Itaipu Extends Deadline for Submitting Bids for Floating Solar Plant Project

Asuncion, IP Agency.- In order to allow for greater participation by consortium companies from Paraguay and Brazil, respectively, Itaipu Binacional announced a new date for the submission of bids in the binational bidding process called for the provision, installation and commissioning of a 1,000 kilowatt (kW) floating solar system.

The new date for opening bids will be Wednesday, October 16, during a public session starting at 08:30 in the auditorium of the binational in Hernandarias.

The project for a floating solar power plant is expected to generate between 1,800 and 2,000 MWh per year, which will be used internally by the binational company.

Those interested in participating in this tender and attending the public session must appear at the ITAIPU Visitor Reception Center at 08:00. The deadline for mandatory technical visits by companies has also been extended and can be made until October 2, from Monday to Friday, from 07:00 to 10:30 and from 13:30 to 16:00.

According to the Renewable Energy Consultancy, the representatives of the companies that carry out the visits verify the site area to understand the physical area, the storage areas and the existing infrastructure in order to optimize logistics, as well as the on-site visualization of the planned location for the panels, in order to have the necessary information for the correct execution of the works.

#Itaipu #extends #deadline #submission #bids #floating #solar #plant
2024-09-17 10:03:10

– What are ⁣the implications of Itaipu ⁣extending the bid submission deadline for ⁢the floating solar power plant?

Here is a comprehensive ⁢and ‍SEO-optimized ‍article on ‌the topic of⁢ “Itaipu Extends Deadline for Submission‍ of Bids for Floating Solar Power Plant”:

Title: Itaipu Extends⁣ Deadline for Submission of Bids for Floating ​Solar Power Plant

Meta Description: Itaipu Binacional has announced a ‌new ⁢date for the submission of bids⁤ in the binational bidding process for the provision, installation, and commissioning of a 1,000 kilowatt (kW) floating solar‌ system.

Keywords: Itaipu Binacional, floating solar power plant, Paraguay, Brazil, renewable energy, solar energy, sustainability.


In a move to encourage ‌greater participation from consortium companies from Paraguay‍ and Brazil, ‌Itaipu Binacional⁤ has extended the deadline for the submission of bids in ⁣the binational bidding process‍ for the provision, installation, and commissioning​ of a 1,000 kilowatt (kW) floating solar system. The new‍ date for opening bids has been set for Wednesday, October 16,‌ during a ⁢public session starting at 08:30 in the auditorium of the⁤ binational in Hernandarias.

The project for a floating ​solar power plant is expected⁤ to generate between 1,800 and 2,000⁣ MWh ⁤per year, which ​will be used internally by the binational company. This⁤ initiative is a significant step ​towards embracing renewable energy and ​reducing carbon footprint.

Companies interested in participating in this tender and attending the⁣ public session⁣ must appear at the ITAIPU‌ Visitor Reception Center at 08:00. Additionally, the ⁢deadline for ⁣mandatory technical visits ⁢by companies has also been extended‌ and ⁢can ​be made ‍until October 2, from Monday to Friday, from 07:00 to 10:30 and from 13:30 to 16:00.

According to ‍the Renewable Energy Consultancy, the representatives of ​the companies that carry ⁣out the visits verify the site area⁢ to understand ‌the‌ physical ⁣area, the storage ‍areas, and the ​existing‍ infrastructure⁣ in order ⁣to optimize logistics, as ⁣well as the​ on-site visualization⁣ of the planned location for the panels, in order ‌to have ⁣the necessary information⁤ for the correct execution of the works.

This initiative is a testament to Itaipu Binacional’s commitment to ⁤sustainability and reducing its environmental impact. The organization is taking a ⁢proactive approach to embracing renewable energy sources, which is in line with global efforts ⁢to ​combat ‌climate change.

Optimized⁢ Images:

Featured Image: “planta-solar-itaipu.jpeg” ⁣( alternate text: “Floating Solar Power ‍Plant”)

⁤ Caption: “Photo Itaipu.”

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Renewable Energy Consultancy

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What is the new date for the bidding of the 1,000 kW floating solar system announced by Itaipu Binacional?

Itaipu Binacional Announces New Date for Bidding on 1,000 kW Floating Solar System

The Itaipu Binacional company has announced a new date for the submission of bids in the binational bidding process for the provision, installation, and commissioning of a 1,000 kilowatt (kW) floating solar system. The new date for opening bids will be Wednesday, October 16, during a public session starting at 08:30 in the auditorium of the binational in Hernandarias.

This project aims to generate between 1,800 and 2,000 MWh per year, which will be used internally by the binational company. The floating solar power plant is expected to play a significant role in reducing the company’s carbon footprint and promoting the use of renewable energy.

The bidding process is open to consortium companies from Paraguay and Brazil, and interested parties must appear at the ITAIPU Visitor Reception Center at 08:00 on the day of the public session. The deadline for mandatory technical visits by companies has also been extended and can be made until October 2, from Monday to Friday, from 07:00 to 10:30 and from 13:30 to 16:00.

During these technical visits, representatives of the companies will have the opportunity to verify the site area, understand the physical area, storage areas, and existing infrastructure in order to optimize logistics, as well as visualize the planned location for the panels. This will enable them to have the necessary information for the correct execution of the works.

The use of floating solar systems is becoming increasingly popular as a means of generating renewable energy, particularly in areas where land is scarce or expensive. These systems involve the installation of solar panels on water, such as lakes, reservoirs, or oceans, and can provide a significant source of clean energy.

Itaipu Binacional’s decision to invest in a floating solar system is a significant step towards reducing its reliance on fossil fuels and promoting sustainability. The company’s commitment to renewable energy is in line with the global trend towards a low-carbon economy and is expected to have a positive impact on the environment.

Benefits of Floating Solar Systems

Floating solar systems offer several benefits, including:

  1. Increased energy production: Floating solar systems can increase energy production by up to 10% due to the cooling effect of the water.
  2. Water conservation: Floating solar systems can help conserve water by reducing evaporation from the surface of the water.
  3. Land conservation: Floating solar systems can be installed on water, reducing the need for land acquisition and preserving natural habitats.
  4. Reduced maintenance: Floating solar systems are designed to be low-maintenance, with easy access for cleaning and repair.
  5. Enhanced energy security: Floating solar systems can provide a reliable source of energy, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and enhancing energy security.


Itaipu Binacional’s decision to invest in a floating solar system is a significant step towards promoting sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint. The company’s commitment to renewable energy is expected to have a positive impact on the environment and is in line with the global trend towards a low-carbon economy. The bidding process is



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