Shifting Shadows: From Displacement to Heartbreaking Realities

Pope Francis takes a stand in the American presidential elections. The Pontiff uses harsh words towards the two candidates Donald Trump, who “throws away migrants”, and Kama Harris “who kills children”. “Both are against life”, Jorge Mario Bergoglio told reporters on the return flight from Singapore, “each one should choose the lesser evil”.

For the Pontiff, the two candidates “are against life, both the one who throws away migrants and the one who kills children. I am not American, I will not go to vote there. Not giving migrants welcome and the opportunity to work is a sin, and a serious one”, attacks the Pope. “I – he continued – went to celebrate mass at the border, near the diocese of El Paso. There were many shoes of migrants, they ended up badly there. In Central America there is a current of migration, many times they are treated like slaves. Migration is a right that already existed in the Sacred Scripture, in the Old Testament: the orphan, the widow and the foreigner, that is, the migrant, are the three that the people of Israel must protect. Let us not forget it”.

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Then the attack on the Democrats. “As for abortion, science says that one month after conception there are all the organs of a human being. All of them. Performing an abortion is killing a human being. You like the word, you don’t like it, but it is killing. The Church is not closed because it does not allow abortion, the Church does not allow abortion because it kills. It is murder, murder – Francis remarks – Sending migrants away, not letting them develop, not letting them have a life, is a bad thing, it is wickedness. Sending a child away from the mother’s breast is murder. We must speak clearly on these things, no ‘buts’, ‘however’, both things are clear”.

The head of the Catholic Church then responded to the question of whether, for a believer, there may be circumstances in which it is morally permissible to vote for a candidate in favor of terminating life: “In political morality, in general, it is said that not voting is bad, it is not good. You have to vote. And you have to choose the lesser evil. Who is the lesser evil, that lady or that gentleman? I don’t know, everyone in conscience thinks and does this”, the Pope’s response was destined to raise replies and controversy.

#Throws #Migrants #Kills #Children #Tempo
2024-09-17 00:18:33

– What⁢ did Pope Francis say about Donald Trump ‌and Kamala ⁤Harris in relation‍ to migration and ‍abortion?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized ‍article on the topic of Pope Francis’⁢ comments on the American presidential elections:

Pope Francis takes a Stand: A Scathing ​Critique of ⁢Trump and Harris

In a shocking move, ​Pope Francis has weighed in on the American presidential elections, lambasting both ​Donald Trump and⁢ Kamala ⁢Harris ⁣for their stances on migration and abortion. The Pontiff’s comments, made ​during a return flight from⁣ Singapore, have sparked controversy and ignited‍ debate about the role of the Catholic Church in politics.

“Both are Against Life”

Pope ‌Francis⁣ did not mince words in his criticism of the two candidates. “Both are against life, the one who throws away migrants and the one who kills children,”⁣ he told reporters. “I am not ​American, I will not go to ⁤vote there. Not giving migrants welcome and the ⁣opportunity to work is ⁤a​ sin, and a serious one.” The Pope’s words struck a chord with many who believe that the treatment of migrants ​and the unborn are fundamental human‍ rights issues.

A Sin Against ⁣Humanity

The Pope’s comments on migration echoed his previous statements ⁤on the importance of ‌welcoming and ‌protecting the most vulnerable.⁤ “Migration is a right that already existed ​in ‌the Sacred Scripture, in the Old Testament: the orphan, the widow and the ⁢foreigner, that is, the ⁤migrant, are the three that the people of Israel must protect. Let us not forget it.” By⁤ framing the issue of migration⁤ as a moral imperative, Pope Francis is emphasizing the duty of⁤ nations to respect the⁤ dignity and humanity of all people, regardless of their nationality⁤ or status.

Abortion: “It⁢ is Killing”

The Pope was equally forthright in his criticisms of Kamala Harris, accusing her of⁣ supporting the ⁢killing⁤ of human‌ beings through ⁣abortion. “Performing an abortion is killing a human being. You like the word, you don’t like it, but it‌ is killing. The Church is‍ not closed because it‍ does not allow abortion, the ‍Church does not allow abortion because it kills. It is murder, murder.” By using such stark language, Pope ‌Francis is highlighting the ​moral gravity of the ⁤issue and challenging those‍ who would downplay‍ or justify the destruction⁣ of human⁣ life.

Moral Imperatives in⁤ Politics

The Pope’s ⁢comments have sparked⁤ debate about the role of faith in politics‌ and the moral imperatives‌ that ⁣should ​guide our decisions. By framing the issues of ⁢migration and abortion as fundamental human rights ​issues, Pope Francis is reminding us that our political choices have real-world consequences for the ⁣most vulnerable ⁣members of society. As ⁤he said, “We ⁢must speak clearly on these things, no ‘buts’, ‘however’, ⁢both‌ things are clear.”


Pope Francis’ comments on the‌ American​ presidential elections are ⁢a powerful⁤ reminder of the ⁣moral imperatives that should guide ⁢our ​political choices. By highlighting the importance of protecting human life and dignity, the Pope is challenging us ‍to rethink our assumptions ⁤and priorities. As we navigate the complexities of modern politics,⁢ let​ us not forget the fundamental principles of justice, ⁢compassion, ⁤and human rights that should guide our decisions.

Keywords:‍ Pope Francis, Donald⁤ Trump, Kamala Harris, American presidential ⁣elections, ‌migration, abortion, human ​rights, Catholic Church, ‍morality, politics.

Why did Pope Francis criticize Donald Trump and Kamala Harris during the press conference?

Pope Francis Takes a Stand in the American Presidential Elections: A Controversial Move

In a bold and unprecedented move, Pope Francis has publicly criticized the two leading candidates in the American presidential elections, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. During a press conference on the return flight from Singapore, the Pontiff used harsh words to describe the candidates, stating that both are against life.

The Pope’s Scathing Criticism

Pope Francis attacked Donald Trump for his immigration policies, implying that the Republican candidate “throws away migrants.” He also criticized Kamala Harris, stating that she “kills children” in reference to her stance on abortion.



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