Debunking the Myths: The Truth Behind Vaccination-Related Deaths

This article is in Collaboration with APA Fact Check the Austria Press Agency.

Medical experts agree: The vaccines against the coronavirus have saved many people from dying prematurely [Quelle 1]This was particularly evident in older people, for whom the risk of severe Covid disease was much higher than for younger people [Quelle 2].

Nevertheless, the misleading claim about deaths due to corona vaccinations is circulating on the Internet [Quelle 3]According to a study, almost three percent of those vaccinated died after receiving a Covid vaccine. We have looked at this study [Quelle 4] looked at more closely. It is noticeable that the author has neither a medical background nor experience in analyzing health data.

Died with or because of the vaccination?

The most important criticism is that there is no comparison with non-vaccinated people. Even without vaccination, people die every day – for a variety of reasons. Such a comparison must be fair: for example, the vaccinated should be of a similar age and similar health to the non-vaccinated.

Comparative studies refute claims

In fact, there are several studies on Covid vaccines with such a comparison. A summary analysis of these studies shows that around 4 out of 10,000 people (0.04 percent) died 2 to 6 months after vaccination. After a dummy vaccination with a placebo vaccine, the number was similar (around 6 out of 10,000 people). [Quelle 5].

These studies clearly refute the claimed death rate of 3 percent. Most of them are of high quality and therefore very meaningful.

Contradictory information and false figures

Another thing that quickly becomes clear is that the misleading study with the allegedly high death rate is extremely dubious and the data in it makes no scientific sense. Apparently it even contains fictitious results: Death figures for a Covid vaccine from Merck are reported – 6 percent of those vaccinated with it are said to have died [Quelle 4]But Merck has never had an approved Covid vaccine [Quelle 6].

Other results are confusing and contradictory. For example, the author claims that 2.9 percent of the 63,727 vaccinated people died. That would correspond to 1,848 people. However, another place mentions 581 deaths – that would be 0.9 percent [Quelle 4]There are numerous other contradictions and ambiguities in the publication.

Origin of data not mentioned

Information about the origin of the data is also contradictory, and no precise source is given. It is also unclear how long after the vaccination the deaths occurred. When asked, the author at least told us that the data came from the US VAERS database. [Quelle 7] Suspected reports of vaccine side effects are collected here. The calculations refer to the side effect reports from January 1 to March 16, 2021.

Highly exaggerated

We checked the data and recalculated it. We found major errors in the calculation. Among other things, the proportion of deaths is greatly exaggerated: The 581 deaths correspond to 0.9 percent of the suspected side effect reports – not 0.9 percent of all vaccinated people. While there were 63,727 side effect reports in the USA during the analyzed period, 293.48 million Covid vaccine doses were administered in the country at the same time. [Quelle 8]Side effects are only reported for a small proportion of those vaccinated – because reporting is voluntary and can be entered by anyone without verification.

-‍ What evidence refutes⁢ the claim that COVID-19 vaccines cause ‌a 3% death rate? ⁢ ‌

Debunking the Myth: No, COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Cause 3% Death Rate

Medical experts agree that COVID-19 vaccines have​ saved countless lives, particularly⁣ among older adults who are more susceptible to⁢ severe COVID-19 disease. ⁤Despite ‍this, a misleading claim has been ‌circulating online, suggesting that ‌nearly 3% of people who receive a COVID-19 vaccine die as a result.​ In collaboration with APA‌ Fact Check, the Austria Press ⁤Agency, we’ve ⁣delved deeper into this claim to set the ​record ⁤straight.

Died with or because‌ of the vaccination?

The primary criticism ‍of this claim is the lack of comparison with unvaccinated individuals.⁢ People die every day ‌from various reasons, and a fair comparison is necessary to determine if the vaccination ‍is the ⁣cause of death. Such a comparison should consider similar age and health status between vaccinated and unvaccinated groups.

Comparative studies refute claims

In reality, multiple studies on COVID-19 vaccines have made this comparison, and the ⁤results ‌are telling. A ⁢summary analysis of these studies ‍reveals that‌ approximately 4 out of 10,000 people (0.04%) died 2 to ‌6 months⁣ after⁢ vaccination. This rate ⁢is similar to that of individuals who received a placebo ​vaccine, with around 6 out of 10,000⁤ people dying during the same period [5]. ‍These high-quality studies unequivocally refute the claimed 3% death rate.

Contradictory​ information⁢ and⁢ false figures

The misleading study in question is⁤ riddled with ⁢dubious data that defies scientific logic. ‌For instance, it reports death figures for a COVID-19 vaccine from Merck, stating that 6% of those vaccinated with it died [4]. However, Merck has never had an ⁢approved COVID-19 ⁢vaccine [6]. The study also presents contradictory ‍results, such as⁢ claiming ⁢2.9% of⁢ 63,727 vaccinated‌ people died, equivalent to ‌1,848 individuals, while another section⁤ mentions 581 deaths, which would ⁢correspond to 0.9%⁤ [4].

Origin of data not⁣ mentioned

The study fails to‌ provide clear information about the origin of the ⁤data,‍ and no precise ⁤source is given. The timing of the deaths in⁤ relation ⁢to ⁢vaccination is also unclear. ⁣When​ questioned, the ⁢author revealed that the data came from the US VAERS database, which collects suspected reports of vaccine side effects ‍ [7]. The calculations are based on side ‌effect reports from January 1 to March 16, 2021.

Highly exaggerated

Upon recalculating the data, we ‌found ⁤significant errors​ in the ‌calculation.‌ The proportion of deaths is greatly exaggerated:⁤ The 581⁢ deaths correspond to 0.9% of the ​suspected side effect reports, not 0.9% of all vaccinated ​people. In reality, the number of deaths⁤ is minuscule compared to ​the total number ⁤of people‌ vaccinated.

the claim that COVID-19 vaccines ‌cause a 3% death rate is entirely unfounded and misleading. Reputable studies have ‌consistently shown that the death rate associated with COVID-19 vaccines is extremely low, and⁣ the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the⁢ risks. It’s crucial to rely on credible sources of information and to fact-check claims before accepting them as true.


[1] ‍ Centers for Disease Control and ​Prevention. (2022). COVID-19 Vaccination: What⁣ You Need to Know.

[2] World Health Organization. (2022). COVID-19 Vaccines.

[3] Mis

Different demographics without appropriate context, and fails to consider underlying health conditions that may have contributed to fatalities. This aligns with the pattern of misinformation that often oversimplifies complex health data.

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of debunking misleading claims about COVID-19 vaccine deaths:

Debunking Misleading Claims: COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Cause a 3% Death Rate

Collaboration with APA Fact Check

Medical experts agree that COVID-19 vaccines have saved countless lives and prevented severe illness, particularly among older adults who are at higher risk of serious disease. Despite this, misleading claims about vaccine-related deaths continue to circulate online.

Died with or because of the vaccination?

A recent study has falsely claimed that nearly 3% of those vaccinated died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that the author lacks a medical background and experience in analyzing health data. The study’s methodology and conclusions are fundamentally flawed, and a closer look reveals several red flags.

Comparative studies refute claims

Multiple high-quality studies have compared the health outcomes of vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals. These studies have consistently shown that the death rate among vaccinated individuals is extremely low, around 0.04% (4 out of 10,000 people). This contradicts the claimed death rate of 3%, demonstrating that COVID-19 vaccines do not cause a significant increase in mortality.

Contradictory information and false figures

The misleading study contains numerous contradictions and false claims. For instance, it reports death figures for



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