Wardęga Streams Boxdel’s Conversation with Fagata

From Boxdel‘s video, one might think that Fagata is on the side of the former Fame MMA boss. Meanwhile, the influencer reached out to Sylwester yesterday.

Fagata contacted Sylwester Wardęga yesterday, playing him a conversation with Boxdel. Yes, this is a strange universe. Boxdel really believes in this whole conspiracy, that’s probably where the calls to Fagata come from.

According to Fagata, this is the second time Boxdel has called her about this. Wardęga published the conversation on his Instagram.

Wardęga is letting go of the conversation

Everyone there is probably recording everyone, so it’s no wonder that Fagata recorded Boxdel. The former Fame boss says he wants to meet everyone and that this is a chance for Fagata to continue her career.

Why did Fagata reveal this to Wardęga? It is not known. Druid himself seems surprised by this turn of events. He does not necessarily know where this sudden contact came from. Maybe Fagata knew that her conversation would be used by Boxdel – the influencer mentioned that according to her information Wardęga is supposed to be in Clout MMA.

What ‌prompted Fagata ⁣to contact Sylwester Wardęga amidst the Boxdel controversy?

Unraveling the Mystery: Fagata’s Surprising Move Amidst the‍ Boxdel-Sylwester​ Wardęga Controversy

In a shocking turn of events, ⁣popular social media influencer Fagata has reached out to Sylwester Wardęga,​ the former​ boss of Fame ​MMA, leaving many⁣ to question whose side she is on. This unexpected move comes after Boxdel,⁤ a​ prominent figure in the MMA world, ⁢released a ‍video ‌that seemed to imply Fagata was​ in his ‌corner.⁣ However, as it often does, the truth is more complex than ​it initially appears.

The Conspiracy Theory Unfolds

For those unfamiliar with the drama surrounding Boxdel and Sylwester Wardęga, it’s essential to understand the context. Boxdel has been vocal about his conspiracy theories, claiming that ⁢Wardęga is involved⁣ in some sort of illicit activities. These claims have sparked a heated debate within the MMA community, with many calling out‍ Boxdel for spreading misinformation.

Fagata’s Surprising Move

Yesterday, Fagata shocked her followers by contacting Sylwester Wardęga, playing him a conversation she ⁤had with Boxdel. This move has left many wondering why Fagata would reach out to Wardęga, especially given the contentious relationship between the⁢ two figures. ⁣According to Fagata, this ‍is the second time Boxdel has called her ⁣about ⁢his conspiracy theories,⁣ which has led to some interesting speculation.

The Plot Thickens

One possible⁤ explanation for​ Fagata’s actions⁣ is that she is⁢ trying to ‍get to the bottom of Boxdel’s claims. By sharing the conversation with⁤ Wardęga, Fagata may be attempting to expose⁣ the truth behind Boxdel’s theories. Wardęga, who has been mum on the subject until now,​ has finally broken his ‌silence by publishing the conversation on his social ‌media channels.

Boxdel’s Beliefs: A Delusion or a Reality?

Boxdel’s firm belief in his conspiracy theories has raised eyebrows within​ the MMA community. Many have questioned his motives,⁢ with some accusing him of seeking ‌attention or trying to discredit Wardęga. However, the fact remains that Boxdel is convinced of his claims, and Fagata’s⁢ involvement has only⁤ added fuel to the fire.

The⁢ Bigger ‌Picture

This‍ drama ​serves as a reminder that the world of MMA is not immune to controversy and drama. The complex web of relationships and alliances within the ⁣community can lead to ‌some surprising and often confusing events. As we navigate ‍the twists and turns of this saga, one thing is clear: the truth ‌is often stranger than fiction.


Fagata’s move has added a⁤ new layer of intrigue to the already complex Boxdel-Sylwester Wardęga controversy. As the story continues to ‍unfold, one thing is certain: the MMA community will be watching with bated breath. Will Fagata’s actions lead to a resolution,⁢ or⁢ will they only serve to further muddy the waters? Only time will tell.

Keyword optimization:

‌ Fagata


Sylwester Wardęga

Fame MMA

‍MMA controversy

Conspiracy theories

​Social media drama

Influencer involvement

Meta description: Uncover the‌ surprising twist in the Boxdel-Sylwester Wardęga controversy as Fagata reaches out to Wardęga,⁢ leaving fans questioning whose side she is on. Get the⁣ latest scoop on this MMA drama.

What is Fagata’s role in the controversy between Boxdel and Sylwester Wardęga?

Unraveling the Mystery: Fagata’s Surprising Move Amidst the Boxdel-Sylwester Wardęga Controversy

In a shocking turn of events, popular social media influencer Fagata has reached out to Sylwester Wardęga, the former boss of Fame MMA, leaving many to question whose side she is on. This unexpected move comes after Boxdel, a prominent figure in the MMA world, released a video that seemed to imply Fagata was in his corner. However, as it often does, the truth is more complex than it initially appears.

The Conspiracy Theory Unfolds

For those unfamiliar with the drama surrounding Boxdel and Sylwester Wardęga, it’s essential to understand the context. Boxdel has been vocal about his conspiracy theories, claiming that Wardęga is involved in some sort of illicit activities. These claims have sparked a heated debate within the MMA community, with many calling out Boxdel



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