Jordan’s Newly Appointed Prime Minister Makes Bold Pledges to the Nation

In his first response to his assignment as Prime Minister of Jordan, Hassan pledged that the new government would work with all its energy to implement what was stated in the assignment letter, according to a clear program based on sincere and serious work.

The Jordanian Prime Minister said in a tweet on the X platform, “The King honored me today by assigning me to form a new government. I realize that public work is a great honor, a precious trust, and a great responsibility that we perform with all conscience before God, and the government will work with all its energy to serve Jordan and the Jordanians.”

Today, Sunday, Jordanian King Abdullah II assigned Jaafar Hassan to form a new government, succeeding the government of Dr. Bisher Al-Khasawneh, whose resignation was accepted by the King.

The Jordanian King’s decision to dismiss the government and appoint a new government came five days after the parliamentary elections for the twentieth parliament, in which the opposition Islamic Action Front party won the results.

The Prime Minister-designate is expected to hold intensive consultations in the coming hours to choose his ministerial team according to the requirements of the letter of assignment, while the new ministry must, according to Article 533 of the Jordanian Constitution, submit its ministerial statement to the House of Representatives within one month from the date of its formation, as it is expected that the National Assembly will be called to convene early next month.

The Jordanian monarch directed the Prime Minister-designate to form an ambitious ministerial team that believes in the vision of comprehensive modernization. The ministerial team will undertake clear tasks with specific, measurable goals, and “direct field communication with citizens and engagement with their issues,” while stressing the need to consult with the new parliament, its blocs and members on decisions and matters that affect the lives of Jordanians.

In the letter of assignment, the King of Jordan instructed everyone to join forces in order to move forward with this path, stressing that the government has an important role in maturing and strengthening it through its relationship with Parliament and the parties, on professional foundations based on cooperation, legislation and oversight in accordance with the constitutional frameworks.

Source: RT

#Jordan. #Prime #Minister #Pledges #Jordanians #Assigned #King
2024-09-17 14:05:03

What are the advantages of using the `

` element in HTML?

I apologize, but the text⁤ you ‍provided does not relate to the ⁤topic of

,⁣ which ⁤is an HTML element used in web development.

However, I can assist you ‌in creating a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of⁤


What is a

Element in HTML?


element is a generic container element in HTML, short for “division.” It is used to group other ​HTML elements together‌ to form a⁤ section or division of a document. The

element is a​ block-level element, ⁢which means it takes up the full width of its parent element and starts on a new line.

Purpose and Use Cases of


element⁤ is ⁣widely used in web development to:

  1. Create layouts:
    elements are‍ used to create⁤ complex layouts, such as headers, footers, navigation menus, and content sections.
  2. Group elements:
    elements are used to group related elements together, making it easier to style and format them.
  3. Apply ⁣styles:
    elements can be used⁢ to apply CSS⁣ styles, such as backgrounds, borders, and padding, to a section of a document.
  4. Create responsive designs:
    elements are used to create responsive designs, where the layout changes based on the screen size or device.
  5. Organize content:
    elements can be used to ⁢organize content into logical sections, making it easier to read and understand.

Attributes and Properties of


element can have several attributes and properties, including:

  1. ID: A unique identifier for the
  2. Class: One or more classes that can be used to apply CSS styles.
  3. Style: Inline styles that can be applied to the ‌
    ‌ element.
  4. Align: Used to specify the alignment of the
    ​ element.
  5. Title: A tooltip or advisory text that is displayed when the user hovers over the

Examples of

in Action

Here are some examples of

elements in action:

  1. Simple layout:

  2. Grouping ⁣elements:‍

    This is a paragraph of text.

  3. Applying styles:

  4. Responsive design:

    with CSS rules that change the layout based on screen ⁢size.

Best Practices for Using

Here are some best practices for ​using


  1. Use
    sparingly: Avoid using

    elements unnecessarily, as they can​ add to the complexity‍ of your HTML code.
  2. Use meaningful class names: Use descriptive class names that indicate‍ the purpose of the
  3. Keep⁤ it simple: Avoid nesting too many
    elements, as it can make your code harder to read and maintain.
  4. Use semantic HTML: Where possible, use‍ semantic HTML elements, such as

By​ following these best practices and understanding the purpose and use cases of

, you can create well-structured and maintainable HTML code.



element is a versatile and widely used element in HTML. Its purpose is to group other elements together, create layouts, and apply styles. By understanding its attributes and‌ properties, and following best⁣ practices, you can use

elements to create efficient ⁢and effective web designs.

– What are the benefits of using `

` elements in HTML?

The Power of

: Unlocking the Potential of HTML Containers

As web developers, we’re always on the lookout for ways to structure and organize our content in a way that’s both visually appealing and easy to maintain. That’s where the humble

element comes in – a versatile and essential tool in the HTML toolkit. In this article, we’ll delve into the advantages of using

elements, explore their uses, and discuss best practices for incorporating them into your web development workflow.

What is a

Element in HTML?


element is a generic container element in HTML, short for “division.” It’s used to group other HTML elements together to form a section or division of a document. The

element is a block-level element, which means it takes up the full width of its parent element and starts on a new line.

Advantages of Using


So, why should you use

elements in your HTML code? Here are just a few reasons:

1. Structuring Content

elements provide a way to organize and structure your content into logical sections, making it easier to read and maintain. By grouping related elements together, you can create a clear hierarchy of content that’s easy to navigate.

2. Styling and Layout


elements are block-level, you can apply CSS styles to them to control their layout, padding, margins, and more. This makes it easy to create complex layouts and designs without having to resort to tables or other outdated methods.

3. Semantic Meaning


elements don’t carry any inherent semantic meaning, they can be used in conjunction with ARIA attributes and other semantic elements to create accessible and meaningful content structures.

4. Flexibility

elements can be used to contain anything from a single paragraph of text to a complex grid of images and interactive elements. Their flexibility makes them a go-to choice for a wide range of web development tasks.

Common Use Cases for


So, where do

elements come in handy? Here are a few common use cases:

1. Container Elements


elements to create container elements that hold multiple child elements, such as a header, footer, or sidebar.

2. Grid Systems

elements are essential for building grid systems, which provide a flexible and responsive way to layout content.

3. Modals and Dialogs


elements to create modal windows, dialogs, and other interactive elements that require a separate container.

4. Layout Management

elements can be used to manage layout and overflow, making it easy to create complex layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

Best Practices for Using



elements are incredibly versatile, there are some best practices to keep in mind:

1. Use Descriptive Class Names

Instead of using generic class names like “container” or “wrapper,” use descriptive names that reflect the content or purpose of the


2. Keep it Simple

Avoid nesting

elements excessively, as this can lead to confusing and hard-to-maintain HTML structures.

3. Use ARIA Attributes

When using

elements to create interactive elements, be sure to add ARIA attributes to ensure accessibility and semantic meaning.

4. Test and Refine

Regularly test and refine your

-based layouts to ensure they’re responsive, accessible, and maintainable.



element is a powerful and versatile tool in the HTML toolkit, offering a range of advantages and use cases for web developers. By following best practices and keeping your

elements simple, descriptive, and accessible, you can unlock the full potential of this essential HTML element.



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