Heating Oil Prices Surge: The Latest on Subsidy Developments

The price of heating oil, which records a large increase and is expected to start being available from October 15, is “cold”.

According to the latest data, the price of heating oil is at 1.58 euros per liter, while last year it cost 1.41 euros. Which means that there is a significant difference as at 1,000 liters the cost is 170 euros more.

On the contrary, compared to last year, there is no double subsidy for those returning to oil from natural gas, while as is already known there is no subsidy at the pump.

The government subsidy, as stated by OPEN, will only be activated if the price of a liter goes above 1.75.

The criteria for the heating allowance

With the same expanded income and asset criteria, the heating allowance will be paid to more than 1 million households in the new winter season.

The total family income, real and presumed, must be up to 16,000 euros for an unmarried debtor or a widowed or separated debtor and 23,000 euros for a married debtor or the married parties or the parties to a cohabitation agreement who submit a separate tax return or natural persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement and have submitted a joint tax return without children, which is increased by 3,000 euros for each child.

For a single-parent family, the income is up to 27,000 euros, with an additional 3,000 euros for each child after the first. At the same time, the total value of the real estate must not exceed 200,000 euros for singles and 300,000 euros for married or cohabiting parties and single-parent families.

#Heating #oil #fire #changing #subsidy

– What factors are contributing to the rise in heating oil prices this winter?

Heating Oil Prices Soar: What ​You Need to Know About⁣ the Cost and ⁣Government Subsidy

As the ‌winter​ season approaches, many households are bracing themselves for the ⁣increased cost‍ of heating ‌oil. The latest data reveals that ⁢the⁤ price of​ heating oil has recorded ⁣a significant increase, leaving many ‍to wonder how they will afford to stay‍ warm ⁢this winter.⁣ In this article, we will delve into the current price of heating‌ oil, the government’s stance on ​subsidies, and the ⁣criteria for the heating allowance.

The Rising Cost of Heating Oil

The price of⁢ heating oil has seen a substantial hike, with the latest figures indicating that ⁤it now costs 1.58 euros per liter. In comparison, last year’s ‍price was ‍1.41 euros per liter,‍ representing a significant difference ⁢of 17⁢ cents per liter. For those who require a ‍large quantity of heating oil, this increase can be substantial, with the cost of 1,000​ liters now being⁣ 170 ‌euros more than ​last year.

Government​ Subsidy: What ⁤You Need to Know

Unlike last year, there will be ⁢no double subsidy for those⁢ switching from natural gas to heating oil. Furthermore, there will ⁢be no subsidy at the pump. However, the government has announced ⁤that a subsidy will be activated ‌if‌ the ​price ​of heating ⁣oil reaches above 1.75 euros⁢ per liter, according‌ to ‍OPEN.

Heating Allowance Criteria

Despite the⁣ increased cost of heating oil, more than 1 million households are expected⁣ to benefit ⁣from the heating allowance in the new winter season. The total family income, ⁢including real ⁤and presumed income, must not exceed 16,000 euros ⁤for unmarried, widowed, or separated debtors, and 23,000 euros ⁣for married debtors or ⁢debtors with dependent children.

Key Takeaways

The price of heating oil has increased to 1.58 euros per‌ liter, up from ​1.41 euros per liter last year.

There will be no double subsidy for those switching from natural gas to heating oil, and no subsidy at the pump.

A government subsidy will be activated if the price of heating oil reaches above 1.75 euros​ per liter.

Over 1 million households are expected‌ to benefit from‌ the heating​ allowance ⁣in the‍ new winter season, with total family income criteria in place.


The rising cost of heating oil is a concerning issue for many households, particularly those who rely ⁢heavily on this form ⁢of heating. While the⁣ government’s subsidy may provide⁢ some relief, it is essential for households to budget and prepare for the increased cost of‌ heating⁢ oil this winter. By understanding the current⁢ price of heating​ oil, government subsidies, and heating allowance ‍criteria, households⁣ can make informed​ decisions about their heating ⁤needs⁤ and ensure a warm and comfortable ​winter.

Optimized ​Keywords:

Heating oil prices

Government subsidy

Heating​ allowance

Winter season

Energy costs

Household budget

*⁢ Heating needs

.meta title: Heating Oil Prices Soar: What⁢ You Need to Know About the Cost and Government Subsidy

meta⁢ description: Learn about the ⁣rising cost of ‌heating oil, government subsidies, and ​heating allowance criteria to stay warm ​and comfortable this winter.

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Heating Oil Prices Soar: What You Need to Know About the Cost and Government Subsidy

As the winter season approaches, many households are bracing themselves for the increased cost of heating oil. The latest data reveals that the price of heating oil has recorded a significant increase, leaving many to wonder how they will afford to stay warm this winter. In this article, we will delve into the current price of heating oil, the government’s stance on subsidies, and the criteria for the heating allowance.

The Rising Cost of Heating Oil

The price of heating oil has seen a substantial hike, with the latest figures indicating that it now costs 1.58 euros per liter. In



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