Unveiling True Defiance: Koutsoubas on the Strength of Unity in Struggle

The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoubasin an interview on the website of the “Economic Postman” at TIF, he emphasized that “we need an overall central scientific plan of an economy that will be controlled by the state, a workers’ state“, noting that “this is the essence of reflection, of thinking and the proposals of the KKE on how the economy should be designed, what this social organization should be, who should own the means of production and what measures you are taking to protect the wages and income of the Greek people, not you have energy poverty, to have energy sufficiency and of course to protect the environment as well”.

When asked if Mitsotakis’ announcements actually “caught” him, he said “only for a joke.” Even the partial allowances he gave for a short time, these too are exhausted by all the other proclamations.”

He also said that “even a struggle that may not be completed or crowned with significant success, is not lost, because it adds experience, adds class experience, builds thinking, organization, mass for tomorrow”.

He mentioned, among other things, that “the periods when everything moves slowly, or seems to move slowly”, are periods when you have to prepare the Greek people and the youth to think, to organize, to enlighten them, to reveal why all this is happening and of course, as adventurous as it is suddenly in periods of – to put it in theoretical terms – a non-revolutionary situation, for you to trumpet a “raid in the heavens” and a general attack on power when the conditions do not exist, it is criminal, it is wrong not to you don’t do anything, don’t reveal what the government’s policy is and say you’re not bored and say “let’s go wherever it comes out”.

He said that “we go wherever it comes” exists “to a large extent in the parties that have ruled until today and in the current ruling party. Much more exists in opposition parties.”

D. Koutsoubas also noted the “great mobility” with a change of affiliations in many primary unions where in the administrations “they bring out real fighters and honor the fighters who belong to the KKE, who belong to the PAME, for their consistency, their seriousness, the guarantee that they will take the fight forward and their rights even if they will take a step forward”.

He also pointed out that the KKE is trying to explain within the labor-people’s movement that in order for its conquests to be stable, it needs a political treatment of the issues related to both voting and, above all, the manner of conducting the struggles and their orientation, which must be it also turns “against the cause of the problem, which is the capitalist system itself, which must be overthrown.”

He emphasized that “there is an opposition, first of all the great popular struggles, they are an opposition and indeed a genuine popular opposition”.

He described social democracy as “completely sinful”, noting that “PASOK and SYRIZA as well as small groups of the social democratic, opportunistic space did a lot of damage to the popular movement” something that the KKE had predicted.

He stated that all of them are “privileged opponents for the ND” adding that “both the ND and Mr. Mitsotakis, our assessment is that he wants to reconstitute the other pole in the political system in the same direction”.

He noted as one of the objectives of the reconstitution of the other pole in the same direction “the integration of popular discontent and the political integration of the movement” and added that at the same time this pole gives “broader consents” to the ND government to deal with “the economic crisis , the war, the confrontations and the compromises that he will need to make in the Cyprus and the Aegean”.

Asked about the situation in SYRIZA, he said, among other things, that “the course of ideological, political and organizational degeneration of SYRIZA is set to reach Kasselakeiada based on the political line that governs this party”.

Asked about the war in the Middle East, he said that “the dead have exceeded 40,000. The absolute majority of them are civilians, women, children, the elderly, and unfortunately the USA and the EU and Greece through the Greek government but also with the tolerance of other parties, today, continue to support this unacceptable murderous criminal regime of Netanyahu, of Israel, which murders people and certainly risks igniting the flame of war”.

He noted that “it is not only the attacks in Gaza by Israel, we also have in the West Bank. In essence, they are going for the genocide of the entire Palestinian people, so that there is not even a Palestinian territory where Palestinians live. And of course there are attacks in Lebanon and Syria as well. These conflicts reach as far as Yemen and the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, and Greece also participates with frigates, despite the strong reaction and protest of active Greek military personnel who participate in these missions. They make statements and come out now and say that Greece must stop participating in this war by supporting an unacceptable criminal regime”.

Responding to a related question, he said that the issue of finding a solution to the Greek-Turkish and Cypriot issues, in the wake of the war in the Middle East and Ukraine, “is the same domino of developments”, noting, among other things, that “we are going for a solution to the Cypriot issue, which it will be a purely dichotomous solution, in the direction of the two states, while at the same time the government is making serious concessions, it seems, or is willing to make against the Turkish claims, concerning sovereign rights and sovereignty of Greece, even though the government he constantly denies in public.”

He called on the Greek people “without fear, to be vigilant” and noted that “the first issue that will be opened will be Cyprus, where they consider it as the weakest link to open this issue by essentially giving in to Mr. Erdogan’s claims and the Turkish ruling class”.

He also said that the country’s participation in both NATO and the EU, mainly as an economic impact in regards to the latter, has only brought suffering to the Greek people, while he added that for the new economic crisis that is coming “they are not preparing at all Greek governments, the other parties. Above all, they do not prepare the Greek people for what is going to happen and which they will pay for themselves again.”

Asked about the near-miss railway accident in Agios Anargyros, he said that “after the crime that took place in Tempi, no substantial measure has been taken for the Greek railways, for the means of mass transport. No substantial measure has been taken and we will unfortunately have accidents of this kind again.”

He emphasized that all those responsible, politicians and administrators who have responsibilities, should be tried and the fight should continue so that the crime in Tempe is not forgotten.

