Breakthrough Innovations Transforming Colon Cancer Detection

Breakthrough Innovations Transforming Colon Cancer Detection

LOS ANGELES (EFE).— The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new type of blood test to detect colon cancer in adults aged 45 or older at average risk of developing the disease, the second leading cause of cancer death in the country.

The biotechnology company Guardant Health explained in a statement that the blood test, known as “Shield,” has been approved for people aged 45 or older who are at average risk of developing colon cancer.

While the blood test does not replace colonoscopies, it could lead to more people getting screened because it requires less time and effort to perform.

This is the first blood test approved by the FDA as a primary screening option for colorectal cancer, meaning health care providers in the United States, including the adult health insurance known as Medicare, can now offer the test. The American Cancer Society says 150,000 people will be diagnosed with the cancer by 2024, and the disease will be responsible for more than 53,000 deaths in the country.

More than three out of four people who die from this disease are not up to date with their screening tests.

When colon cancer is detected at an early stage before it has spread, the five-year relative survival rate is 91%. But in the United States, the detection rate is only about 59%, which is far below the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable’s goal of 80% for eligible individuals.

More than one in three eligible Americans — more than 50 million people — do not get screened for colorectal cancer, often because of a perception that other available options, such as colonoscopy or stool tests, are invasive, unpleasant or uncomfortable, according to a report cited by California-based Guardant Health.

Daniel Chung, a gastroenterologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, said the approval of the Shield blood test “marks a major step forward, as it offers a compelling new solution to close this gap.” “With higher screening rates and early detection of cancer, many more lives can be saved,” he added.

A clinical trial published in The New England Journal of Medicine last March found that Shield was 83% effective in identifying colorectal cancer, but only detected 13% of the disease in its early stages.

#detect #colon #cancer
2024-09-17 06:57:35

– What is the significance of the⁤ FDA’s approval of the⁣ Shield blood test for colon cancer screening?

FDA Approves Breakthrough Blood Test for⁣ Colon Cancer Screening in Adults 45⁤ and Older

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)⁢ has given the green light to a revolutionary⁢ blood test designed to⁤ detect colon cancer in adults aged 45 or older at average risk of⁣ developing the disease. This groundbreaking approval marks a significant milestone in the fight⁤ against colon cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in‍ the United States.

Introducing “Shield”: A Game-Changing Blood Test for ⁢Colon Cancer Detection

The biotechnology company Guardant Health‌ has ‌developed the blood test, known as “Shield,” which has been approved for individuals aged 45 or older who are at ​average risk of developing colon cancer. This innovative test offers ‌a convenient and non-invasive alternative to traditional colon cancer screening methods, such as colonoscopies, which can be time-consuming and uncomfortable.

A More Accessible⁤ and Comfortable Screening ⁤Option

The Shield blood‌ test is a significant departure from⁤ traditional screening methods, which can be ‍a​ major deterrent ‌for many individuals. According to a report cited by Guardant Health, more than one in three eligible Americans ​– over 50 ⁣million people‍ – do not get screened for colorectal cancer, often due to concerns about ‍invasiveness, ⁢unpleasantness, or discomfort. By offering a ⁢blood test that requires minimal effort and time, healthcare providers can encourage more individuals to undergo screening, potentially saving‌ thousands of lives.

A Critical Step Forward in Colon Cancer Detection and Prevention

The ​FDA’s approval of the Shield blood test is ⁢a critical step forward in the​ battle against colon cancer. ‌According‌ to the American Cancer Society, approximately 150,000​ people will be diagnosed with colon cancer by 2024, and the disease will be responsible for more than 53,000 deaths in ‍the United States. Moreover, a staggering 75% of ​people who die ⁤from colon cancer are not up to date with their screening tests.

Early Detection is Key ‍to Better Outcomes

When colon ⁣cancer‌ is detected ‍at an early stage, before it has spread, ‍the‍ five-year relative survival rate is an impressive 91%. However, in the United States, the detection rate is only about 59%, falling short of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable’s goal of ‌80% for eligible individuals. The Shield ⁢blood test offers a promising​ solution to bridge this gap, enabling healthcare⁣ providers to detect colon cancer at an early ⁢stage, when treatment is most effective.

A New Era in Colon Cancer Screening

The‍ FDA’s approval ‌of the Shield ‌blood test marks a new era in colon cancer⁣ screening,​ offering a convenient, comfortable, and accessible alternative to traditional ⁢methods.⁢ As healthcare providers in the United States, ⁤including Medicare, can now offer this test, it is expected to lead to a significant increase in screening rates, ultimately saving countless lives.


The FDA’s⁣ approval of the Shield blood test is a groundbreaking moment in the fight against colon cancer. By ⁣offering a‌ non-invasive, convenient, and ⁣accessible⁤ screening option, healthcare providers can encourage more individuals to undergo screening, leading to earlier detection, better outcomes, and ultimately, saving countless lives.

Keywords: Colon cancer, blood test, FDA ⁤approval, Shield, Guardant Health, colonoscopies, screening, early detection, cancer prevention, healthcare‍ providers,‍ Medicare, National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable.

Meta Description: The FDA has approved a breakthrough blood test for colon cancer screening in adults 45 and older. Learn ⁤more about‍ the Shield blood test and its potential⁢ to revolutionize colon cancer detection and prevention.

Meta Keywords: Colon cancer⁢ screening, blood test, ⁣FDA approval, Shield, Guardant Health, early detection, cancer prevention.

What are the benefits of the newly FDA-approved blood test “Shield” for colon cancer screening?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

FDA Approves Breakthrough Blood Test for Colon Cancer Screening in Adults 45 and Older

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given the green light to a revolutionary blood test designed to detect colon cancer in adults aged 45 or older at average risk of developing the disease. This groundbreaking approval marks a significant milestone in the fight against colon cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States.

Introducing “Shield”: A Game-Changing Blood Test for Colon Cancer Detection

The biotechnology company Guardant Health has developed the blood test, known as “Shield,” which has been approved for individuals aged 45 or older who are at average risk of developing colon cancer. This innovative test offers a convenient and non-invasive alternative to traditional colon cancer screening methods, such as colonoscopies, which can be time-consuming and uncomfortable.

A More Accessible and Comfortable Screening Option

The Shield blood test is a significant departure from traditional screening methods, which can be a major deterrent for many individuals. According to a report



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