Innovative Advances in Healthcare: ASL Nurses Call for Increased Health Technicians and OSS in Underserved Areas

“The resolution of the USL Toscana Sud Est of September 16 regarding the hiring of 95 nurses is good news, a breath of fresh air in a dramatic context of staffing emergency, which comes following our requests to the Company and the Tuscany Region.” – declares the FP CGIL of Siena.

“It is a great step forward but it risks not being enough – continues the union organization – we must open up to the hiring of health technicians and OSS for a full turnover. Going back to the pre-pandemic staff numbers for these figures would be a serious mistake that would seriously put the system at risk. Above all, we must not forget the peripheral areas, Valdelsa, Valdichiana and Amiata, they are extremely fragile systems from a staffing point of view and need reinforcements especially of health and social health personnel”.

“We are also waiting for a signal from the Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese, – concludes the union – because our Policlinico does not even have a valid ranking for nursing staff, with a competition still underway; we need to proceed immediately, at the conclusion of the competition process, with the publication of the ranking and finally start hiring nurses. For the OSS, for which a competition ranking exists and is inexplicably not used or used only for fixed-term hiring, it is necessary to stabilize the precarious staff, and also for these profiles to guarantee a full turnover”.

What is the current ⁤staffing emergency in Tuscany’s healthcare system?

Here⁣ is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article⁣ on the topic:

Tuscany Breakthrough: 95 New Nurses⁣ to ⁢be Hired to Ease Staffing Emergency

In a promising development,⁣ the USL Toscana Sud Est⁣ has announced its decision to hire 95 new nurses, a move that has been hailed as a “breath of fresh air” by ⁣the FP CGIL of Siena,⁢ a ‌union organization that has been advocating for urgent action to address⁤ the staffing ⁢emergency in the region’s⁢ healthcare system.

A Long-Overdue Response to the Staffing Crisis

The ⁢announcement comes as a welcome respite in a dramatic context ⁤of⁣ staffing⁣ emergency that has been plaguing Tuscany’s healthcare system for months. The FP CGIL of Siena, which has been vocal about ⁣the need for urgent action, has hailed the decision as a “great ⁤step forward” that responds⁤ to their repeated requests to the Company and ⁢the Tuscany Region.

But More⁤ Needs to be⁣ Done

While the ‌hiring of 95‌ new nurses is a ‌significant step in the right ​direction, ​the FP CGIL of Siena has ⁣cautioned that it ⁣may not be ‌enough to fully address the staffing emergency. “We must open up to the hiring of health technicians ⁢and OSS for a full turnover,” the union organization emphasizes. “Going ‍back to the pre-pandemic staff numbers for⁢ these figures would be a serious mistake that would seriously put the ⁤system at risk.”

The Need for⁣ Reinforcements in Peripheral Areas

Moreover, the FP CGIL ⁢of Siena has flagged the need ⁤for special attention to peripheral areas such as Valdelsa, Valdichiana,‍ and Amiata, which are ​particularly ⁣vulnerable‌ due to their fragile staffing situations. These areas require reinforcements of health and⁢ social professionals to ensure that ⁣the healthcare system can function effectively.

The Way Forward: A Comprehensive Approach

The ​union organization is urging for a comprehensive approach to address the​ staffing emergency, one that takes into​ account the need for a⁣ full turnover of health professionals, including ⁤nurses, health technicians, and OSS. Only such an approach can ensure that Tuscany’s healthcare system is equipped to respond to the needs of its citizens, particularly in⁤ peripheral ⁢areas where the system ​is most vulnerable.


The decision ‍to hire 95 new nurses is a step in the right direction,⁢ but it is only a beginning. To fully address⁢ the staffing emergency, Tuscany’s healthcare system ​needs a comprehensive approach that prioritizes the hiring of ‍health professionals across‌ the board, with special attention to ⁣peripheral areas. Only then can‌ the region’s healthcare system be restored⁤ to its full potential.

Optimized Keywords:

​ USL Toscana⁣ Sud Est

⁢ FP CGIL of Siena

Staffing emergency

Healthcare system


Health technicians



⁤ Peripheral areas




Meta Description: The USL Toscana Sud Est has announced the hiring of 95 new nurses‍ to address the staffing emergency in Tuscany’s healthcare system. While a welcome development, the FP CGIL ⁢of ‍Siena urges‍ for a comprehensive⁢ approach to ​ensure ⁣a full turnover of health professionals.

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What prompted the USL Toscana Sud Est to hire 95 new nurses in Tuscany?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the USL Toscana Sud Est’s decision to hire 95 new nurses to address the staffing emergency in Tuscany’s healthcare system:

Tuscany Breakthrough: 95 New Nurses to Ease Staffing Emergency

In a promising development, the USL Toscana Sud Est has announced its decision to hire 95 new nurses, a move that has been hailed as a “breath of fresh air” by the FP CGIL of Siena, a union organization that has been advocating for urgent action to address the staffing emergency in the region’s healthcare system.

A Long-Overdue Response to the Staffing Crisis

The announcement comes as a welcome respite in a dramatic context of staffing emergency that has been plaguing Tuscany’s healthcare system for months. The FP CGIL of Siena, which has been vocal about the need for urgent action, has hailed the decision as a “great step forward” that responds to their repeated requests to the Company and the Tuscany Region.

But More Needs to be Done

While the hiring of 95 new nurses is a significant step in the right direction, the FP CGIL of Siena has cautioned that it may not be enough to fully address the staffing emergency. “We must open up to the hiring of health technicians and OSS for a full turnover,” the union organization emphasizes. “Going back to the pre-pandemic staff numbers for these figures would be a serious mistake that would seriously put the system at risk.”

The Need for Reinforcements in Peripheral Areas

Moreover, the FP CGIL of Siena has flagged the need for special attention to peripheral areas such as Valdelsa, Valdichiana, and Amiata, which are particularly vulnerable due to their fragile staffing situations. These areas require reinforcements of health and social professionals to ensure that the healthcare system can function effectively.

The Way Forward: A Comprehensive Approach

The union organization is urging for a comprehensive approach to address the staffing emergency, one that takes into account the need for a full turnover of health professionals



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