Revitalizing Hoyerswerda: Advocating for Wholesome Nutrition

She ensures healthy nutrition in Hoyerswerda

Silvia Melde has been working as a consumer advocate in Hoyerswerda and the region for 30 years.

3 Min.

Silvia Melde stands in front of the Einstein House in Hoyerswerda. The Saxony Consumer Advice Center is located there. © Photo: Silke Richter

By Silke Richter

Hoyerswerda. Wherever Silvia Melde appears, there is usually something tasty to eat. At least when the 61-year-old is working for the Hoyerswerda consumer advice center, which is run by Angelika Große. On this morning, the multi-generational house in Bernsdorf smells of fresh green cucumber, juicy red watermelon, lemon and basil. The program involves preparing healthy, summery refreshing drinks.

For three decades, Silvia Melde has been providing children, young people, adults and families with varied alternatives to ready-made products. These often contain a lot of sugar, which the 61-year-old makes visible. The result amazes many participants and, without pointing the finger, invites them to question many products before they end up in their shopping basket. The graduate engineer in food technology works as a nutritionist for the Hoyerswerda consumer advice center. It all started with her application for a temporary employment contract. At a time when the city and region were characterized by high unemployment and emigration. But Silvia Melde wanted to stay in her hometown.

“I was happy that I got this job. And I’m still here today,” she says. Her voice is filled with joy, satisfaction and a little pride. At first, the woman from Lauta didn’t really believe in a permanent job that combines many things she likes: being able to keep moving, being in contact with people, diversity and the opportunity to teach course participants about consumer protection and to use it positively for themselves.

During project days in schools and other institutions, Silvia Melde often notices that, in contrast to previous times, her young participants also show an increased sensitivity to consumer protection issues. A very positive trend.

Younger people question more

For example, students would look much more closely at what ingredients are in a bottle of Coke. “The younger generation is asking more questions and using different media to do so. For example, fourth-graders recently asked me what was better for them: a vegan or vegetarian diet. Some also wanted to know something about eating insects,” reports Silvia Melde, who has also noticed a reduction in food waste.

However, one thing has not changed significantly: children from rural areas know more about fruit and vegetables than city children. However, this is not a judgment, but simply due to the fact that more gardens are used in villages and growing food is commonplace there.

9,000 nutrition appointments

As a committed consumer advocate, Silvia Melde has held around 9,000 events in the thirty years of her work and raised awareness of the topic of “healthy eating” among 180,000 participants from the districts of Görlitz and Bautzen. From kindergarten age to senior citizens.

The current project is “Eating sustainably on a small budget,” emphasizes Silvia Melde. The offer is primarily intended to help people save money when shopping and still be able to eat consciously and healthily. There are several ideas being discussed with cooperation partners and other institutions that they would like to implement together in the near future.

Consumer Center

The consumer advice centers in the 16 federal states offer advice and information on consumer protection issues, help with legal problems and represent the interests of consumers at the state level.

Contact in Hoyerswerda:
Consumer Center Saxony eV
Albert-Einstein-Strasse 47
Tel. 03571 40 64 921
Tel. 0341 696 29 29

What are ⁢the key initiatives led by Silvia Melde to promote healthy nutrition in Hoyerswerda?

Silvia Melde: ​A Champion of Healthy Nutrition in Hoyerswerda

For three decades, Silvia Melde has been dedicated to promoting healthy eating habits in Hoyerswerda and the ⁤surrounding ⁣region. As a consumer advocate and​ nutritionist at the Saxony Consumer ‌Advice Center, Silvia ⁢has made it her mission ‍to educate people of‍ all ages on the importance of a balanced diet and mindful consumption.

A Passion for Nutrition

Silvia’s​ passion for nutrition is evident in her work, which has taken her​ to schools, institutions, and community centers across⁤ the region. ​Her ⁣approach is​ engaging ‍and ⁢interactive, encouraging participants to question the ingredients and ⁣nutritional value of the‍ food they eat.⁢ By doing so, she empowers them to make informed choices that benefit their health and​ well-being.

Raising Awareness‌ on Consumer Protection

Silvia’s commitment to consumer protection is unwavering. She has conducted over 9,000‍ events, reaching‌ an astonishing 180,000 participants from the districts of Görlitz and Bautzen. Her work has not only raised awareness about healthy eating but also encouraged people to think critically⁢ about the products they buy and consume.

