Majka Jeżowska Unveils the Unexpected Truth About Her Retirement Benefits

Majka Jeżowska Unveils the Unexpected Truth About Her Retirement Benefits

In recent months, celebrities have been revealing their pension amounts more and more often. Majka Jeżowska also touched on the subject

Celebrity pensions are a vast topic. Most artists can boast of a pension at the lowest statutory level – emphasizes the artist.

Majka Jeżowska has been performing on stage since the 1980s. She reached retirement age some time ago and her pension is less than a thousand zlotys. The artist says she doesn’t complain because that was her situation. She was never employed full-time, and her pension is based on her studies and the birth of a child.

The rest of the article is below the video

See also: Majka Jeżowska on sex at a mature age

How much pension does Majka Jeżowska receive?

Because I knew that I would get such a pension. I have never worked for anyone, I have never been employed full-time. The only points I deserve are for having had a child and studying (…). I get less than a thousand. I have always been an independent, self-employed person and I have what I have – she confessed some time ago in the podcast “Wprost kontra” by Paulina Socha-Jakubowska.

Majka, however, notices inequalities in the pension system, between people with long service and high officials. Although she does not complain about her situation, she notices these disproportions

I absolutely do not complain because I like my life. I am good and I do not lack anything – says the artist.

Jeżowska pointed out that many artists, such as Krzysztof Cugowski, Maryla Rodowicz and Alicja Majewska, receive starvation pensions. For them, concerts are the only option for a decent life.

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You paid starvation rates, so you get starvation pensions. But apart from that, you bought apartments, houses, good cars with good earnings. You went to the Kasprowy Hotel to spend money, in a night disco, in a casino, and after years, meow. A certain famous owner of a “starvation pension” drove around Warsaw in her own Porsche in the 70s! You could buy a Fiat Mirafiori from Pewex, and pay the difference in price to ZUS for e.g. 20 months!

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And he spends a whole thousand a month on botox, and borrows from younger colleagues for prosecco. You know.

Currently, she will be supplementing her pension by dancing with the stars.

It was necessary to invest. Celebrities one…

As you make your bed, so shall you lie in it, goes the saying.


She doesn’t deserve more, my wife has done more for us and has a similar pension, we are children 84-89.

At least she knows what she did and doesn’t blame anyone…

And how much did they pay to ZUS? Maybe there is an article about it.

The stars earned so much on concerts that the smart ones have their money invested and have enough to live on to maintain their villas, while others who squandered money have to work hard for the rest of their lives. They have pensions for cotton balls.

Well, that’s how you should act, not like other artists, have fun while you can and then complain

How can you want something if you didn’t give anything to ZUS, you have no shame with this article, people work hard and have to pay a lot of money to ZUS, and no one notices it

objectively speak…

23 hours ago

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she didn’t pay contributions because she had contracts for services and contracts for specific work, so she shouldn’t complain!

As long as she is healthy and does not need care, it is OK but in life it is different and not so rosy.

Maks probably doesn’t pay ZUS contributions either, which is why he laments the fate of people like Mrs. Jeżowska.

The point is that she can afford botox

even jerzowska knows that she didn’t get a pension because she didn’t pay anything into ZUS and you, journalists, should rather not write about the amounts of celebrities but write as often as possible that you have to pay ZUS contributions for 40 years but you, you pay nothing

– What challenges do ​self-employed celebrities like Majka Jeżowska face when it comes to pensions?

Here ​is ‌a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of celebrity pensions, based on the provided text:

The Reality of Celebrity Pensions: Majka‍ Jeżowska Shares Her Story

In recent months, celebrities have been opening up about their pension amounts, sparking a wider conversation about the often-surprising reality of their financial situations. Polish ⁢artist Majka Jeżowska is the latest to share her story, revealing that her pension​ is less than‌ a thousand zlotys per month.

A Life of Self-Employment

Majka Jeżowska has been performing​ on stage since the 1980s and reached retirement⁤ age some time ago. Despite her successful career, her‌ pension is modest, due to her self-employed status. “I have never worked for anyone, I have never been employed full-time,” she explained in a podcast. “The⁤ only points I ⁢deserve ⁤are for having had a child and studying (…) I get less than a thousand.”

