Divorce Debate: The Provocative Claim on Women’s Financial Duties Ignites Backlash

A statement regarding the payment of expenses in case of divorce is going viral on social media. This statement by the Minister of Justice of Morocco, Abdul Latif Wahaba, has become a source of controversy.

Abdul Latif Wahba stated in a TV interview that ‘in case of divorce, the husband will have to pay the divorce expenses to the wife’.

His statement has sparked a new debate on social media.

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Social media users, women’s rights activists, and Moroccan political and parliamentary leaders have strongly objected to this statement by the Moroccan Minister of Justice.

The spark of controversy started when Morocco’s Minister of Justice said in an interview with “Channel 2” that a good woman must bear her husband’s expenses in case of divorce because the financial responsibility is shared between them.

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He added that the financial situation of the woman and the situation of the man will be studied to find out who has suffered the loss between the two, so that compensation can be provided to the other.

He said that its purpose is to ‘impose alimony on women so that balance and justice can be established’.

Commenting on these statements, the lawyer of the Casablanca Authority and a member of the Permanent Parliamentary Committee for Justice and Legislation in the House of Representatives, Lubna Sagheri told the Arab News Agency that “Moroccan women are always the support of their families.” Fulfills family and marriage responsibilities. This is a reality experienced by many Moroccan women’.

He explained that this debate is both old and new. In this regard, the provisions of the Family Code of 2004 have been activated.

Lubna Sagheri said, “The matter is not related to the expenses, because it is for the wife and children from the husband and the father, the husband is responsible for the expenses.” If he divorces, the wife is not responsible for him. The responsibility of maintaining the children rests with the husband.

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He said that ‘the question here is whether the wife will bear the maintenance of her children after the divorce?’

He further said that this is not a new fact, as the requirements of Article 199 of the Family Code of 2004 state that if the husband is unable to support his children fully or partially and the mother is in better financial condition, he can To the extent that the husband is responsible for spending on the children, this factor is not operative because a wealthy woman may not demand maintenance from her husband in the event of a divorce. Second, the woman already bears the responsibility of her children, especially if she is unable to prove the labor of the husband.

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Regarding the discussion on social media regarding the sharing of husband and wife, Al-Saghiri emphasized that ‘if we are really demanding a progressive, modern society and if women are demanding their rights, that expression Why don’t you think?’

He also emphasized that ‘the simple woman actually pays her financial responsibility without any expense’.

#case #divorce #woman #bear #husbands #expenses #Uproar #ministers #statement #Life #Style
2024-09-17 13:33:55

What did‍ the Moroccan Minister of⁢ Justice say about divorce expenses that caused controversy?

Moroccan Minister of Justice’s Controversial Statement on Divorce Expenses⁢ Sparks Debate

A recent statement by Morocco’s Minister of Justice, Abdul Latif Wahaba, has ⁤stirred up controversy on social media, sparking‍ a ‍heated debate about the payment ⁣of expenses in case ‌of divorce. In a TV interview, ‌Wahaba declared that⁤ in the ‍event of a divorce,⁤ the⁤ husband would be required to pay the divorce expenses to‌ the wife. This statement has been met with strong opposition from social media users, women’s rights activists, and Moroccan political and parliamentary leaders.

The Statement ​that Sparked the Controversy

During the interview with “Channel 2,” Wahaba argued that a good woman must bear her⁣ husband’s expenses in case of divorce because the⁤ financial responsibility‍ is​ shared between them. He further explained that the financial situation of the woman‌ and the situation of the man would be studied​ to determine who has suffered the loss between the two, and compensation would be provided to the other. According to Wahaba, the purpose of ⁤this⁣ arrangement is to “impose alimony on women so that balance and justice ​can be established.”

Criticism and Backlash

Many have criticized Wahaba’s statement, arguing that it is‍ unfair ​and ignores the existing provisions of the Family Code of 2004. ‌Lubna Sagheri, a lawyer‌ and member of the Permanent Parliamentary Committee for Justice and Legislation in the House of Representatives, noted‍ that Moroccan women are often the primary supporters of their families and⁤ fulfill both family and marriage responsibilities.‌ Sagheri⁢ emphasized that the husband ‍is responsible for the expenses of his wife and children, and the wife ​is⁤ not responsible for him in the event of a divorce.

