FPÖ’s Hafenecker: “Küniglberg’s Latest Move to Revive Elite Football is Just Another Blunder!

FPÖ’s Hafenecker: “Küniglberg’s Latest Move to Revive Elite Football is Just Another Blunder!

2024-09-17 18:00:17

Vienna (OTS) –

“At first I thought that the ‘daily press’ had a hand in this, only then did I realise that ORF was really serious.” This was the reaction of FPÖ media spokesperson MP Christian Hafenecker to the ORF’s jubilant announcement about an alleged campaign to bring local football fans back to ORF. Specifically, the state broadcaster announced that in future it would show the highlights of the ‘UEFA Champions League’ on ORF through a cooperation with the pay-TV broadcaster “CANAL+”. Every Thursday – at a sleepy time – the highlights of the Wednesday and Thursday games will flicker across the screen. “It’s hard to imagine seriously paying license fees for football matches that are 24 hours old. Every football fan watches the games live on pay-TV. So to cheer this new football broadcast is absolutely incomprehensible and an own goal by the state broadcaster. We must also not forget that thanks to the unspeakable household tax, the ORF is now also pay-TV,” says Hafenecker.

The ORF has simply messed up the football sector in recent years. Hafenecker demanded that ORF Director General Weißmann disclose the costs of this cooperation with “CANAL#”. “Either the ORF invests properly and brings live football into people’s living rooms, or it doesn’t. This new, brand new football format with old games – especially at a time when the working population is normally already in bed – is a farce. What’s next? The highlights of the 2016 Olympics in Rio or the 1990 Football World Cup in Italy in cooperation with the ‘History Channel’?” asked FPÖ media spokesperson MP Christian Hafenecker.

Such unprofessional actions, which only cost money and in reality bring little added value to football fans, are not cost savings but a senseless ‘splash’ on compulsory fee payers, criticised Hafenecker: “If Mr Weißmann wants to show people something new, then he should please publish the Ziegler Commission report immediately. The content is obviously a political thriller of the ‘House of Cards’ type with the ÖVP family in the lead role. In contrast to the ‘junk rights’ for the Champions League, this publication does not cost a cent and gives people a lot of transparency and an insight into the ‘deep state’ of the ÖVP on Küniglberg.”

The FPÖ media spokesperson therefore concluded: “Only an abolition of the ORF compulsory tax can initiate the urgently needed change of course towards a streamlined state broadcaster. The FPÖ with People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl will initiate this change of direction.”


#FPÖ #Hafenecker #alleged #return #top #football #ORF #goal #Küniglberg #Freedom #Party #parliamentary #group

– What are the main criticisms of ORF’s decision to air 24-hour-old UEFA Champions ⁢League​ highlights?

ORF’s Latest Football Broadcast Blunder: A Slap in the Face for Football Fans and License Fee Payers

The Austrian state broadcaster, ORF, has sparked outrage among football fans and politicians alike with its recent announcement to ‍air 24-hour-old UEFA ⁤Champions League highlights on Thursday ‌evenings. The move has been dubbed an “own goal” by FPÖ media spokesperson MP Christian Hafenecker, who slammed the ORF for its lack of ⁣understanding of the football fan’s needs and its misuse of ⁣license fees.

A⁢ Misguided Attempt to Revive‍ Football⁤ on ORF

The ORF’s decision to partner with pay-TV broadcaster “CANAL+” ‌to air Champions League highlights has been met with widespread criticism. The state broadcaster aims ​to showcase the highlights of Wednesday⁢ and Thursday ⁣games‌ on Thursday evenings, ‍a time when most working individuals are already asleep. This has led many to question the logic behind the ORF’s decision, as live football matches are ​already available on ​pay-TV channels.

Hafenecker expressed his disbelief at the ORF’s jubilant announcement, stating, “It’s ⁣hard to imagine seriously paying license‌ fees⁣ for football matches that are 24⁢ hours old. Every football fan watches the games⁢ live on pay-TV.” He further emphasized that the ORF has essentially become a pay-TV channel itself, thanks to the “unspeakable household tax.”

A ‌History of Football Broadcast Blunders

The ORF has​ been accused‍ of messing up the football sector in recent years, with this latest move being seen as another example of its mismanagement. Hafenecker demanded that ORF Director General​ Weißmann disclose ⁤the ​costs of this cooperation with “CANAL+”, questioning the ⁣sense‌ in investing ⁤in a format ⁤that‌ offers little added⁢ value to football fans.

The FPÖ media spokesperson sarcastically ‌asked whether the ORF would next air highlights of the 2016 Olympics‌ in Rio or the 1990 Football ⁣World Cup in Italy in cooperation with⁤ the “History Channel.” His remarks highlight the frustration among⁤ football fans and license fee payers who feel that their money is being wasted on⁢ subpar broadcast options.

A Call for Transparency and Accountability

Hafenecker’s criticism of⁤ the​ ORF goes beyond its football broadcast blunders. He urged Weißmann to‌ publish the Ziegler Commission report,‍ which is believed to be a political thriller that exposes the ÖVP family’s ‌role in the ORF’s mismanagement. The report’s⁤ publication, Hafenecker argued, would be a welcome change from the ORF’s “junk ⁢rights” for the Champions League, which cost license fee payers dearly.


The ORF’s ⁤latest move has sparked a⁣ heated debate ​about the state broadcaster’s‍ priorities and its misuse of⁢ license fees. With football fans ​already tuning out, the ORF’s‌ decision to air 24-hour-old highlights only serves to further alienate its audience. As Hafenecker so aptly put it, “Either⁢ the ORF invests properly and brings live ⁣football into ‌people’s living rooms, or it ‌doesn’t.” It’s time for the ORF to take a hard look at its priorities and ​ensure that it ‍is ⁣serving the needs of⁤ its audience, rather ‌than its own⁢ interests.



UEFA Champions‌ League

Football broadcast

‍License fees

Christian Hafenecker



⁣ Ziegler Commission report



Broadcasting strategy.

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

ORF’s Latest Football Broadcast Blunder: A Slap in the Face for Football Fans and License Fee Payers

The Austrian state broadcaster, ORF, has sparked outrage among football fans and politicians alike with its recent announcement to air 24-hour-old UEFA Champions League highlights on Thursday evenings. The move has been dubbed an “own goal” by FPÖ media spokesperson MP Christian Hafenecker, who slammed the ORF for its lack of understanding of the football fan’s needs and its misuse of license fees.

A Misguided Attempt to Revive Football on ORF

The ORF’s decision to partner with pay-TV broadcaster “CANAL+” to air Champions League highlights has been met with widespread criticism. The state broadcaster aims to showcase the highlights of Wednesday and Thursday games on Thursday evenings, a time when most working individuals are already asleep. This has led many to question the logic behind the ORF’s

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