Scaling New Summits: Inoxtag’s Uplifting and Comedic Adventure on Everest

This Friday, September 13, Youtuber Inoxtag unveiled a preview of his documentary “Kaizen” in cinemas, recounting his incredible adventure to the summit of Everest. Between inspiration, emotion and humor, this film immerses its fans in an extraordinary adventure.

In February 2023, Inès Benazzouz, better known by her pseudonym Inoxtag, announced her intention to climb the highest peak in the world: Everest. This extraordinary challenge would require intense physical and mental preparation for almost a year.

A year of preparation

Accompanied by his coach Idriss and Mathis Dumas, a high mountain guide, the 22-year-old videographer first went to Chamonix for a three-week mountaineering course. This stay allowed him to acquire the necessary basics before tackling more ambitious summits.

Inoxtag then climbed several legendary mountains, such as the Dent du Géant in the Mont Blanc massif, as well as the Matterhorn, one of the highest mountains in Switzerland.
After six months of intensive training, he headed to Nepal to climb Ama Dablam, a Himalayan peak reaching an altitude of over 6,800 metres.

A complicated return to France

Back in France after this first great adventure, Inoxtag tried to compensate for his absence of more than a month on social networks by immersing himself in work. It was then that his coach Idriss had to remind him of his real objective: the ascent of Everest.

Also read: Inoxtag’s documentary “Kaizen”, a real phenomenon in Belgian cinemas: “We didn’t expect it”

Focused, the YouTuber continued intensive training, both physical and mental, to be ready to take on this exceptional challenge.

An extraordinary adventure

In April 2024, Inoxtag and his team, accompanied by Sherpas, travel to Everest Base Camp to acclimatize to the altitude. May marks the beginning of the long-awaited ascent. But this adventure is not just about a physical feat. The YouTuber explains the challenges that climbers face: the devastating effects of altitude on health, increasing pollution and traffic due to the influx of tourists.

It is not the mountain that is dangerous, but the human being“, he confides in the documentary, insisting on the responsibility of each person in the face of the fragile environment of the Himalayas.

Despite the difficulties encountered throughout this adventure, Inoxtag and his team finally succeeded in climbing Everest. After a year of intensive preparation, this challenge symbolises much more than a simple sporting feat. “Improving day by day” is the meaning of the word “Kaizen” and the common thread of this unforgettable experience.

“Improving day after day”: this is the meaning of the word “Kaizen”, but also the common thread of his documentary. This quest for constant progression embodies the life lesson that Inoxtag wishes to convey through his adventure, that of surpassing oneself in the face of challenges.


– What were the key challenges Inoxtag faced during his preparation for the Everest climb‍ in “Kaizen”?

Inoxtag’s “Kaizen”: An Unforgettable Journey to the​ Summit‌ of Everest

This​ Friday, September 13, YouTube sensation Inoxtag unveiled a preview‌ of his highly anticipated documentary, “Kaizen,” ‌in cinemas, recounting his extraordinary adventure to the summit of Mount Everest. The film has left fans⁢ in awe, taking them on an emotional, inspiring, and ⁢humorous‍ journey like no other.

A Year of Preparation

In February 2023, Inès‌ Benazzouz, aka Inoxtag, announced his‌ ambitious plan to climb the highest peak in the⁤ world: Mount Everest. This incredible challenge ⁢would require almost​ a year of intense physical ​and mental preparation. Under ⁤the guidance ‍of ⁣coach Idriss and high​ mountain ⁢guide Mathis Dumas, the 22-year-old videographer embarked on ‍a journey that would ‌push him to his limits.

Inoxtag’s​ preparation began with a three-week mountaineering course‍ in Chamonix, ‍where he ​acquired the necessary skills to tackle ‍more ambitious summits. He then went on to⁢ climb several legendary mountains, including ⁢the Dent du Géant in the Mont Blanc‌ massif and the‍ Matterhorn, one of the highest mountains‌ in Switzerland.

Conquering Ama Dablam and​ Refocusing on Everest

After six months⁤ of intensive training, Inoxtag headed to Nepal to climb Ama Dablam, a Himalayan ‌peak reaching an altitude‌ of over‌ 6,800 meters. Upon his return to ‍France, he had to refocus on his ultimate ⁣goal: the ascent of Everest. With ‌the help of his coach Idriss, Inoxtag regained⁢ his ⁣focus and continued his⁣ intense physical and mental preparation.

The Ascent of Everest: An Unforgettable ‌Adventure

In April 2024, Inoxtag and his ⁤team, accompanied by Sherpas, arrived at Everest Base Camp to acclimatize to ⁢the high altitude. May marked the beginning of their long-awaited‌ ascent. However, this adventure was not just about achieving ⁣a ‍physical feat; Inoxtag also shed light on⁤ the ⁣challenges‌ climbers face, including the devastating ⁣effects⁢ of altitude on health, increasing pollution, and traffic congestion due to the influx of tourists.