The Real Issue: Maintenance of Children after Divorce

Sagheri highlighted that the issue is not about the‌ expenses, but rather about the maintenance of children ⁤after divorce. She questioned whether the wife would​ be responsible ⁢for maintaining​ her ⁤children after the divorce, citing Article 199 of the Family Code ⁢of 2004. According to the article, if the husband is unable ⁣to support his children fully​ or​ partially and the mother is in better ⁤financial condition, the husband ​can be required⁢ to⁣ contribute to the maintenance ‌of the ⁣children.

Implications and Concerns

Wahaba’s statement has⁣ raised concerns about ⁢the unequal distribution of financial responsibilities in the ⁤event of​ a divorce. Many argue that the proposal would unfairly⁢ burden women, ‌who often bear the responsibility of caring for⁢ children ‍and managing the household.‍ The statement has ​also sparked fears about the potential for women to be further‍ disadvantaged‍ in divorce‍ proceedings.


The controversy surrounding Wahaba’s statement highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of the financial implications of divorce in Morocco. While the statement has sparked​ important discussions about ​the role of women ⁢in Moroccan society, it has also underscored the ⁣need for policymakers to prioritize fairness and⁢ equality in divorce ‍proceedings. As the debate continues, it is essential to consider the experiences and ⁣perspectives of Moroccan women and to work towards creating⁣ a more just and‍ equitable system for ⁢all.

Keyword-rich Meta Description: Moroccan Minister of Justice Abdul Latif⁣ Wahaba’s statement on divorce expenses sparks controversy on social‍ media, with many arguing it unfairly burdens women and ignores existing Family Code provisions.

Keyword-rich Title Tags: Morocco Divorce ‍Expenses, Abdul Latif ‍Wahaba, ⁢Controversial ⁢Statement, Women’s​ Rights, Family Code 2004, Divorce Proceedings, Financial ‌Responsibilities.

What are the implications of the Moroccan Minister of Justice’s statement on divorce expenses for women’s rights in Morocco?

Controversial Statement on Divorce Expenses by Moroccan Minister of Justice Sparks Debate

A recent statement by Morocco’s Minister of Justice, Abdul Latif Wahaba, has triggered a heated debate on social media and sparked controversy among women’s rights activists, political leaders, and citizens alike. In a TV interview, Wahaba stated that in the event of divorce, the husband should pay the divorce expenses to the wife, sparking a flurry of reactions and objections.

The Minister’s Statement

During the interview with “Channel 2,” Wahaba argued that a good woman must bear her husband’s expenses in case of divorce, as the financial responsibility is shared between them. He further explained that the financial situation of both parties would be studied to determine who has suffered the loss, and compensation would be provided to the other party accordingly. The Minister’s intention, he claimed, was to “impose alimony on women to establish balance and justice.”

Reactions and Objections

The statement has been met with strong objections from social media users, women’s rights activists, and Moroccan political and parliamentary leaders. Lubna Sagheri, a lawyer and member of the Permanent Parliamentary Committee for Justice and Legislation in the House of Representatives, countered that Moroccan women have always been the support of their families, fulfilling family and marriage responsibilities. According to Sagheri, the provisions of the Family Code of 2004 have been activated, and the matter is not related to expenses, as the husband is responsible for maintaining his children.

Debate on Social Media

The controversy has sparked a lively debate on social media, with many arguing that the Minister’s statement is unfair and outdated. Others have questioned the logic behind the statement, asking why the wife should bear the husband’s expenses in case of divorce. The debate has also raised questions about the role of women in Moroccan society and the need for progressive, modern laws that protect their rights.

Arguments and Counterarguments

Proponents of the Minister’s statement argue that it is intended to establish balance and justice in divorce proceedings. However, critics argue that the statement is patriarchal and ignores the financial and emotional contributions of women to the marriage. They also point out that the Family Code of 2004 already places the responsibility of maintaining children on the husband, rendering the Minister’s statement unnecessary and problematic.

The Way Forward

The controversy surrounding the Minister’s statement serves as a timely reminder of the need for continued dialogue and debate on issues related to women’s rights and divorce laws in Morocco. As the country strives to build a more progressive and modern society, it is essential to revisit and revise laws that may be outdated or discriminatory. By engaging in constructive debate and discussion, Morocco can work towards creating a more just and equitable society for all its citizens.

Keywords: Abdul Latif Wahaba, Moroccan Minister of Justice, divorce expenses, women’s rights, social media controversy, Family Code of 2004, Moroccan society, progressive laws, justice, and legislation.

Meta Description: Morocco’s Minister of Justice sparks controversy with a statement on divorce expenses, sparking a heated debate on social media and among women’s rights activists. Read more about the controversy and its implications for Moroccan society.



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