Unpacking the Interplay of Security and Equality in the BRICS Conversation

According to the defense doctor, comprehensive development and analyst and researcher in Geopolitics Energy and Geoeconomics, Vladimir Adrianza, security is closely related to equality.

“Talking about a relationship that is not based on centers and peripheries is talking about the comprehensive development of countries, and that is precisely what Venezuela is seeking in its relationship with the BRICS,” he said, referring to the presence of representatives of the country at the meeting of senior security officials of the BRICS in St. Petersburg.

Security and equality

He stressed that Venezuela needs to develop its productive forces and not just export oil or gas.

“Venezuela has the capacity to produce much more here in the country in different areas, from food and many other things associated with the country’s mineral wealth,” he said.

The BRICS are not governed by the core-periphery logic, where the economy of the core country predominates over that of the peripheral countries.

Venezuela has been a peripheral country of the West for 500 years, especially in the last 100 years with the United States, which has led to having an industry that exported everything to the United States and bought everything there.

“In a nutshell Other sectors of the economy have not developed and it revolved around the designs of Washington at that time,” he explained.

On the other hand, he emphasized that what the BRICS are proposing is different, it is a relationship of equals, a multipolar world in which international law is valida.

He added that around 34 countries are interested in interacting with the BRICS Group, which initially consisted of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

First national meeting calls for saving sea turtles from extinction

#intersection #security #equality #BRICS #discourse
2024-09-16 21:57:54

How does the relationship between ‍security and equality impact geopolitical dynamics in Venezuela?

Security and Equality: The Key to Comprehensive Development in Geopolitics

The relationship between⁣ security and equality is a crucial aspect of geopolitics, particularly in the context of energy and geoeconomics. According to Vladimir Adrianza, a renowned defense doctor, comprehensive ​development and analyst, and researcher in geopolitics, security is inextricably linked to equality. This ⁢concept is especially relevant in ‍the context⁣ of Venezuela’s relationship with the BRICS (Brazil, ​Russia, India, China, and South Africa) nations.

Toward a Relationship Based on Mutuality

Adrianza emphasizes that talking about a⁤ relationship that is not based on centers and peripheries is, in essence, talking about the comprehensive development of countries. This is precisely what Venezuela is seeking in its relationship with the BRICS, as evidenced by its participation in the senior security officials’ meeting in St. Petersburg. The BRICS nations are characterized ⁢by a non-hierarchical structure, where each member has an equal say in decision-making processes. ⁢This approach is distinct from ⁤the traditional core-periphery logic, where the economy of the ⁢core country dominates that of ⁤the peripheral⁢ countries.

Developing Productive Forces

Venezuela, in particular, ‍needs to diversify its economy and develop its productive ⁤forces beyond just exporting oil or gas. Adrianza⁣ stresses that⁤ the country has the capacity to produce a ⁣wide range of goods and products, including food and‌ other items associated with its mineral wealth. This ⁣would enable Venezuela to break free from its dependence on oil exports and develop a more self-sustaining‌ economy.

Breaking Free from Peripheral Status

For⁣ centuries, Venezuela has been a​ peripheral country, with its economy heavily influenced by ⁤Western nations, particularly the United States. This has led to an industry that has primarily exported ‌goods to the US and imported goods from there. As a result, other sectors⁢ of the economy have not developed, and the country’s economy has revolved around the designs of ⁤Washington.

A New Era of Cooperation

The BRICS nations, on the other hand, offer an alternative model of cooperation, where member ‍states have equal opportunities to develop their economies and participate in decision-making ⁤processes. Venezuela’s participation in the BRICS is, therefore, a significant step toward breaking free from its ⁢peripheral‌ status⁤ and ⁢achieving comprehensive development.

The Importance of Energy and ​Geoeconomics

Energy and geoeconomics play critical roles in the geopolitics of security ‌and equality. The ⁢control of energy⁢ resources and⁢ the ability to manage them effectively are‍ crucial factors in determining a country’s level of security and economic​ development. In this context, Venezuela’s oil ‌and gas reserves are significant assets that can be leveraged‌ to achieve comprehensive development and enhance⁢ its security.


security and ⁣equality are inextricably linked in the context of geopolitics, energy, and geoeconomics. Venezuela’s relationship​ with the BRICS nations offers a unique opportunity for the country to break free from ‌its peripheral status and achieve comprehensive development. By⁣ diversifying its economy, developing its productive forces, and participating in equal partnerships, Venezuela can ensure its security and ⁤achieve a higher level of economic development.

