Benešovska Prepares for the Deluge: Vysočina’s Waters Set to Surge

However, the amount of precipitation in particular has not yet been reflected in the state of the streams in the district. Nevertheless, the graphs of the Vltava Basin show that the water level is rising. The river Blanice in Louňovice pod Blaníkem is the first in the Benešovsk region to be at flood stage I.

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At 7 a.m. on Saturday, the Sázava River had a watercourse in You didn’t sleep 179 cm and 61.06 m³ of water flowed there per second, while 24 hours earlier it was only 75 cm and 13.47 m³. I. The flood stage in Nespeké is up to 230 cm, the second to 300 cm and the third to 380 cm. According to hydrologists, the extreme flood is at a level of 594 cm.

Sázava Krhanice dam Kaňov, Saturday, September 14, 2024. | Video: Zdeněk Kellner

The river in Černý Budy, i.e. in the city of Sázav, had a water level of 151 cm at 2:40 a.m. on Saturday, according to the Vltava Basin (September 13 at 7 a.m. – 87 cm). Conditions at flood levels are not reported by Povodí.

Sázava in Český Šternberk was 129 cm at seven in the morning on Saturday, Povodí does not report the flow. The first flood level there is 200 cm, II. 215 cm and III. 260 cm. Extreme flood then 403 cm. At 7 a.m. on Friday, the river there was 107 cm and 12.74 m³ of water was flowing through it


The Blanice river in Radonice-Zdebuzevsi showed 159 cm at 6 o’clock on Saturday morning and a flow of 6.445 m³ (125 cm and 0.631 m³. The first flood stage there is 240 cm, II. 330 cm and III. 400 cm. The extreme flood then 423 cm.

But the river was already slowly rising in Louňovice below Blaník nad I. flood level. It is therefore in a state referred to as wakefulness. Blanice in Louňovice rose to 195 cm at 9 a.m. on Saturday and exceeded the first flood level by 10 cm.

Konopišťský potok

The Konopišťský stream in Poříčí nad Sázavou also had a slightly increased level and flow at 3:40 on Saturday morning – 132 cm and 4,040 m³.

Konopišťský rybník, Saturday, September 14, 2024. | Video: Zdeněk Kellner

A day earlier, 108 cm and 0.544 m³. Flood conditions are not listed here either.

Benešovský stream

The Benešovský stream in Benešov also rises. On Saturday at 7 o’clock it was 58 cm and 2.737 m³/s. On Friday, it was only 23 cm and 0.173 m³. At this moment, however, it is clear that the main surge of water in the Sázava River in the territory of Benešovska is yet to come, and that will only happen when the water that accumulates in the flow in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands reaches.

Janovický stream

In Václavice, the Janovický stream was 172 cm at seven in the morning and 3,818 m³/s flowed through it. A day earlier it was 85 cm and 0.236 m³/s.

In Krusičany, on the other hand, the level of the Janovický Stream rose from 12 cm and 0.262 m³/s to Saturday’s 66 cm and 5.680 m³/s, but already in 7.3 water managers from the Vltava Basin reported only 41 cm and 2.250 m³/s.

Tloskovský stream

It was 31 cm at the watercourse in Krusičany at 7 o’clock on Saturday. A day earlier, but more, 37 cm.

We continue to monitor and update the situation.

– What are‍ the current water levels of⁤ the Sázava​ River in the Benešov region? ⁤

Rising⁣ Water Levels: Flood Warnings Issued in the Benešov ⁤Region

As the precipitation levels continue to rise in the Benešov region, water levels​ in the streams ⁢and‌ rivers are starting to increase, prompting ⁤flood warnings and concerns among ⁣residents and authorities. While the amount‍ of precipitation has been significant, the state of the streams in⁢ the district has not yet been affected. However, graphs from ‌the Vltava Basin⁢ indicate that water levels are on the rise, with some rivers already reaching flood stage I.

River Sázava: Water Levels on the Rise

One ‌of the first rivers to be affected is the Sázava River, which has seen⁤ a significant increase in ‌water ⁢levels over the past 24 hours. At 7 ‌a.m. on Saturday, the ⁤river had a watercourse⁢ of 179 cm ⁤and a flow​ rate of 61.06 m³/s, ⁤compared to 75 cm ​and 13.47 m³/s just 24 hours earlier. ‍According to hydrologists, the ‌flood‍ stage I⁤ level is 230 cm, with stage II at⁢ 300 cm and stage III at 380 cm. An extreme flood‍ would occur⁤ at ‍a level of 594 cm.

