Unveiling the Wealth Drain: Ricardo Salinas Pliego’s Perspective on Government Tactics

Unveiling the Wealth Drain: Ricardo Salinas Pliego’s Perspective on Government Tactics

MEXICO CITY.- The businessman Ricardo Salinas Pliego was trending on social media, after sharing nine basic ways in which “the government steals your money“.

Through the X platform, the founder of Salinas Group He listed some issues where taxes will always do their thing.

“The basic ways in which the government steals your money,” wrote the owner of TV Azteca, detailing the following points:

  1. “If you win it, income tax.
  2. If you live somewhere, property tax.
  3. If you spend it, sales tax.
  4. If you save it, tax on inflation.
  5. If you invest it, capital gains tax.
  6. If you start a business, licenses.
  7. If you have a good business, tax the profits.
  8. If you give it away, gift tax.
  9. If you die, inheritance tax.”

Ricardo Salinas Pliego against overrepresentation

On the night of August 28, the Electoral Court endorsed Morena‘s supermajority and allies in the Chamber of Deputies, by confirming the allocation of plurinominal seats approved by the National Electoral Institute (INE).

Faced with this, businessman Ricardo Salinas Pliego accused Morena’s actions of being a “coup d’état”, since said result He considered it “illegal”. “With a vote of 4 to 1, the Electoral Court approves the distribution of the next legislature with a qualified majority for Morena.

First Illegal Act: Allowing the overrepresentation of Morena by assigning it 75% of Congress with only 54% of the votes obtained. Second Illegal Act (Coming soon): Ending the independence of the Judiciary and leaving it in the hands of Morena.

Third Illegal Act (The End): Leaving citizens subject to the will of Morena and its henchmen, that is, the “Tyranny of the Majority,” said the owner of TV Azteca. In addition to this, the founder of Grupo Salinas asserted: “This, ladies and gentlemen, is nothing less than the definition of a COUP D’ÉTAT: A sudden and decisive change of government, done illegally… or by force.”

Read: Salinas Pliego accuses Morena of a “coup d’état”

#Ways #government #steals #money #Ricardo #Salinas #Pliego
2024-09-16 23:56:30

How does income tax impact your overall earnings?

The Silent Thief: 9 Ways the Government​ Steals Your Money

As the ⁣famous Mexican businessman Ricardo Salinas Pliego recently pointed out, the government has numerous ways to chip away at your hard-earned cash. In a trending social media post, Salinas Pliego listed nine basic ways in which “the‌ government ⁣steals your money.” From income ⁤tax to ​inheritance tax,​ it’s essential‌ to understand how the government takes ​its share of ⁣your wealth.

Income Tax: The ⁤First Bite

When you earn a salary, ⁢the government takes its first ‌bite in the ‌form of income tax. This tax is applied to your income, reducing the amount ‌you take home. The more you earn, the more you pay.

Property Tax: A Cost of Ownership

Owning a ‌property comes ⁤with ​its own set‌ of costs, including property tax. This tax is levied on the ⁣value of​ your property, and ⁤it’s⁣ often used to fund local government projects.

Sales‍ Tax: A Hidden Cost

Every⁤ time you make a purchase, you pay ⁢sales tax. This ‌tax is added to the price of the item, and it’s⁢ used to fund⁢ various government initiatives.

Tax on Inflation: Eroding Your⁣ Savings

Inflation is‍ a silent thief that erodes the purchasing power of your ⁢money ⁤over time. When you save your⁤ money,⁢ it’s subject‌ to inflation tax, which reduces its value.

Capital Gains​ Tax: Profits at a ​Cost

Investing your money can be a great way ⁢to grow your wealth, but it comes with its own set of taxes. Capital gains tax is levied on the​ profits you make from investments, such as stocks ‍or ⁣real estate.

Licenses and Permits: The⁣ Cost of⁢ Doing Business

Starting‌ a business requires licenses and permits, which come with a cost. These‍ fees are used to ‌regulate industries and fund government programs.

Tax on Profits: Sharing Your Success

When your business is successful, you’re required ⁢to share ​your profits with⁤ the government in the form of ‌taxes. This tax is used to fund various government ⁤initiatives.

Gift Tax: Sharing Your Wealth

When you give away your money or assets as gifts, you’re subject to gift tax. This tax is used to reduce the amount of wealth that can be transferred without incurring taxes.

Inheritance Tax: A Final ⁣Goodbye

When you pass ⁢away, your‍ estate is subject to inheritance tax. ⁢This tax is levied ⁤on the value of your ⁢assets, and it’s used to fund government ⁢programs.

Ricardo Salinas Pliego’s⁤ Warning

Ricardo Salinas Pliego, the founder of Salinas Group, has been vocal about the issues of overrepresentation and government corruption. He⁢ recently tweeted about the​ government’s “coup d’état” and its “illegal” actions, which he believes are eroding the independence of the judiciary.

The Importance of Financial Literacy

Understanding how the government​ takes its share of your wealth is crucial in today’s ‍economy. By being aware of these nine ways the government steals your money, you ⁢can make informed decisions about ‌your finances and plan for‍ the future. Remember,⁤ financial literacy⁣ is the key to building wealth and securing⁤ your financial freedom.

Optimizing Your Finances

it’s essential to optimize your finances to minimize the impact of⁢ government taxes and fees. ⁣By reducing your tax liability, investing‍ wisely, and building multiple ⁣streams of ‌income, you can protect ‍your wealth and achieve financial independence.

Protect ​Your Wealth ​Today

Don’t let the government steal your money without ‌a fight. ⁤Take control of your finances today, and start building the ⁤wealth you deserve. Remember, knowledge is power, and financial literacy is the key to unlocking your financial freedom.

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