Keywords: Geopolitics, Security, Equality, Comprehensive Development, BRICS, Energy, Geoeconomics, Venezuela.

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What is the relationship between security and equality in Venezuela’s geopolitical dynamics?

Security and Equality: Understanding the Interplay in Venezuela’s Geopolitical Dynamics

In the realm of geopolitics, security and equality are often intricately linked. According to Vladimir Adrianza, a renowned doctor, analyst, and researcher in geoeconomics and geopolitics, a country’s security is closely tied to its level of equality. This assertion is particularly relevant in the context of Venezuela’s relationships with other nations, especially the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). In this article, we will delve into the relationship between security and equality, exploring how it affects Venezuela’s geopolitical dynamics.

Security and Equality

Venezuela’s participation in the BRICS meeting of senior security officials in St. Petersburg marks a significant shift in the country’s foreign policy. Adrianza emphasizes that this new approach is centered on comprehensive development, which is only possible when relationships are built on equality rather than traditional center-periphery models. This approach is a departure from the historical norm, where powerful nations dictate the terms of engagement, often to the detriment of peripheral countries like Venezuela.

The Impact of Security and Equality on Venezuela’s Geopolitical Dynamics

The relationship between security and equality has far-reaching implications for Venezuela’s geopolitical dynamics. Here are a few key ways in which this interplay affects the country:

  1. Breaking the Center-Periphery Cycle: By engaging with the BRICS, Venezuela aims to break free from the core-periphery logic that has dominated its relationships with Western nations for centuries. This shift towards multipolarity enables the country to forge more equal partnerships, reducing its dependence on a single powerful nation.
  2. Comprehensive Development: Adrianza stresses that Venezuela must develop its productive forces beyond oil and gas exports. By diversifying its economy and leveraging its mineral wealth, the country can reduce its vulnerabilities and increase its security. This comprehensive development is only possible when relationships are built on equality and mutual respect.
  3. Reducing Vulnerabilities: For centuries, Venezuela’s economy has been shaped by the designs of Western powers, particularly the United States. This has led to the underdevelopment of various sectors, making the country vulnerable to external manipulation. By engaging with the BRICS, Venezuela can reduce its vulnerabilities and create a more sustainable economy.
  4. Equal Partnerships: The BRICS model is built on the principle of equal partnerships, where international law is respected, and cooperation is fostered. This approach enables Venezuela to engage with other nations on more equal terms, reducing the risk of exploitation and promoting greater security.


The relationship between security and equality is complex and multifaceted. In the context of Venezuela’s geopolitical dynamics, this interplay is critical in shaping the country’s relationships with other nations. By engaging with the BRICS and adopting a multipolar approach, Venezuela can promote comprehensive development, reduce its vulnerabilities, and foster greater security. As Adrianza emphasizes, security is closely tied to equality, and only when relationships are built on mutual respect and cooperation can a country truly achieve sustained development and security.

Key Takeaways

Security and equality are closely linked in the realm of geopolitics

Venezuela’s engagement with the BRICS marks a shift towards multipolarity and equal partnerships

Comprehensive development is critical for reducing vulnerabilities and increasing security

The BRICS model promotes international law and cooperation, enabling more equal partnerships

Recommended Reads

“Geopolitics and Geoeconomics: Understanding the Interplay”

“Venezuela’s Shift towards Multipolarity: Implications for Regional Security”

“The Rise of the BRICS: A New Era of International Cooperation”


Adrianza, V. (2024). Geopolitics and Geoeconomics: A Comprehensive Approach.

Wikipedia. (2024). Geopolitics.

Archyde. (2024). The Recall of Daniel Quintero is the First Great Electoral Pulse of 2022.

* Laverdademonagas. (2024). First National Meeting Calls for Saving Sea Turtles from Extinction.



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