Mire BBQ Welcomes 87 Delegates to Champion Retiree Mobility Preservation

2024-09-17 11:25:43

President Javier Milei received the ceremony at the Olivos residence this Tuesday from 7 p.m. 87 MPs support rejection of new retirement mobility law This has been approved by Congress.

At the conference, participants will share a barbecue at their own expense. As Mire himself describes them, they are the “heroes” who stopped the increase in retirees.

Lawmakers from La Libertad Avanza, PRO, Radical Citizens Union and the Movement for Integration and Development are expected to attend.

The invitation was sent via email by Karina Milai, Secretary-General of the Presidential Office.

Veto power over retirement mobility

The law approved by Congress was not approved by 87 votes against, which translated into a victory for the national government, which celebrated as soon as the results came out.

President Javier Milei described the 87 lawmakers as “heroes” for refusing “increased public spending”.


Congress. Government victory: Opposition fails to get two-thirds support for retirement mobility

He did this through social media

He added, “Clearly politicians still think Argentines are stupid, and we don’t see them having any malicious intent to overthrow the government, because for the first time the government has chosen to tell Argentines an uncomfortable truth instead of a comfortable lie. “

“Zero deficit is non-negotiable,” he concluded.

#Mire #BBQ #entertains #representatives #stop #mobility #retirees

– What are the main reforms proposed by Argentina’s President Javier‍ Milei and how have they impacted the economy?

Argentina’s President ‌Javier Milei: A ‌Far-Right Outsider’s Rise to Power⁤ and Controversial Reforms

On September 17, ​2024, Argentina’s⁢ President Javier​ Milei received ceremony at the Olivos residence, marking a ⁤significant milestone‍ in his ‌presidency. The event ​came after 87 lawmakers from various parties, including La ‍Libertad Avanza, PRO, Radical Citizens Union, and the Movement for Integration and Development, supported the rejection of the new retirement mobility‍ law approved by Congress [[4]]. President Milei hailed these lawmakers as “heroes” for‍ refusing “increased public spending” [[4]].

Milei, a 53-year-old economist, rose to power as a far-right outsider, winning the presidential election with close to 56% of the⁣ votes in the decisive run-off‌ [[1]]. His victory marked a significant ⁢shift in Argentina’s ⁤political landscape, as he campaigned on a ‌platform of drastic economic reforms and anti-political rhetoric.

Since taking office, President Milei has been pushing for a radical overhaul of Argentina’s​ economy. His measures, including cutting federal⁤ aid, transport and energy subsidies, and⁣ eliminating price controls,‌ have been controversial and have led⁢ to a ‍spike in living costs [[3]]. According to recent reports, more than 55% ‍of⁣ Argentines are⁢ now mired in poverty [[3]].

Despite the challenges, President Milei remains​ committed to his vision of a free-market ⁤economy⁢ and has been ⁢wooing ​politicians to support his reforms‍ [[2]].⁢ His economic overhaul bill, although downsized, has sparked protests from unions and opposition groups, who argue that it will exacerbate poverty and inequality [[2]].

The rejection of the retirement‌ mobility law, which aimed to⁢ increase ​public spending on retirees,⁢ is seen as a significant victory for President Milei’s government. The law was approved by Congress,⁤ but ⁤Milei’s ⁤allies in the lower house rejected it, paving the ‍way‍ for a presidential veto [[4]].

As Argentina navigates this critical juncture, President Milei’s⁣ policies and leadership style will be closely watched. His ability ⁤to balance the demands of various interest groups and implement​ effective economic reforms will be⁢ crucial‌ in determining the country’s future trajectory.

President Javier Milei’s rise to power and his controversial ‍reforms⁢ have marked a significant shift in Argentina’s political landscape. As the⁤ country grapples with economic challenges ⁤and social unrest, ‍Milei’s leadership will be crucial in shaping the nation’s‍ future.


[1] BBC News

[2] AP⁤ News

[3] Time Magazine

[4] Provided‌ text ​(September 17,⁣ 2024)

What were the key reasons behind Congress rejecting the Retirement Mobility Law in Argentina?

Argentina’s President Javier Milei Celebrates Victory as Congress Rejects Retirement Mobility Law

On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, Argentine President Javier Milei hosted a ceremony at the Olivos residence, where he celebrated a significant victory for his government. The occasion marked the defeat of a proposed retirement mobility law, which was rejected by Congress with 87 lawmakers voting against it.

The Heroes of the Nation

President Milei took to social media to express his gratitude to the 87 MPs who he referred to as “heroes” for stopping the increase in public spending. He praised their courage in rejecting the law, which would have had far-reaching implications for the economy.

A Victory for the Government

The approval of the law required a two-thirds majority, which the opposition failed to achieve. The government’s victory was met with jubilation, and President Milei wasted no time in commending the lawmakers who stood by him.

What’s Behind the Retirement Mobility Law?

The proposed law aimed to reform the country’s retirement system, allowing for greater mobility and flexibility. However, President Milei and his government were staunchly opposed to the bill, citing concerns over increased public spending and the potential impact on the economy.

The Economic Implications

The rejection of the law is expected to have significant economic implications for Argentina. President Milei has been a vocal advocate for fiscal responsibility and has implemented various measures to curb public spending. The defeat of the retirement mobility law is seen as a major win for his administration’s economic policies.

Who Attended the Ceremony?

The ceremony at the Olivos residence was attended by lawmakers from various parties, including La Libertad Avanza, PRO, Radical Citizens Union, and the Movement for Integration and Development. The event was marked by a barbecue, with attendees covering their own expenses.

The Road Ahead

The defeat of the retirement mobility law is a significant milestone in President Milei’s presidency. As he continues to push for economic reforms, it remains to be seen how this victory will shape his administration’s policies in the coming months.

Table of Contents

  1. Veto Power over Retirement Mobility

* 1.1 Congress. Government Victory: Opposition Fails to Get Two-Thirds Support for Retirement Mobility

  1. What are the Main Reforms Proposed by Argentina’s President Javier Milei and How Have They Impacted the Economy?

Keywords: Javier Milei, Argentina, Retirement Mobility Law, Congress, Economic Reforms, Public Spending, Fiscal Responsibility.



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