In his documentary, Inoxtag emphasized the importance of individual responsibility in protecting the fragile​ environment of the Himalayas, stating,‌ “It is not the mountain that is dangerous, but the human being.”

Overcoming Challenges ⁣and Achieving the Impossible

Despite the numerous difficulties encountered during this adventure,‌ Inoxtag’s determination and ⁣perseverance ultimately led him to the summit of Everest. His journey serves as a powerful reminder⁤ that with hard work, dedication, and a passion⁤ for the impossible, anything⁤ can be ⁣achieved.

“Kaizen” in Cinemas: A Must-See Documentary

Inoxtag’s “Kaizen” documentary has taken cinemas by​ storm, offering an intimate and inspiring look ‌into his extraordinary adventure. ‌With its ⁤perfect blend of inspiration, emotion, and humor, this film is ⁤a must-see for ‍adventure⁢ enthusiasts and anyone looking for a dose of motivation.

Optimized Keywords:


Kaizen documentary

⁤Mount Everest







⁤Environmental responsibility

Individual responsibility


⁤ Nepal



Ama Dablam


Dent du ⁢Géant

Mont Blanc massif

Meta Description:

Join ​Inoxtag on his incredible journey to ‍the summit of Mount Everest in his documentary “Kaizen.”⁤ This ‌inspiring film takes⁢ you on an emotional and humorous adventure, highlighting the importance of environmental responsibility and individual determination.

Header Tags:

H1: Inoxtag’s “Kaizen”: An Unforgettable Journey to the Summit of⁤ Everest

H2: A Year‍ of Preparation

⁣H2: Conquering Ama⁣ Dablam and Refocusing on Everest

H2: The Ascent of ​Everest: An Unforgettable Adventure

H2: Overcoming Challenges and Achieving the⁣ Impossible

* H2: “Kaizen”⁢ in Cinemas: A Must-See Documentary

– What inspired Inoxtag to undertake the Everest climb documented in “Kaizen”?

Title: “Kaizen: The Inspiring Story of Inoxtag’s Everest Quest”

Meta Description: Join French YouTuber Inoxtag on his extraordinary journey to the summit of Everest, as he recounts his year-long preparation and overcoming of incredible challenges in his new documentary “Kaizen”.

Keywords: Inoxtag, Kaizen, Everest, Mount Everest, Documentary, YouTube, Adventure, Climbing, Mountaineering, Nepal, Himalayas.

Header Image: A breathtaking shot of Inoxtag standing atop Mount Everest, with the majestic Himalayan range in the background.


This Friday, September 13, French YouTuber Inoxtag unveiled a preview of his highly anticipated documentary “Kaizen” in cinemas, recounting his incredible adventure to the summit of Mount Everest. Between inspiration, emotion, and humor, this film immerses its fans in an extraordinary adventure that will leave you breathless.

A Year of Preparation:

In February 2023, Inoxtag announced his intention to climb the highest peak in the world: Everest. This extraordinary challenge would require intense physical and mental preparation for almost a year. Accompanied by his coach Idriss and Mathis Dumas, a high mountain guide, the 22-year-old videographer first went to Chamonix for a three-week mountaineering course. This stay allowed him to acquire the necessary basics before tackling more ambitious summits.

Mountaineering Courses and Legendary Climbs:

Inoxtag then climbed several legendary mountains, such as the Dent du Géant in the Mont Blanc massif, as well as the Matterhorn, one of the highest mountains in Switzerland. After six months of intensive training, he headed to Nepal to climb Ama Dablam, a Himalayan peak reaching an altitude of over 6,800 meters.

A Complicated Return to France:

Back in France after this first great adventure, Inoxtag tried to compensate for his absence of more than a month on social networks by immersing himself in work. It was then that his coach Idriss had to remind him of his real objective: the ascent of Everest. Focused, the YouTuber continued intensive training, both physical and mental, to be ready to take on this exceptional challenge.

An Extraordinary Adventure:

In April 2024, Inoxtag and his team, accompanied by Sherpas, traveled to Everest Base Camp to acclimatize to the altitude. May marks the beginning of the long-awaited ascent. But this adventure is not just about a physical feat. The YouTuber explains the challenges that climbers face: the devastating effects of altitude on health, increasing pollution, and traffic due to the influx of tourists.

The Meaning of Kaizen:

“Improving day by day” is the meaning of the word “Kaizen”, the title of Inoxtag’s documentary. This quest for constant progression embodies the life lesson that Inoxtag wishes to convey through his adventure, that of surpassing oneself in the face of challenges.

Key Challenges Faced by Inoxtag:

During his preparation for the Everest climb, Inoxtag faced several key challenges, including:

Overcoming physical limitations through intense training

Developing mental resilience to overcome fear and doubt

Adapting to high altitudes and extreme weather conditions

Coping with the psychological pressure of climbing the world’s highest mountain

* Bearing the weight of responsibility for his team and the environment


“Kaizen” is more than just a documentary about climbing Everest; it’s a story of perseverance, self-improvement, and the power of the human spirit. Join Inoxtag on his extraordinary journey to the roof of the world and be inspired



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