Shattered Trust: A Wife’s Journey Through Heartbreak After a Catastrophic Event

The woman who apparently became the reason for the murder of her 64-year-old fellow villager, in Arcadia after a baptism, describes the dramatic events from her own point of view in LIVE NEWS, responds to what some attribute to her and tries to stand by her husband.

According to her, the victim openly flirted with her at the christening party and this had angered both her and her husband. Regarding the circumstances of the crime, she insists that her husband was in self-defense.

“She didn’t want to fight him. If he didn’t make a move to grab me by the throat it wouldn’t even bother him.”

The crime took place in the local community of Agios Petros in Arcadia last July. With the bloodstains in the square testifying hours later, the evil that had happened.

“In a society where women are hunted so much, he, in front of my husband and child, wanted to harm us.”

Everything, as the 34-year-old says, had started when the 64-year-old victim began harassing her in front of her husband and child.

“I told him that what he is telling me is not allowed because I am a married woman with a child. But you are not even allowed to look at any married woman. You should only look at single women of your own age.”

Things got out of hand in the square and the 64-year-old fell dead from the blows he received. Some of the eyewitnesses had also accused the 34-year-old

“We went to separate them then I saw the 40-year-old while the victim was already down and could not react, kicking him 3 times in the head. He didn’t move, he didn’t react at all. Then his wife also came and she also kicked him 2 or 3 times. The 40-year-old kept telling him ‘get up, don’t do the dead thing'”, said an eyewitness.

“I was detained for 3 days in the detention center and they released me with restrictive conditions”, added the wife of the perpetrator.

What her husband stated about the murder

From the first moment, the 41-year-old, who was remanded in custody for the crime, maintained that he was in self-defense.

“When the 64-year-old left me, he couldn’t get up. But until then, while we went to leave, he held my leg with one hand and my wife’s leg with the other. With the last kick I gave he let us go. We got into the car, left the square immediately.”

“I am alone with a child and I have a problem with my heart,” the woman added.

As the 41-year-old mentioned, without being convinced, he himself had been trying since the start of the fight to put an end to it and disengage.

“I got up. He tried to get up again towards my wife. Then I kicked him, which took him up on the right shoulder and towards the neck. He lay down again and laughed. People came and then we left. Everything I did I did in self-defense and I had no intention of harming him.”

After the crime, she and her husband went to a police station to report verbal harassment. With the police arresting them and the 34-year-old woman reporting at the time.

“He sexually assaulted me and was very persistent. Around 02.30 I went to the car, put the child and the pram in the back seat and got into the driver’s seat. I opened the passenger door to let my husband in, but at that time the 64-year-old pushed him and tried to prevent him from sitting next to me.”

“She kicks him off his feet and throws him into the car and he gets in and he’s ready to grab me by the throat.”

The 34-year-old insists that her husband’s pre-trial detention is unfair, with close relatives of the victim expressing outrage at her allegations.

Almost two months after the crime, the local community remains numb.

For what happened on a day of joy for the entire village with the baptism of a child, which gave way to a bloody night, with insults, shouts and blows, which proved fatal for a 64-year-old man.

The last minutes of the fight as described by the 34-year-old

The 34-year-old described what happened in the last minutes of the fight.

“No one goes out. They went out and looked, no one came to help. My child inside was screaming and crying. He was on top of my husband choking him. At some point he managed to leave from below and come from above. Then he went to grab him by the legs and there my husband kicked him on the shoulder and there they came and separated us and we left. We went to Astros Police Station to report the sexual harassment and assault. If my husband had not defended himself, I would have drowned.”

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#husband #defense #wife #41yearold #man #beat #death #64yearold #man #baptism



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