In Černý Budy, the ⁣water⁢ level​ was recorded at 151 cm at 2:40 a.m. on Saturday, while in⁤ Český Šternberk, it was 129 cm at 7 a.m. on Saturday. The first flood level‌ in Český Šternberk is 200 cm, with stage II at ⁤215 cm and stage III at 260⁢ cm. ​An extreme‍ flood would occur at a level of 403 cm.

River Blanice: Flood Stage I Reached in Louňovice

Meanwhile, the Blanice River in Radonice-Zdebuzevsi showed a water level of 159 cm at ‍6 a.m. on Saturday morning, with a flow rate of 6.445 m³/s. The first flood stage is‌ 240 cm, with stage II at 330 cm and stage III ‍at⁢ 400 cm. An extreme flood would occur at a level of 423 cm.

However, the Blanice River in Louňovice pod Blaníkem has ​already⁢ reached flood stage I, with ⁢a water level⁣ of 195 cm‍ at 9 a.m. on Saturday, exceeding the first flood level by 10‍ cm. This marks the first time a river in ‌the Benešov region has reached flood stage I.

Konopišťský Stream: Water Levels Rising

The Konopišťský stream in Poříčí ⁤nad ⁣Sázavou has ‌also seen ⁤an increase in water levels, with a level of 132 ⁣cm and a ​flow rate of 4,040⁤ m³/s at ⁤3:40 a.m. on Saturday morning. This‍ is up from 108⁢ cm and 0.544 m³/s just 24 hours earlier.

Benešovský Stream: Water Levels on​ the Rise

the Benešovský stream in​ Benešov has also seen an increase in​ water levels, with a level of 58 cm and a flow rate ​of 2.737 m³/s at 7 a.m. on Saturday morning. This is up from 23 cm and⁤ 0.173⁤ m³/s‌ just 24 hours earlier.

Flood Warnings: What’s Next?

While the situation is being closely monitored, it’s clear that the main surge of​ water in ‍the Sázava River in the territory of Benešovska has yet to ⁣come. This will only happen when the water that accumulates in the‍ flow in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands reaches the area.​ Residents and authorities are urged⁤ to ‌remain vigilant and take necessary ‌precautions to ensure their safety.

Keyword List:

Flood warnings

Water levels


Sázava River

Blanice River

Konopišťský stream

Benešovský‍ stream

Flood stage I


Bohemian-Moravian Highlands

* Benešov region

– What are the current water levels in the Sázava River and their significance?

Rising Water Levels in the Benešov Region: A Comprehensive Update

As the precipitation levels in the Benešov region continue to rise, the water levels in local streams and rivers are also slowly increasing. According to the latest data from the Vltava Basin, the water level is rising, with the river Blanice in Louňovice pod Blaníkem being the first in the region to reach flood stage I.

Current Water Levels

At 7 a.m. on Saturday, the Sázava River had a watercourse of 179 cm and 61.06 m³ of water flowed there per second, a significant increase from 24 hours earlier when it was only 75 cm and 13.47 m³. The flood stage in Nespeké is up to 230 cm, the second to 300 cm, and the third to 380 cm. According to hydrologists, the extreme flood is at a level of 594 cm.

Sázava River

In Černý Budy, the water level of the Sázava River was 151 cm at 2:40 a.m. on Saturday, up from 87 cm at 7 a.m. on Friday. Conditions at flood levels are not reported by Povodí. In Český Šternberk, the river was 129 cm at seven in the morning on Saturday, with a flow of 12.74 m³. The first flood level there is 200 cm, II. 215 cm, and III. 260 cm, with an extreme flood at 403 cm.

Blanice River

The Blanice river in Radonice-Zdebuzevsi showed 159 cm at 6 o’clock on Saturday morning and a flow of 6.445 m³, up from 125 cm and 0.631 m³ 24 hours earlier. The first flood stage there is 240 cm, II. 330 cm, and III. 400 cm, with an extreme flood at 423 cm. In Louňovice, the river rose to 195 cm at 9 a.m. on Saturday, exceeding the first flood level by 10 cm.

Konopišťský Potok

The Konopišťský stream in Poříčí nad Sázavou also had a slightly increased level and flow at 3:40 on Saturday morning, with a water level



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