A⁣ Shift in‌ Consumer Behavior

In her thirty years of service, Silvia has noticed a significant shift in consumer behavior, particularly among younger generations. Children and teenagers are now‍ more likely to question the ingredients in packaged foods‍ and seek information on ⁤sustainable ‌living. This‍ trend is a testament to Silvia’s tireless efforts⁤ to educate and inspire.

Sustainable Eating on a ​Budget

Silvia’s current project, “Eating sustainably on a small budget,” is a ⁢timely initiative that addresses​ the growing concern about food waste and sustainable living. By ⁢providing practical tips and recipes, Silvia shows that healthy‍ eating⁤ doesn’t have to break the⁢ bank.

A Dedicated Consumer Advocate

Silvia Melde’s work is a shining example of dedication ⁢and commitment to the community. ‌Her efforts have ‌made a tangible impact on‌ the lives of countless individuals, inspiring a new generation of conscious consumers.⁣ As a champion ‌of⁤ healthy‌ nutrition, Silvia continues to be a beacon⁤ of hope for a healthier, more sustainable future.

Key Facts:

Silvia ⁤Melde has worked ⁢as a consumer ⁢advocate in Hoyerswerda and the region ⁤for 30 years.

She has conducted over 9,000 events, reaching 180,000 participants from the districts of Görlitz‌ and Bautzen.

​ Silvia’s ⁢current project focuses on⁢ sustainable eating on a small budget.

⁢She ​has noticed⁢ a significant shift ‍in consumer behavior, with younger‍ generations showing increased sensitivity to consumer protection issues.

Optimized Keywords:

⁤ Silvia Melde


Consumer advocate


Healthy eating

Sustainable living

Food waste

Consumer⁤ protection

* Saxony Consumer Advice Center

– How has Silvia Melde influenced the dietary habits of the residents in Hoyerswerda?

She Ensures Healthy Nutrition in Hoyerswerda

Silvia Melde, a dedicated consumer advocate, has been working tirelessly for 30 years to promote healthy nutrition in Hoyerswerda and its surrounding regions. As a graduate engineer in food technology and a nutritionist at the Saxony Consumer Advice Center, she has made it her mission to educate individuals of all ages about the importance of a balanced diet and the perils of relying on processed foods.

What are the key initiatives led by Silvia Melde to promote healthy nutrition in Hoyerswerda?

Silvia Melde’s initiatives are diverse and far-reaching, with a focus on empowering individuals to make informed choices about their food habits. Some of her key initiatives include:

Workshops and cooking classes: Silvia conducts regular workshops and cooking classes, where she teaches participants how to prepare healthy, summery refreshing drinks and meals using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. These classes not only promote healthy eating but also provide a platform for socializing and community building.

Project days in schools: Silvia regularly visits schools and other institutions, where she educates students about consumer protection issues, food labeling, and the importance of healthy nutrition. Her interactive approach encourages students to think critically about their food choices and makes them more aware of the impact of their decisions on their health and the environment.

Raising awareness about food waste: Silvia Melde is passionate about reducing food waste and encourages individuals to plan their meals, use up leftovers, and compost food scraps. Her awareness campaigns have contributed to a significant reduction in food waste in the region.

Promoting sustainable eating habits: Silvia promotes sustainable eating habits by encouraging individuals to choose locally sourced, seasonal produce and to reduce their reliance on processed and packaged foods. Her efforts have inspired a growing number of individuals to adopt a more sustainable approach to food.

Silvia Melde’s Impact on the Community

Silvia Melde’s tireless efforts have had a profound impact on the community in Hoyerswerda. Her initiatives have:

Empowered individuals: Silvia’s workshops and classes have empowered individuals to take control of their food choices, make informed decisions, and adopt healthier eating habits.

Promoted community building: Silvia’s initiatives have brought people together, fostering a sense of community and social responsibility.

Raised awareness about consumer protection: Silvia’s efforts have raised awareness about consumer protection issues, encouraging individuals to think critically about the food they eat and the products they buy.

Inspired a new generation: Silvia’s work has inspired a new generation of young people to take an interest in healthy nutrition, consumer protection, and sustainability.

Silvia Melde’s dedication to promoting healthy nutrition in Hoyerswerda is a testament to the power of individual action and community engagement. Her initiatives serve as a model for other communities, inspiring individuals to take control of their health and well-being.



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