French Parliament to Deliberate Impeachment Motion Against Macron Today

The party came up with this initiative after the French president ruled out the participation of the left in the government being formed, despite his coalition’s victory in the parliamentary elections.

The proposal was put forward in accordance with Article 68 of the French Constitution, which stipulates that the president can be removed from power if he fails to fulfill his duties. The decision was supported by 81 deputies from the left-wing “New Popular Front” bloc, including 72 parliamentarians from the “France Insoumise” party, as well as the Green Party and a number of other deputies from the left-wing Democratic and Republican bloc.

The Bureau, the highest collegial body in the lower house of parliament, which includes 12 of its 22 members representing the left, must decide on the admissibility of the decision.

Meanwhile, the Socialist Party refused to support the party initiative founded by Jean-Luc Mélenchon; former President and now National Assembly member François Hollande, as well as Green Party leader Marine Tondellier, spoke out against it publicly.

If this stage is passed, the text of the resolution must then be approved by a legislative committee of 73 deputies, in which the left holds only 24 seats, and then must be voted on by two-thirds of the members of the National Assembly (385 deputies) within two weeks.

The last two stages must also be completed in the upper house of parliament, where the left does not have a majority. However, if the text is approved by the upper house (232 votes) and the two chambers meet in joint session, the decision must be supported by 617 out of 925 parliamentarians from both chambers, in which case the president’s dismissal is immediate.

In 2016, the National Assembly Bureau rejected a similar resolution to impeach then-French President François Hollande.

In the early parliamentary elections held last July, the leftist bloc won the majority of votes, obtaining 182 seats out of 577.

Macron’s presidential coalition, Together for the Republic, came in second, with 168 seats in the National Assembly, and the right-wing National Rally party, with its Republican allies, became the third force in parliament, with 143 seats.

Thus, no political force has obtained the majority needed to form the new government, and it is expected that the formation of the new French government, headed by Prime Minister Michel Barnier, will be announced this week.

Source: RT

#French #Parliament #Resolution #Impeach #Macron #Today
2024-09-17 03:23:57

What are the common uses of the

element in HTML?

I apologize, but the ‍text you provided‍ does not seem to be related to the HTML element

. The​ text appears to be discussing French politics and the process of impeaching the French ⁢president.

If you would like, I can write a ​comprehensive and SEO-optimized‌ article on the topic of the

HTML element. Here is an example:


Element in​ HTML: A⁢ Comprehensive Guide


element ⁢is one of the⁢ most versatile and widely used elements in HTML. It is a generic container element that can be used to group other elements together, apply styles and layouts, and create semantic ⁤meaning in a web page. In this article, we will explore‍ the uses, syntax, ⁣and⁣ best practices ‍for using the

element in ​HTML.

What is the



element is a block-level element that is used to group other elements⁤ together. It is a generic container element, meaning it has ​no inherent ‍meaning or​ style of its own.⁣ Instead, it relies on CSS to apply styles, layouts, and other visual effects.

Syntax and Usage

The syntax for the

element is as follows:

Content goes here

The ​

element can contain any type of content, including text, images, other HTML elements, and even other


Uses for the



element has a number of uses⁤ in HTML,⁣ including:

Grouping elements together: The

element can ⁢be used to group other elements together, making it easier ‍to apply styles and layouts to a group of elements.

Applying styles and layouts: The

​ element can be used to apply styles and layouts to a group of elements using ⁣CSS.

Creating semantic meaning: The

element can be used to create semantic meaning in a web page, such as‍ defining a ⁢section or article.

Structuring content:⁢ The

element can be used to structure content, such as creating columns or rows of content.

Best Practices for Using the


Here are some best practices ​for using the


Use the

element sparingly: While⁣ the

⁢element is versatile, it can also be overused. Try to use more semantic elements when possible, such as ​
