Peña Introduces Bold Strategy for Accelerating Industrial Growth and Expanding Maquila Sector to Boost Employment

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, announced proposals that the Executive will send to Congress to update laws on assembly and maquila, as well as to strengthen industrialization processes, aiming to generate more jobs in the country.

First, he spoke of a new law on the assembly of high-tech products, updating the current one dating from 2012 and which “requires a more modern vision to be able to attract high-tech industries.”

He also announced a proposal to update the 1997 maquila law, which “also needs a review.”

At this point, he indicated that the proposal seeks to ensure that maquila is not limited only to the manufacture of goods but also encompasses services.

“The data center industry today can be the main source of employment for our youth, so we are going to propose a change in legislation, we are going to modernize the maquila system to make it even more efficient and more competitive,” he said in a speech at the Industrial Union of Paraguay (UIP) on Friday night.

On the other hand, Peña also expressed the Government’s intention to continue increasing the percentage of biodiesel in fuels, a measure that has already demonstrated its benefits to the industrialization of grains after the increase, from 2 to 5%, established in October of last year.

“Today, technical studies tell us that we could gradually reach 20%. We are determined to submit a law to Congress that will allow the gradual growth of this industry that uses national raw materials to generate biodiesel and reinforce the country’s green seal,” he said.

Finally, at the UIP event that marked the celebration of the National Industry Day, the president signed the decree establishing as a policy of the National Government the support and promotion of the Paraguayan metallurgical industry within the framework of national and international public tenders carried out by the National Electricity Administration.

#Peña #announced #proposals #strengthen #industrialization #expand #maquila #seeking #boost #job #creation
2024-09-16 19:51:33

What are President Santiago Peña’s key proposals⁤ for boosting ⁢industrialization in Paraguay?

Boosting Industrialization in Paraguay: President Santiago Peña’s Proposals for Economic Growth

Asunción, Paraguay – ​In a bid to⁢ stimulate economic growth and generate more jobs in Paraguay, President Santiago Peña has announced a series of proposals aimed at updating laws on assembly and ​maquila,⁣ as well as strengthening industrialization⁤ processes. The President’s announcements were made during a ‌speech at⁤ the Industrial Union of Paraguay‌ (UIP) on Friday night.

Revamping the Assembly Law

First on the agenda is a new law on the ‌assembly ​of high-tech products, which will update the current legislation dating back to 2012. President Peña emphasized the need⁤ for a more ​modern vision to ‍attract high-tech industries to the country. ⁢This proactive ⁣approach is expected to drive economic growth, create new ‌job⁣ opportunities, and position Paraguay as a hub for high-tech manufacturing in the⁣ region.

Modernizing the Maquila Law

Another key ‌proposal is the update of the 1997 maquila law, which is seen as outdated and in need of revision. The new ⁤legislation ‌aims to ​expand the scope of maquila ⁤beyond mere goods manufacturing to include⁤ services.⁤ This move is expected to have a significant impact on ‌the economy, particularly in the⁤ data center industry, which has ​the potential to become a major source of employment for young people.

Increasing Biodiesel in Fuels

Furthermore, President Peña expressed⁤ the government’s intention ⁣to continue increasing‌ the percentage of biodiesel in fuels, a measure that has ‍already‌ demonstrated its benefits to the industrialization of grains. The current 5% biodiesel blend, introduced in October last year, has been deemed a ⁣success, and technical studies suggest that a gradual increase to 20% is feasible. The President ‍has pledged⁤ to submit a law to Congress to facilitate the growth⁤ of‌ this industry.

Strengthening ​Industrialization

The proposals form part of a broader strategy to ​strengthen industrialization processes ​in Paraguay and create a more competitive economy. ‍By updating laws and regulations, the government aims to attract investment,⁢ stimulate economic⁣ growth,‍ and improve the country’s business environment.

A Brighter ‌Future for Paraguay

The President’s‌ proposals have been welcomed by the Industrial Union of Paraguay and other‌ stakeholders, ‍who ‌see them⁣ as a crucial step towards a brighter ⁤economic future for the⁣ country. By‌ embracing innovation and modernization, Paraguay is poised to become a more attractive destination for investment and a leader ⁤in the region.

Key ‌Takeaways

​President Santiago Peña has announced proposals to update laws on assembly and maquila⁢ to stimulate economic growth and create jobs.

A new law on high-tech product assembly aims to attract investment and drive growth.

The maquila law will be modernized to include ‌services, such as data center industries.

The government plans to increase the percentage of biodiesel in fuels to 20%.

The proposals‍ are part of a broader ⁣strategy‌ to strengthen industrialization and create ‍a more ⁢competitive economy.

Optimized Keywords

Paraguay economy


Assembly law

Maquila law


⁢ Economic growth

Job creation




Meta Description

Discover how President ​Santiago Peña’s proposals aim to boost industrialization ‍in Paraguay, ⁣creating jobs and driving economic growth. ⁤Learn more about the updates to the assembly and ⁣maquila‍ laws, and the plans to increase biodiesel⁣ in fuels.

Header Tags

⁤H1: Boosting Industrialization in Paraguay: President ​Santiago Peña’s Proposals for Economic⁢ Growth

⁢H2: Revamping the Assembly Law

H2: Modernizing⁢ the Maquila⁤ Law

H2: Increasing Biodiesel in Fuels

H2: Strengthening⁤ Industrialization

* H2: ⁢A Brighter Future for Paraguay

What proposals did President Santiago Peña unveil to strengthen industrialization in Paraguay?

President Santiago Peña Unveils Proposals to Strengthen Industrialization and Expand Maquila in Paraguay

The President of the Republic of Paraguay, Santiago Peña, recently announced a series of proposals aimed at modernizing and strengthening the country’s industrialization process, with a focus on expanding the maquila sector and creating more job opportunities. The announcement was made during the celebration of National Industry Day at the Industrial Union of Paraguay (UIP).

Updating Laws on Assembly and Maquila

President Peña highlighted the need to update the law on the assembly of high-tech products, which has been in place since 2012. He emphasized that the current law requires a more modern vision to attract high-tech industries to the country. Additionally, he announced a proposal to update the 1997 maquila law, which also needs a review.

The proposal seeks to expand the maquila sector beyond the manufacture of goods to encompass services, such as data centers, which can be a significant source of employment for the country’s youth. President Peña emphasized that the modernization of the maquila system will make it more efficient and competitive.

Boosting Biodiesel Production

The President also expressed the government’s intention to continue increasing the percentage of biodiesel in fuels. This measure has already shown its benefits to the industrialization of grains after the increase from 2 to 5% established in October last year. Technical studies suggest that the percentage can be gradually increased to 20%. The government plans to submit a law to Congress to allow for the gradual growth of this industry, which uses national raw materials to generate biodiesel and reinforces the country’s green seal.

Supporting the Metallurgical Industry

During the event, President Peña signed a decree establishing the support and promotion of the Paraguayan metallurgical industry within the framework of national and international public tenders carried out by the National Electricity Administration. This decree aims to promote the development of the metallurgical industry, generating more jobs and economic growth.

Strengthening Industrialization and Job Creation

The proposals announced by President Peña are part of the government’s efforts to strengthen industrialization and expand the maquila sector, with the goal of creating more job opportunities and driving economic growth. By modernizing laws and regulations, promoting the metallurgical industry, and increasing biodiesel production, the government aims to create a more competitive and sustainable economy that benefits all Paraguayans.

Keywords: President Santiago Peña, industrialization, maquila, job creation, Paraguay, metallurgical industry, biodiesel, National Industry Day, UIP, data centers, high-tech industries, green seal, economic growth.



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