Drone Blast at Galilee Military Base Leaves Multiple Injured, According to Hebrew Media

In his first response to his assignment as Prime Minister of Jordan, Hassan pledged that the new government would work with all its energy to implement what was stated in the assignment letter, according to a clear program based on sincere and serious work.

The Jordanian Prime Minister said in a tweet on the X platform, “The King honored me today by assigning me to form a new government. I realize that public work is a great honor, a precious trust, and a great responsibility that we perform with all conscience before God, and the government will work with all its energy to serve Jordan and the Jordanians.”

Today, Sunday, Jordanian King Abdullah II assigned Jaafar Hassan to form a new government, succeeding the government of Dr. Bisher Al-Khasawneh, whose resignation was accepted by the King.

The Jordanian King’s decision to dismiss the government and appoint a new government came five days after the parliamentary elections for the twentieth parliament, in which the opposition Islamic Action Front party won the results.

The Prime Minister-designate is expected to hold intensive consultations in the coming hours to choose his ministerial team according to the requirements of the letter of assignment, while the new ministry must, according to Article 533 of the Jordanian Constitution, submit its ministerial statement to the House of Representatives within one month from the date of its formation, as it is expected that the National Assembly will be called to convene early next month.

The Jordanian monarch directed the Prime Minister-designate to form an ambitious ministerial team that believes in the vision of comprehensive modernization. The ministerial team will undertake clear tasks with specific, measurable goals, and “direct field communication with citizens and engagement with their issues,” while stressing the need to consult with the new parliament, its blocs and members on decisions and matters that affect the lives of Jordanians.

In the letter of assignment, the King of Jordan instructed everyone to join forces in order to move forward with this path, stressing that the government has an important role in maturing and strengthening it through its relationship with Parliament and the parties, on professional foundations based on cooperation, legislation and oversight in accordance with the constitutional frameworks.

Source: RT

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2024-09-17 17:52:55

– What ambitious reform programs has Jordan’s Prime Minister Jaafar ⁣Hassan‌ pledged to ⁤implement?

New Era of‌ Progress: Jordan’s Prime Minister Hassan Pledges to Implement Ambitious Reform Program

In a ⁤significant development, King Abdullah II of Jordan⁤ has assigned Jaafar Hassan to form a new government, succeeding the government of Dr. Bisher Al-Khasawneh. The newly appointed Prime Minister has pledged⁢ to work with all his energy to implement the ambitious reform program outlined in ⁢the assignment letter. This move comes just five⁣ days after the parliamentary elections, which saw the opposition Islamic ⁢Action Front party emerge victorious.

A Clear Program of Reform

In his first response to his⁤ assignment, Hassan emphasized that the new ⁢government would work tirelessly to implement the assigned tasks based on ​a clear program of sincere and serious work. He took to social media platform⁤ X to express his gratitude to the King for the honor and reiterated ‍his commitment⁢ to serving Jordan and its people.

A New Ministerial ​Team

The ​Prime Minister-designate is expected to hold intensive consultations in the coming hours to choose⁢ his ministerial team according to the requirements of the assignment letter. The new ministry must submit its ministerial statement to the House of Representatives within one month from the date of its formation, as outlined in Article 533 of the Jordanian Constitution.

Comprehensive Modernization

The Jordanian‌ monarch‍ has directed the Prime Minister-designate to form an ambitious ministerial team that believes in the vision of ‌comprehensive modernization. The team will be tasked with achieving clear, measurable goals and engaging in direct field communication with citizens to address their concerns.

Priorities and Expectations

The new government is expected to prioritize the implementation of the assigned tasks, which ⁢are likely to focus⁢ on key areas such as economic development, social welfare, and governance reform. The public will be keenly watching the government’s progress and expecting tangible results in the coming months.

A New Chapter for⁤ Jordan

The formation of a new government marks a new chapter in Jordan’s history, providing an opportunity for the country to embark on a journey of comprehensive modernization and progress.‌ With the⁢ Prime Minister’s commitment to serving the nation and its people, Jordanians can⁣ look forward ​to a brighter future.

Key Takeaways

Jaafar Hassan has been assigned to form a new government in Jordan, succeeding Dr. Bisher Al-Khasawneh’s government.

The Prime Minister-designate has pledged to⁣ implement the assigned tasks based on a clear ⁤program of sincere and serious work.

‌ The new government is expected to prioritize comprehensive modernization, ‍economic development, social welfare, ⁣and governance reform.

The ministerial team will be tasked ⁤with achieving clear, measurable goals and engaging with citizens to address their concerns.

* The formation of a new ​government marks a new chapter in Jordan’s history, providing an opportunity for progress and development.


Q: Who has been​ assigned to form a new government in Jordan?

A: Jaafar Hassan ‌has been assigned to form a new government ⁤in ‍Jordan.

Q: What is the Prime Minister-designate’s ​commitment to the nation?

A: The Prime Minister-designate has pledged to work with all his energy to implement the assigned tasks based on ⁣a clear program of sincere and serious work.

Q: What are the key areas of focus ⁤for the new government?

A: The new government is expected to prioritize comprehensive modernization, economic development, social welfare, and governance reform.

Q: What is the ​timeline for the formation of the new government?

A: The ministerial team is expected to submit its ministerial⁣ statement to the House of Representatives within one month from the date‌ of its formation.

– What are some strategies for generating original content ideas?

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