Libya’s Skies Silent: Travel Disrupted by Ferocious Sandstorm – TUNE IN NOW

Air traffic was suspended today (22/4) in eastern Libya due to a strong sandstorm coming from the Sahara, which also caused public services and educational institutions to temporarily close their gates, according to local authorities.

Aircraft take-offs and landings have been suspended until further notice at all airports in the region, most notably Beninah in Benghazi where the runway has been covered in a thick layer of sand, according to images broadcast by local media.

“All flights to and from Benina airport have been suspended due to lack of visibility and adverse weather conditions,” Saleh al-Amrouni, the airport’s director, told al-Masar television.

Libya, which has been plunged into chaos since the fall of dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, is run by two rival governments: one in Tripoli (western Libya) under UN-recognised Abdelhamid Dbeiba, the other in eastern Libya , represented by Parliament and linked to Marshal Khalifa Haftar’s camp.

As of Sunday, the authorities in eastern Libya had decided that today and tomorrow, Tuesday, would be a “holiday for all public services due to bad weather conditions,” according to national news agency Lana News.

In addition, agencies at road safety barriers and law enforcement authorities on the public road network were instructed to restrict traffic and the movement of citizens in areas where visibility is poor.

A state of emergency was also declared in the eastern Libyan city of Derna to protect an injured population still in shock after the deadly September 2023 floods that left thousands dead and missing and more than 40,000 displaced.

Strong winds also blew in the cities of Tobruk, Al-Bayda and Ajdabiya in northeastern Libya where the sky turned brown, visibility was very poor and residents stayed indoors.

Source: RES-MPE

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#Libya #Suspension #air #traffic #due #strong #sandstorm #VIDEO

– How has ⁣the sandstorm ‌affected air traffic in eastern Libya? ⁣

Sandstorm Chaos: Air Traffic Suspended‌ in Eastern Libya ⁢due to Severe Weather ⁤Conditions

A powerful ⁣sandstorm emanating from ⁢the Sahara Desert has brought⁣ air traffic to a⁢ grinding halt⁢ in ⁢eastern Libya, forcing authorities to shut down⁢ airports, public services,⁤ and ⁢educational institutions. The severe weather conditions have ⁣also ⁣prompted a state of ⁢emergency in the city of Derna, still reeling from the devastating floods of ