 billion had been used. However, the answer did not convince public opinion.

Jet Li lost points for lack of transparency in statements.

“Charity King” Jackie Chan Accused of Confusing Transparency

As a big star, Jackie Chan established a charity foundation in his name. In 1988, the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation was established to support disadvantaged young people in Hong Kong. Over the years, the foundation has expanded to help victims of natural disasters.

Jackie Chan organizes many charity and volunteer activities.

In 2009, Jackie Chan visited a school that collapsed in an earthquake in Sichuan. At that time, he was the producer and main actor in the film Great Soldier and Little GeneralHe promised to use all the box office profits from the film to rebuild the school. Thanks to that, the film was supported by many audiences, earning 153 million NDT (about 531 billion VND).

However, after nearly a year, the action star still has not used the box office revenue to rebuild the school as promised. Later, Jackie Chan denied the claim, saying that he had not yet recovered the profits from the film. The incident seriously affected his reputation.

On QQ, Jackie Chan is often accused of promoting his name by organizing charity events. The actor once shared that when he first started doing charity work, he was not sincere, his manager advised him to accept being a goodwill ambassador for some organizations to gain fame.

In 2012, a blogger spoke out against Jackie Chan’s charity fund for its lack of transparency. This person came forward to provide a detailed statement, stating that the China Children’s Youth Charity Fund only used less than 1 million yuan (equivalent to 3.5 billion VND) for its operations, while the remaining 18 million yuan (about 63 billion VND) was unexpectedly transferred to Jackie Chan’s fund. Although the actor later denied it, the public still questioned the transparency.

Singer Han Hong is under investigation

Singer Han Hong’s charity fund meets the 5A social standard assessed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in Beijing. She is also a veteran artist who has always been at the forefront of charity work in the Chinese entertainment industry. However, Han Hong has been investigated twice for transparency in her aid money.

Singer Han Hong is one of the leading artists in charity work in the Chinese entertainment industry.

In 2020, the female singer was accused by blogger Sima Sanji of embezzling more than half of the $38.5 million donation to the Covid-19 epicenter Wuhan. This was followed by a discrepancy of up to $10.8 million in donations to the flood-hit Henan region. Abnormal figures in the expense declaration documents and the list of donations including cash and supplies from benefactors were discovered.

According to Xinhua News Agency, singer Han Hong did not commit any wrongdoing in the use of the fund, but was accidentally caught up in a money dispute because the audit process was delayed, leading to late declaration and publication of data. The singer herself also admitted that her Ai Tam fund was late in conducting the audit.

When floods and pandemics occur, we prioritize calling for donations and providing relief to people. Fund staff are mobilized to count and distribute money and goods. Human resources are limited compared to the hearts of the people, so we cannot publicly disclose all documents.“, Han Hong said.

She admitted her mistake: “We are busy helping people, but forget about millions of other hearts. I sincerely apologize to the donors who have trusted me and the Ai Tam Fund. Everyone can rest assured that your charity money will not be lost or embezzled.“However, her reputation was affected to some extent.

Li Yapeng involved in scandal of not paying charity money

Because their daughter was born with a cleft palate, Li Yapeng and Faye Wong established a charity to help children with similar disabilities, called the Smile Angel Foundation. However, the male star’s foundation has been embroiled in a scandal over its lack of transparency.

Li Yapeng once had a headache because of the scandal of not paying charity money.

In 2014, a person named Zhou Xiaoyun wrote on Weibo that there was a “dirty plot” behind the Smile Angel Foundation. According to a report, from 2006 to 2012, the foundation spent 114 million yuan and supported surgeries for 8,525 children. However, Zhou Xiaoyun calculated and found that the average cost of each surgery was only 5,000 yuan. “So the total cost of the surgeries was only 43 million yuan, where did the 71 million yuan go?”, was the question raised by the whistleblower.

Because of this scandal, Li Yapeng’s name in the entertainment industry was severely affected, especially in his business and charity work. Many people expressed disappointment, believing that the male star was doing business and swindling charity money based on the trust of his fans. After 18 months of investigation, Li Yapeng and his organization were cleared.

Duong Mich accused of defaulting on charity money

Duong Mich was once involved in a scandal of breaking her word regarding charity.

The scandal involving charity money happened to Duong Mich at the end of March 2018. At that time, Ly Manh – the intermediary implementing the Chinese Wheelchair Angel project – posted a news article accusing Duong Mich of defrauding charity money, affecting the actress’s image.

According to Ly Manh, in 2014, Duong Mich and her ex-husband, actor Luu Khai Uy, promised to donate 100,000 NDT (358 million VND) including 100 canes and 50 typewriters to a school for the disabled. However, after 3 years, the children there still have not received the gifts as promised by Duong Mich.

Immediately, Duong Mich admitted her mistake and apologized for her mistake. The actress also quickly fulfilled her promise and sent gifts to the school. However, the incident still severely damaged Duong Mich’s reputation as netizens mocked her for being dishonest and not paying charity money.

Sentenced to prison for embezzling 32 billion VND in charity money

Once a famous American trumpet player and composer, Irvin Mayfield – the star who won a Grammy in 2010 – received a bitter end for embezzling charity money.

Trumpeter and composer Irvin Mayfield has had a successful career.

The 1977-born star founded the New Orleans Public Library Foundation and was hailed as a hero of the city. However, he was accused of using the fund for illegal purposes in 2015. He was indicted on 19 counts in 2017, including fraud and money laundering. A year later, a major audit was conducted to clarify the amount of fraud.

Irvin Mayfield lives a lavish life on the charity money people donate.

In 2020, the male star admitted that he and his accomplices transferred $1.3 million (about 32 billion VND) from a charity fund to another account for their own purposes. Not only that, Irvin Mayfield was also criticized for enjoying a luxurious life with people’s charity money. The male artist was sentenced to 18 months in prison for his wrongdoings. In addition, he and his accomplices were required to pay $1.1 million (about 26 billion VND) in compensation and provide 500 hours of free music lessons for children.

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Of ⁢celebrities accused‍ of⁣ embezzling charity donations, including Jet‌ Li, Jackie Chan,⁢ and Han Hong, and learn about the impact of these scandals on⁣ their reputations and careers.

The Dark Side of Charity:​ Stars Who Have Been Accused⁣ of Embezzling‍ Donations

Charity work is supposed to be a​ selfless act ‌of kindness, but in the world of entertainment, some celebrities have been accused of using their charitable endeavors as a ​means⁤ to line ⁢their own pockets. In this article, ⁢we’ll delve into the cases of three famous⁣ stars⁣ who have been accused of⁣ embezzling donations, damaging their reputations and leaving​ their fans ⁢feeling ‍betrayed.

Jet Li: The Charity Controversy

In 2007, martial​ arts legend Jet Li established the‌ One Foundation ⁢charity organization, which attracted millions of donations from well-meaning individuals.‌ However, in 2013, during the Ya’an earthquake in Sichuan, China, Li’s organization‍ collected 400 million NDT​ (approximately ⁣1,400 billion VND) in donations. One year later, only 40 million NDT (about 140 billion VND) was spent on helping the affected people, leaving many to ‌wonder what happened to the remaining funds.

When confronted about the discrepancy, ​Jet Li held a press conference, ⁢denying any wrongdoing and claiming that he was tired of ​the⁢ controversy. ‌However, he refused to provide a detailed ​statement‍ of income and⁤ expenditure, sparking further suspicion. The⁣ charity’s secretary attempted to explain that the ‌funds ​were used ​to‌ build schools and markets, but the lack of transparency only⁤ fueled public skepticism.

Jackie Chan: The “Charity ⁤King” Accused of Lack of Transparency

Action superstar Jackie Chan has been involved in various charity initiatives throughout his⁢ career, including⁣ the Jackie Chan⁢ Charitable Foundation, established in 1988. However,‌ in ‌2009, Chan faced accusations ​of confusing transparency when​ he promised to use the box office profits from his ⁤film ​”Great Soldier and Little General” to​ rebuild​ a school that collapsed during‌ an earthquake in ⁣Sichuan. Despite earning 153 million NDT (about⁢ 531 billion VND), Chan failed to follow through on ‍his promise, damaging his reputation.

Chan’s charity fund⁤ has also been accused of lacking transparency,⁤ with‍ some critics claiming that he uses charity events to promote ‌his name. A blogger even alleged that Chan’s fund ⁤only used a small portion of its⁣ funds for charitable purposes, with the majority being transferred to his personal ⁢account.

Han Hong: The Singer ⁣Under ⁢Investigation

Singer Han Hong is⁤ a veteran artist known for her⁢ charitable‌ work in the Chinese entertainment industry. Her charity fund has received the 5A social standard assessment from the Ministry of Civil⁤ Affairs in Beijing. However, Han Hong has been investigated twice for transparency in her aid money, raising questions about her charitable activities.

These high-profile‍ cases of alleged charity​ embezzlement highlight ⁤the importance of transparency and accountability in charitable giving. Celebrities who ⁣engage in charity work must⁤ be mindful of their‍ responsibilities and ensure that donations are ⁢used⁤ for their intended purposes.

The Impact of Charity Scandals on⁤ Celebrities’⁢ Careers

The ‍consequences of charity‌ scandals can be severe for celebrities, damaging ‌their reputations and​ jeopardizing their​ careers. The cases of Jet⁤ Li, Jackie Chan, and Han Hong serve as cautionary tales for‍ celebrities who ‌engage in charitable⁢ activities.


Charity work is meant to be a selfless act of ⁣kindness, but ‌when celebrities abuse‌ their position of influence, it can have devastating consequences.‌ The cases of Jet Li, Jackie⁣ Chan, and Han Hong highlight the importance of transparency and accountability in charitable giving. As the‍ public becomes increasingly skeptical ‍of celebrity charitable endeavors, it is essential ‍for celebrities to prioritize honesty and​ integrity in their⁣ charitable activities.

Keyword‌ List:

⁤ Jet Li

Jackie Chan

Han‍ Hong

Charity embezzlement

​Charity scandals

Celebrity ⁢charity work

​Transparency and accountability

Charitable giving

Celebrity​ reputations

Career damage

Meta‍ Description:

Discover the shocking cases

The One Foundation, aiming to provide disaster relief and support to vulnerable communities. However, he faced allegations of embezzling donations, leading to questions about the transparency of his charity work.

The Dark Side of Charity: Famous Stars Embroiled in Scandals

When it comes to charitable donations, the public often assumes that celebrities, with their wealth and influence, are doing their part to give back to society. However, there have been numerous instances where famous stars have been involved in charity scandals, tainting their reputation and leaving the public disillusioned.

Jet Li Accused of Embezzling Donations

In 2007, Jet Li founded



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