New Breather for Bavarian Farmers: Extension of the Moratorium Period


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Farmers’ Association welcomes weather-adapted and practice-oriented application deadlines

16.09.2024 | Postponement of the ban periods for spreading liquid manure on grassland and field forage

Ansbach/Mfr. (bbv) – At the request of the Bavarian Farmers’ Association, District Association of Middle Franconia (BBV), the blocking periods for grassland and field forage cultivation are being postponed in all Middle Franconian districts and independent cities.

In mid-September, the BBV applied to the responsible Office for Food, Agriculture and Forestry in Ansbach for a postponement of the ban periods by two and four weeks in accordance with Section 6 Paragraph 10 of the Fertilizer Ordinance. A distinction is made between regions and districts. This postponement of the ban period applies to grassland and arable land with perennial field forage crops (including giant wheatgrass and perennial silphium).

“Due to the weather conditions with sufficiently high rainfall, there is potential for further grass cutting. Accordingly, the possibility of fertilization is important,” explains Ottmar Braun, Managing Director of the BBV Middle Franconia. “An additional time window is important and necessary for the necessary and sensible fertilization of grassland, permanent grassland and perennial field forage this autumn,” says Braun, justifying these legally permissible postponements, which all BBV district chairmen in Middle Franconia had spoken out in favor of.

Practical observations show that the growing season now extends to the end of November in many places. A partially extended growing season in autumn allows grassland to absorb plant-available nitrogen for longer.

The Farmers’ Association expressly points out that the other provisions of the Fertilizer Ordinance remain unaffected. The farmers of Central Franconia operate sustainably and in an environmentally conscious manner at a high professional level in accordance with the principles of good and recognized professional practice and the requirements of the Fertilizer Ordinance. They are also aware of their high level of responsibility with regard to soil and water protection. The approved shifts in the individual districts mean that the nutrient quantities can be absorbed by the plants in accordance with the requirements of the Fertilizer Ordinance. A shift in the waiting period also protects the soil structure and ensures that the grassland is supplied with nutrients.

The location of the area and not the company headquarters is decisive for the respective blocking periods to be observed. For areas in neighboring administrative districts or federal states, the respective blocking periods of the local district, administrative district or federal state apply.

Information will soon be available on the websites of the BBV offices in Middle Franconia at

Please see the document below for exact dates and an overview of the blocking period!

BBV offices

Service Center Roth

Daniel Meier

Managing Director, Tel: 09171 9660-111

Monika Sieghardt

Assistance, Tel: 09171 9660-116

Petra Regensburger

Assistance, Tel: 09171 9660-110

Miriam Hirschmann – Thursday and Friday

Specialist consultant, Tel 09171 9660-113

Franziska Volkert – Monday to Thursday

Specialist consultant, Tel: 09171 9660-117

Hans Volland, Tuesday to Thursday

Specialist advisor, Tel 09171 9660-113

BBV offices

Bavarian Farmers Association


Munich Street 67

91154 Roth

Tel: 09171 9660-100

Fax: 09171 9660-119

Monday to Thursday
08:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and
13:00 to 16:30

08:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Appointments by arrangement



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