The Moulin Takes Center Stage on the Grand Plateau

Located in Vaise and Avenue des Frères Lumière, Le Moulin has also set up in Villeurbanne. For its business aimed at professionals and events. A new boost for a company that has gone through difficult times linked to successive crises.

The Mill has established itself as a benchmark in terms of healthy cooking, locale et ethics. A mission-driven company that places people and the environment at the heart of its concerns. Tom Thiellet, its founder, wanted to create a company that combines taste pleasure et social responsibilityWe met him on the occasion of the inauguration of the new laboratory.

The Mill

The Mill

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The Mill

“We have stores in the 8th and 9th arrondissements. We also deliver with a fleet of tricycles and other soft transport that goes to the foot of the companies. Our offer “La Cantine du Moulin” makes us a trusted third party for companies for the restoration of their collaborators. Our latest activity is catering for theevent. It is for this activity that we have invested the Large Plateau in Villeurbanne. »

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A story born in the North of Isère…

The Large Plateauit is this place of transitional urban planning dedicated to cycling and soft mobility. The Moulin is installed on 300 m2. But the adventure began in the North of Isère when Martial and Thierry Perraudintwo brothers, create the Arch Mill to make some organic bread baked in a wood-fired oven… “At a time when there were not many organic bakers.” Tom Thiellet started in the company as a seasonal worker. Before taking it over and setting it up in Lyon.

The MillAnne-Gaële Clot (The Grand Plateau) and Tom Thiellet (The Mill)

“Our values ​​are customer care, team care and care for the living. All decisions are made with this triple concern in mind. In theSocial and Solidarity Economymany structures are held together by the strength and determination of the teams. This requires a lot of commitment and sometimes accepting salaries below market for equivalent positions. We try to correct these gaps through agility, creativity, innovation and inventiveness. We have to fight every day for theevolution of remunerationAt the same time, we are trying to take steps in the service of a healthier and more sustainable food ” explains Tom.

Reconciling economic performance and eco-responsibility

The Mill is based on three pillars: being socially fair, ecologically responsible and economically viable. The company has chosen to significantly increase its employees in 2024. The Lyon caterer is certified AB50 and therefore guarantees its customers that 50% of purchases in value come from theorganic farming. “We are also working on the location of supplies with actors who for some are in conversion or responding to the label HVEIt is by shortening the chain and reducing the number of intermediaries that we can achieve maximum performance to remain accessible and competitive« .

Taking care of your employees also means taking the time to listen to them. “Most of them are multi-talented transformation team members. low-skilled jobs, undervalued… In our country, these professions can constitute a real professional springboard. One of our employees arrived as a team member. She flourished with us. Then climbed the ladder to ultimately become the right-hand woman of one of our partners. She left to join Ecotone (Bjorg products) ».

The Moulin’s efforts also focus on limiting waste. The company was selected during a call for tenders launched by the Metropolis of Lyon for meal trays exclusively in zero waste. A great recognition for the committed caterer…

Also listen: At the Grand Plateau, AddBike makes cycling accessible

Large Plateau

Gerald Bouchon

Pioneer of free radio, radio enthusiast, journalist and manager of eco-responsible media.

What is the mission⁢ of Le Moulin in promoting healthy cooking?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic ​of Le Moulin, a company that has established itself‍ as a benchmark in ⁣healthy cooking, local, ​and ethics, ‌and has ⁣recently set ⁣up a new laboratory in Villeurbanne:

Le Moulin: A New Boost for a Company Committed to Healthy Cooking and Social Responsibility



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