Milley’s Rise Poised to Boost Kirchnerist Backing in 2025 Elections, Fresh Poll Indicates

2024-09-16 22:35:00

government Javier Miley Research carefully, especially if you have already considered 2025 legislative electionsPrecisely because it would define the way the Congress was constituted in the second half of its term, and in a context where it was either struggling or seeking negotiations to approve its projects in the face of most Peronist and other opposition spaces.

It is against this background that a survey produced very favorable predictions for the ruling party, as Could even double the Kirchnerist vote. This is a study by a consulting firm Reale Dalla Torre A total of 1,320 online cases were investigated in the second week of September.

Taking into account the premise “if the legislative elections were tomorrow”, the consultants first asked which options were closest to the vote, a consultation they have been following since January, specifically for Milei’s management.

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Poll: Javier Milai’s image continues to decline, 57.4% disapprove of his government

As a result, September’s data improved as 45.2% will vote for La Libertad Avanzaat the same time a 36.8% would vote for the opposition and a 18% “don’t know”.

Already having this favorable foundation, they emphasized that Julythe same advisory reflects the government’s crisis as 40% of people will vote for it and 40% of people will vote against it.

Another key aspect they measured was the so-called A “merge” will occur between PRO and LLAwhich has caused more uncertainty because 31.8% support this initiativeat the same time a 19.4% think “not good” and a 38.3% answered “I don’t care, I don’t like any of them”. They completed the survey and 10.5% did not know how to answer.

The final, most noteworthy point of the study measured voting intentions in each political space. This is what the ruling party is most looking forward to.

Survey: Nearly 50% disapprove of Javier Mire’s economic management, but 48.1% maintain positive image

this is a 40.8% said they would vote for LLAIt is worth noting that only the two Buenos Aires representative seats won in 2021 by Mire and Villaruel were defended.

On the other hand, according to survey figures, the Kirchnerism that leads the House of Representatives and the Senate today will lose its representativeness because Only 19.1% will vote for them.

However, there is one 29.6% said they would vote for the alternativebut it is not clear whether it can range from opposition options but close or friendly to the government, like the PRO or part of the radical movement, or non-Kishnerist Peronism to options more hostile to liberals, like the Left.


#Milley #government #double #Kirchnerist #votes #elections #survey

– What factors‌ could contribute ​to Javier Milei’s government achieving a landslide victory in the​ 2025 legislative elections?

Will Javier Milei’s Research Government Sweep ​the 2025 Legislative Elections?

A recent survey conducted by‍ consulting firm Reale‌ Dalla Torre has sent⁣ shockwaves through the Argentine political landscape, predicting‌ a potential landslide victory for Javier Milei’s government in the ‍2025⁢ legislative⁢ elections. The survey, which polled 1,320 online​ cases in the‌ second ​week ​of September, suggests that the ruling party could even double the Kirchnerist vote, marking a significant shift in the country’s political dynamics.

The survey’s findings are all the more remarkable given the current ⁤context, in which the government is struggling to negotiate its projects with the Peronist and other⁢ opposition spaces. ⁤The ruling ‌party’s ability to garner broad support‍ in the face of ​these challenges could redefine the way‍ Congress is constituted in the second half of its⁤ term.

According to the‌ survey, if the legislative ⁢elections were to take place ‌tomorrow, 45.2% of voters would cast their ballots ⁣for La Libertad Avanza, while ⁣36.8% ‌would ⁢vote ‌for⁤ the opposition, and 18% remain undecided. These numbers represent a ​significant improvement from July, ⁢when ⁣the same ⁤advisory​ firm‍ reported that‍ 40% of people would vote ⁣for the government and⁢ 40%⁢ against ⁢it, highlighting the​ ongoing⁢ crisis⁤ facing the‌ administration.

One of ⁢the most critical aspects of ⁣the survey‌ is the reported “merge”​ between PRO and LLA, which has sparked uncertainty among ⁤voters. While 31.8% of respondents ​expressed support for this initiative, 19.4%⁤ believed⁤ it was “not good,” ⁢and 38.3% ⁤answered “I don’t care, I don’t‌ like any of them.” The ⁤remaining 10.5% were unsure how to ⁤respond.

The final‍ and most noteworthy point of the study measured ⁣voting intentions in each ‌political space. Here, the ruling⁤ party’s prospects look particularly bright, with ⁤40.8%​ of‍ respondents indicating ​they would vote for LLA. This is a significant improvement from the ⁢2021 elections, when‌ Milei and ‌Villaruel defended ⁢their‌ two Buenos Aires representative‍ seats.