In his interview, D. Koutsoubas also spoke about the KNE-“Odegitite” Festival, whose events culminate in Athens, in Tritsis Park, while commenting on the invitees to the Festival from the USA, he said, among other things, that “in the metropolis of of capitalism, in the “promised land”, there is a labor movement, there are people who struggle, young people who struggle”, he referred to the solidarity of US university students with the Palestinian people and noted that “processes are also taking place within American society, despite the fact that the conditions are definitely very difficult”.

#Koutsoubas #great #popular #struggles #genuine #popular #opposition

Overlooked the needs of the working class ⁣in favor⁣ of capitalist⁤ interests. He argued that social democracy has failed to ⁢deliver true progress for the people, reinforcing the necessity for a revolutionary approach that aligns with the KKE’s vision for ⁢real change.

The​ KKE’s Vision for a Workers’ State: Dimitris Koutsoubas on ‌the Economy, Social ⁢Democracy, and the Government’s Policy

In​ a recent interview with the “Economic Postman” at ⁢the Thessaloniki ‌International Fair, Dimitris Koutsoubas, the General Secretary of ​the Central Committee of⁢ the Communist Party​ of Greece (KKE), ‍emphasized the need ‌for a comprehensive, state-controlled ‍economic plan that prioritizes the welfare of the ‍Greek people. According to Koutsoubas, ⁤this is the cornerstone of the KKE’s proposals for a social ⁣organization that benefits the workers, rather‌ than​ the⁢ capitalist class.

A Workers’ State: ⁢The Essence of Reflection and Action

Koutsoubas stressed ‍that the KKE’s⁤ vision for a workers’ state is not a pipe dream, but a⁣ necessary ⁤step ⁤towards ensuring that‌ the means⁤ of production are owned and controlled by ⁣the people, rather than the ⁤capitalist class. ‌He noted that this ‍approach would allow for the protection of workers’ wages and income, energy sufficiency,⁣ and environmental protection. The ⁣KKE’s proposals, he ​added, are not mere theoretical constructs, but rather a clear roadmap for building a better future for the Greek people.

Mitsotakis’ Announcements: Empty Rhetoric

When asked about ⁤Prime​ Minister Mitsotakis’⁢ recent announcements, Koutsoubas ⁤dismissed them as mere rhetoric, designed to placate⁢ the public rather than address the country’s urgent needs. He⁢ emphasized that even the partial allowances offered by Mitsotakis ‌are ⁣outweighed ‍by the government’s broader pro-capitalist policies.

The ‌Importance ⁢of Struggle and Organization

Koutsoubas also highlighted the importance of​ struggle and organization in achieving significant⁢ success, even in the face of adversity. ⁣He ⁤noted‌ that every‍ struggle, regardless of its outcome, adds to​ the collective⁤ experience and strength of ​the ⁣working class, building ⁤a solid foundation ‌for future action.‌ Preparing the Greek people and ⁢youth for the challenges ahead, he ​added, is crucial ​for creating a strong, organized movement that can effectively counter the government’s policies.

Social Democracy: A Sinful Legacy

In‌ a scathing critique of social democracy, Koutsoubas described it as “completely⁣ sinful,” citing the⁢ harm ‍caused by parties like PASOK and SYRIZA, which have historically

What is Dimitris Koutsoubas’ vision for a workers’ state in Greece?

The Path to a Workers’ State: Dimitris Koutsoubas on the Economy and Social Struggle

In a recent interview with the “Economic Postman” at TIF, Dimitris Koutsoubas, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the KKE (Communist Party of Greece), shared his vision for a radical transformation of the economy and society. Emphasizing the need for a workers’ state, Koutsoubas stressed that the current economic system must be overhauled to prioritize the needs of the Greek people over corporate profits.

A Central Scientific Plan for an Economy Controlled by the State

Koutsoubas advocated for a comprehensive, state-controlled economic plan that would ensure the protection of workers’ wages and income, as well as energy sufficiency and environmental protection. He criticized the partial measures announced by Prime Minister Mitsotakis, arguing that they were insufficient and would soon be exhausted by other factors.

The Importance of Class Struggle and Experience

Koutsoubas emphasized the significance of class struggle, even in periods of seeming stagnation. According to him, these periods provide an opportunity to educate and organize the working class, revealing the underlying causes of their struggles and building a stronger movement for the future.

The Critique of Social Democracy and the ND Government

The KKE leader strongly criticized social democracy, labeling it “completely sinful” and arguing that parties like PASOK and SYRIZA have done significant harm to the popular movement. He accused the ND government of seeking to reconstitute the political system in its favor, integrating popular discontent and providing broader consent for its policies.

The Situation in SYRIZA and the War in the Middle East

Koutsoubas also commented on the decline of SYRIZA, predicting that the party would continue to degenerate ideologically, politically, and organizationally. Regarding the war in the Middle East, he condemned the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza and the West Bank, as well as the support of the USA, EU, and Greek government for this “murderous criminal regime.”


The interview with Dimitris Koutsoubas highlights the KKE’s commitment to a radical transformation of the economy and society, prioritizing the needs of the working class and the environment. By emphasizing the importance of class struggle, education, and organization, Koutsoubas offers a vision of a brighter future for Greece and beyond.

Keywords: Dimitris Koutsoubas, KKE, workers’ state, economy, social struggle, class struggle, social democracy, ND government, SYRIZA, war in the Middle East.

Meta Description: Read an in-depth interview with Dimitris Koutsoubas, General Secretary of the KKE, on the economy, social struggle, and the need for a workers’ state. Learn about the party’s vision for a radical transformation of Greek society.

Optimized Images: Use images with alt tags and descriptions, such as “Dimitris Koutsoubas, KKE General Secretary” and “Protesters demanding workers’ rights in Greece.”



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