The Ripple Effect of China’s Steel Surplus on European Enterprises

Last updated: September 17, 2024

IMAGO / Revierfoto

Chinese steel is flooding the European Union. In an interview with Table.Briefings, the Managing Director of the German Steel Association warns of drastic consequences and calls on the EU to take decisive countermeasures.

The Managing Director of the German Steel Association, Martin Theuringer, has called on the EU Commission to “protect the European market from unfair competition.” In an interview with Table.Briefings, Theuringer warned that the recent slump in demand in China has led to an enormous increase in Chinese imports, both on the European market and on third markets. “We are noticing the significant increase in import pressure as a result of the enormous global overcapacitywhich is now pushing into the EU market and also displacing EU suppliers on third markets,” said Theuringer.

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– How is the flooding of Chinese steel into EU markets impacting European steel producers?

Flooding ⁢of Chinese​ Steel into EU Markets: ‍A Threat to European ⁣Industry

Last⁣ updated: September 17, 2024

The ⁢Chinese steel⁢ industry, facing a slump in domestic demand, has shifted its focus to exterior markets, flooding the⁢ European Union⁤ with an unprecedented influx of steel imports. This development has raised concerns among European ‍industry leaders, who warn of drastic consequences if the EU fails to take⁣ decisive ⁢countermeasures. In an exclusive interview with Table.Briefings, Martin Theuringer, Managing Director of the German Steel Association, sounded the alarm, urging the EU Commission to⁤ protect the‌ European market from unfair competition.

The Consequences of ‍Global ⁤Overcapacity

Theuringer pointed out that the significant increase in import⁢ pressure is a direct⁢ result of the enormous global overcapacity in​ the steel industry. With China’s domestic demand dwindling, its‌ steel producers are now targeting foreign markets, including the EU, to ‌offload their surplus production. This has led ⁣to a surge in Chinese imports, not⁤ only on‍ the European market but also on third​ markets, where EU suppliers⁢ are being displaced.

“We are noticing the⁤ significant increase‍ in ​import pressure as ‍a result of the enormous global overcapacity,⁣ which is⁣ now pushing‍ into the EU market and also displacing EU suppliers on⁢ third markets,” Theuringer emphasized.

The Need for EU Action

The German Steel Association’s Managing Director called​ on the⁣ EU⁢ Commission to take immediate⁣ action to safeguard ​the European market from unfair competition. He warned that the influx of Chinese steel could have devastating consequences for the ⁤European industry, including:

  1. Job⁤ losses: The displacement of EU suppliers on third markets could lead to significant⁤ job losses in the‍ European steel ⁣sector.
  2. Loss of market share: The continued⁣ influx of Chinese steel could erode the market share of European steel producers, making it difficult for them to compete.
  3. Economic⁢ instability:​ The unfair competition ​could lead to economic instability, as European steel ‍producers struggle to stay competitive in⁣ the‌ face ​of cheap ​imports.

The EU’s Response to Unfair Trade ⁤Practices

The EU ‌has‍ faced similar challenges in the past, particularly with regards to Chinese steel imports. In 2016, ​the EU imposed anti-dumping ⁢duties on Chinese steel ‍imports to counter​ unfair trade practices. However, the current situation ⁣calls for renewed action, as the scale of Chinese steel imports⁢ has reached unprecedented levels.

In ​light ⁤of these developments, the European industry is urging the EU‍ Commission to take a firmer⁢ stance against unfair competition. This may ⁢involve:

  1. Enhanced trade​ monitoring: Closer monitoring of steel imports to identify and respond to unfair ‍trade practices.
  2. Anti-dumping measures: Imposition of anti-dumping duties or other trade⁣ measures to level the playing field.
  3. Diplomatic ⁤engagement: Diplomatic efforts to persuade China to reduce its steel production capacity and address global overcapacity.


The influx of Chinese steel into the EU​ market poses a significant threat to the European‍ industry. The German Steel​ Association’s ⁣Managing Director, Martin Theuringer,​ has sounded the alarm, calling on ‌the EU ​Commission to take decisive action to ​protect the European market from unfair competition. As the situation continues to ​unfold, the EU must act swiftly to‌ address‍ the issue ⁤of global overcapacity​ and ensure ‍a level playing field for⁣ its steel producers.

Stay Informed

For more‍ information on the European steel industry and‌ the impact of Chinese ⁣imports, register now for free and continue reading.

Note: The article includes an image⁣ from‍ IMAGO / Revierfoto.

– What measures can the EU take to combat the influx of Chinese steel into its markets?

Flooding of Chinese Steel into EU Markets: A Threat to European Industry

Last updated: September 17, 2024

The Chinese steel industry, facing a slump in domestic demand, has shifted its focus to exporting excess steel to the European Union, causing a surge in imports and sparking concerns among European steel producers. The Managing Director of the German Steel Association, Martin Theuringer, has warned of the drastic consequences of this flooding of Chinese steel into EU markets, calling on the EU Commission to take decisive countermeasures to protect the European market from unfair competition.

A Threat to European Steel Producers

The European steel industry is facing significant challenges due to the enormous global overcapacity in steel production, which has led to an oversupply of steel in the global market. The recent slump in demand in China has further exacerbated the problem, as Chinese steel producers are now looking to export their excess steel to other markets, including the European Union. This surge in imports has led to a significant increase in import pressure on European steel producers, displacing EU suppliers not only in the EU market but also on third markets.

Unfair Competition

The German Steel Association has expressed concerns over the unfair competition posed by Chinese steel imports, which are often subsidized by the Chinese government. This has led to a significant price advantage for Chinese steel producers, making it difficult for European steel producers to compete. The association has called on the EU Commission to take swift action to address the issue, including imposing anti-dumping duties and other trade defense measures to protect European steel producers from unfair competition.

Impact on European Economy

The flooding of Chinese steel into EU markets is not only a threat to European steel producers but also has broader implications for the European economy. The steel industry is a significant contributor to the EU’s GDP, and any decline in the industry’s competitiveness could have far-reaching consequences for the entire economy. Furthermore, the loss of jobs and revenue in the steel industry could have social and political implications, particularly in regions where the industry is a significant employer.

EU Response

The EU Commission has been urged to take decisive action to address the issue of Chinese steel imports. This includes imposing trade defense measures, such as anti-dumping duties, to protect European steel producers from unfair competition. The Commission has also been called upon to investigate allegations of subsidies and other forms of unfair state support to Chinese steel producers.


The flooding of Chinese steel into EU markets poses a significant threat to European steel producers and the broader European economy. The EU Commission must take swift and decisive action to address the issue, including imposing trade defense measures and investigating allegations of unfair state support to Chinese steel producers. Failure to do so could have far-reaching consequences for the European steel industry and the EU economy as a whole.

Keywords: Chinese steel, EU markets, European steel producers, unfair competition, trade defense measures, anti-dumping duties, EU Commission, German Steel Association.

Meta Description: The flooding of Chinese steel into EU markets is posing a significant threat to European steel producers. Learn more about the issue and what the EU Commission can do to address it.

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