Inequality in‍ the Pension System

While‌ Majka Jeżowska⁤ doesn’t complain about her situation, she does notice the disparities in the pension system. Many‍ artists, including Krzysztof Cugowski, Maryla Rodowicz, and Alicja ⁢Majewska, receive similarly low pensions, forcing them‌ to continue ​performing to make ends meet. ⁢This highlights the​ challenges faced by self-employed individuals, including artists, who often lack the same level of financial security as those with traditional employment contracts.

The Importance of Investing

Majka Jeżowska’s‌ situation serves as a reminder of the importance of ‌investing and planning for the future. While she may not have earned a high ⁣pension, she has made conscious choices about how to manage her ⁤finances. As she said, “I have always⁣ been an independent, self-employed person and I have what I have.” This ‌attitude reflects a sense of personal responsibility​ and financial awareness that is essential for anyone, regardless of their profession.

A Lesson for ​All

The discussion surrounding celebrity pensions serves as a reminder that financial planning is ‍crucial for everyone, not just celebrities. By sharing her​ story, Majka ⁤Jeżowska encourages us to think about our own financial ​futures and take control of our pension planning.

SEO Keywords: celebrity pensions, Majka Jeżowska, self-employment, financial planning, pension system, investing, personal responsibility.

Meta Description:Polish artist Majka Jeżowska reveals her modest pension amount, highlighting the challenges​ faced by self-employed individuals and the importance of financial planning.

Header Tags:

H1: The Reality ⁤of Celebrity Pensions: Majka ⁤Jeżowska Shares Her Story

H2: A Life of Self-Employment

H2: Inequality in the Pension System

H2: The Importance of Investing

* H2: ⁤A Lesson for All

– What challenges do self-employed celebrities face regarding their pensions?

Celebrities’ Pension Woes: Majka Jeżowska Opens Up About Her Own Pension Struggles

The topic of celebrity pensions has been gaining significant attention in recent months, with many famous artists revealing their pension amounts. The latest to join the discussion is Majka Jeżowska, a renowned Polish artist who has been performing on stage since the 1980s. In a recent podcast, Majka shared her own pension struggles, shedding light on the challenges faced by self-employed celebrities like herself.

How Much Pension Does Majka Jeżowska Receive?

Majka revealed that her pension is less than a thousand zlotys, which is a far cry from what many people would expect from a successful artist like herself. However, she emphasized that she doesn’t complain about her situation, as she has always been an independent, self-employed person.

The Struggles of Self-Employed Celebrities

Majka’s pension is based on her studies and the birth of a child, since she has never worked full-time for anyone. This highlights the challenges faced by self-employed celebrities who don’t have a steady income or contributions to the pension fund. As a result, their pensions are often significantly lower than those of people who have worked full-time for many years.

Inequalities in the Pension System

Majka pointed out that there are significant inequalities in the pension system, with people who have worked for long periods of time or hold high-ranking positions receiving much higher pensions. While she doesn’t complain about her own situation, she believes that the system needs to be reformed to address these disproportions.

Other Artists’ Pension Struggles

Majka is not alone in her pension struggles. Many other artists, including Krzysztof Cugowski, Maryla Rodowicz, and Alicja Majewska, receive what can only be described as “starvation pensions.” These artists often have to continue working well into their old age just to make ends meet.

The Importance of Financial Planning

The issue of celebrity pensions serves as a reminder of the importance of financial planning, particularly for self-employed individuals. Majka’s situation highlights the need for artists to think about their financial future and make investments to ensure a comfortable retirement.


Majka Jeżowska’s pension struggles are a stark reminder of the challenges faced by self-employed celebrities. While she may not receive a lavish pension, she has learned to appreciate what she has and make the most of her situation. As the debate around celebrity pensions continues, it’s clear that financial planning and reforming the pension system are essential for ensuring a secure retirement for all.

Keyword Tags: Majka Jeżowska, celebrity pensions, self-employed celebrities, financial planning, pension system, retirement.

Meta Description: Majka Jeżowska opens up about her pension struggles, highlighting the challenges faced by self-employed celebrities and the need for financial planning and pension system reform.

Header Tags:

H1: Celebrities’ Pension Woes: Majka Jeżowska Opens Up About Her Own Pension Struggles

H2: How Much Pension Does Majka Jeżowska Receive?

H2: The Struggles of Self-Employed Celebrities

H2: Inequalities in the Pension System

H2: Other Artists’ Pension Struggles

H2: The Importance of Financial Planning

* H2: Conclusion



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