Nabih Berri: The Resolute Stand of Palestine and South Lebanon Amidst Deception

In his congratulations to the Lebanese in general and Muslims in particular on the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday, Nabih Berri said: “On the anniversary of the birth of the Noble Prophet Muhammad… the anniversary of the birth of the one who brought the nation and humanity out of the darkness of ignorance into the light of guidance, goodness, justice, and mercy for the worlds.”

He continued: “On this blessed occasion, we look to Palestine, the land of Isra and Mi’raj, to the soil that is watered with the blood of martyrs… to Lebanon, to the south of giving, sacrifice, steadfastness, redemption, martyrdom and martyrs.”

The Lebanese Parliament Speaker also said: “There is a measure and a standard for truth in confronting falsehood, so let this year’s birthday be a work and a struggle to create the values ​​of unity, compassion and convergence… for these values ​​are the path to salvation for the nation and for humanity.”

During his meeting with the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, in the middle of last week, Berri stressed that “Lebanon does not want war, but has the right and is able to defend itself.”

Nabih Berri also stressed during a televised speech he previously addressed to the Lebanese on the occasion of the 46th anniversary of the disappearance of Imam Musa al-Sadr that “what is happening in Palestine at this moment is a daily test of the global conscience,” stressing that “Israel is an absolute evil and dealing with it is forbidden.”

Strikes have recently escalated between Israel and Lebanese factions amid UN and international efforts to contain the conflict.

Source: RT

#Nabih #Berri #Palestine #South #Lebanon #measure #yardstick #truth #face #falsehood
2024-09-17 10:46:13

⁣What is the purpose of ⁣the `

` element in HTML?

I apologize, but the provided HTML code ‍does not seem to be‍ related to the topic of

. The code ‍appears to be a snippet from an⁢ article or news website, containing a congratulatory message from Nabih Berri, the Speaker of ‍the​ Parliament of Lebanon, on ⁤the occasion of ‌the Prophet’s birthday. It also includes a picture ‌element with multiple source sets ‌for responsive images.

If you meant ⁣to ask me to write a comprehensive and‍ SEO-optimized article on the topic of​

, I’d be happy⁤ to help. Here’s an article on the ​topic:


Element in‌ HTML: A Comprehensive Guide

The ‌

element is one of the most commonly used elements in HTML,⁤ serving as a generic container for grouping elements together. In‍ this article, we’ll delve ⁢into ‌the ‍world‌ of

, exploring its purpose, syntax, attributes, and best practices for using it in your web development projects.

What is the



element is a block-level element in HTML, used to define ‌a division or a section ​within​ an HTML document. It’s a‍ generic container that can‍ hold various ⁣types of content, including text, ‌images, ‍forms, tables, and other HTML⁣ elements. The

⁤ element ‍is ⁢often‌ used to group elements together for styling, layout, or semantic purposes.

Syntax and Basic Usage

The basic syntax of the

‌ element is as follows:

Content goes here

You can add content inside the opening and‌ closing ⁢

tags, including text, images, or other HTML elements.⁢ The content will be ⁣displayed as a block-level element, taking up the full width of its parent container.

Attributes and Properties


element ​supports various attributes and properties ‍that allow⁣ you to customize its ⁢behavior‌ and appearance. Some ‍of ⁣the‍ commonly ‌used⁤ attributes ⁤include:

id: specifies a unique identifier ⁢for the


class:​ specifies one or ‍more CSS classes to apply to​ the


style: specifies inline CSS styles⁢ to apply‍ to ⁤the


align: specifies the alignment of the⁣

element (e.g., ‍left, right, center)

Best Practices for Using

Here ‌are some best ​practices to keep in mind when using the


Use ​

sparingly and only when necessary. Avoid using it ⁣as a catch-all element for grouping random elements together.

Use semantic HTML elements (e.g.,