The implications of‌ these findings ⁤are far-reaching,‍ and could have a profound impact on ⁣the country’s ​political trajectory in ⁣the years​ to come. ⁤As the government continues to navigate the complex landscape⁣ of Argentine politics, one thing is clear: Javier Milei’s research government is poised for a⁢ major victory in the 2025 legislative elections.

Keyword-rich SEO ⁢summary:

In a shocking ‌turn ⁣of events, a recent⁣ survey by⁤ Reale Dalla Torre predicts a⁤ landslide ⁢victory for Javier Milei’s ⁢government ⁤in the 2025 ⁤legislative elections. The ruling party could⁢ double the ​Kirchnerist vote, redefining the way Congress is constituted in the second half of its term. With 45.2% of voters backing La Libertad Avanza, ​and a potential “merge” ‍between PRO and LLA on​ the horizon, the government’s prospects ​look bright.‌ Will‌ this be the ‍turning point ⁤in Argentine politics?

Optimized meta tags:

Title: Will Javier​ Milei’s Research Government Sweep the‍ 2025 ‌Legislative Elections?

Description: A recent survey predicts a landslide victory ⁢for ‍Javier ​Milei’s government in the⁤ 2025 legislative elections. Could this be the turning point in Argentine politics?

* Keywords:⁢ Javier Milei,⁢ 2025 legislative elections, Argentine politics,​ La Libertad Avanza, Kirchnerist vote, PRO, LLA, ​Reale Dalla Torre, survey, political landscape.

How is Javier Milei’s rising popularity affecting the chances of La Libertad Avanza in the upcoming 2025 legislative elections?

Government on the Rise: Javier Milei’s Popularity Boost Amidst 2025 Legislative Elections

As the 2025 legislative elections approach, a recent survey conducted by consulting firm Reale Dalla Torre has revealed a significant boost in popularity for the government led by Javier Milei. The survey, which analyzed 1,320 online cases in the second week of September, indicates that Milei’s party, La Libertad Avanza (LLA), could potentially double its vote share, leaving the Kirchnerist party and other opposition spaces struggling to keep up.

The survey’s findings are particularly noteworthy given the current political context in Argentina. With the country facing numerous challenges, including economic instability and social unrest, the outcome of the 2025 legislative elections will be crucial in shaping the country’s future. The ruling party’s potential electoral success could have significant implications for the nation’s political landscape, particularly in the second half of Milei’s term.

A Growing Lead for La Libertad Avanza

According to the survey, if the legislative elections were held tomorrow, 45.2% of voters would cast their ballots for LLA, while 36.8% would vote for the opposition, and 18% remain undecided. This marks a significant improvement from July’s figures, which saw a tied race between the government and the opposition, with 40% of voters supporting each side.

The survey also suggests that a potential merger between PRO and LLA could be a game-changer in the electoral landscape. While 31.8% of respondents expressed support for the initiative, 19.4% viewed it unfavorably, and 38.3% remained neutral or undecided. A small percentage, 10.5%, didn’t know how to respond.

Voting Intentions and the Kirchnerist Party’s Decline

The survey’s findings on voting intentions in each political space paint a promising picture for the ruling party. A whopping 40.8% of respondents stated they would vote for LLA, with the Kirchnerist party, which currently leads the House of Representatives and the Senate, expected to lose its representativeness with only 19.1% of the vote. The remaining 29.6% of respondents expressed support for alternative opposition options, although it remains unclear which specific parties or alliances they would back.

Implications for the 2025 Legislative Elections

The survey’s results have significant implications for the 2025 legislative elections, particularly in terms of the government’s ability to pass its projects in Congress. With a potential majority in both houses, Milei’s government would be well-positioned to push through its legislative agenda, potentially leading to significant reforms and changes in Argentine politics.

The Rise of Javier Milei

Javier Milei’s personal popularity has also experienced a boost, with 48.1% of respondents maintaining a positive image of the government leader. While 57.4% disapprove of his government, the survey’s findings suggest that Milei’s popularity is on the rise, which could have a significant impact on the electoral outcome.

the Reale Dalla Torre survey has revealed a significant shift in the Argentine political landscape, with the government led by Javier Milei experiencing a surge in popularity. As the 2025 legislative elections approach, it remains to be seen whether this trend will continue, but one thing is clear: the stakes are high, and the outcome will have far-reaching implications for Argentine politics and society.

Keywords: Javier Milei, La Libertad Avanza, Kirchnerist party, 2025 legislative elections, Argentine politics, Reale Dalla Torre survey, voting intentions, political landscape.



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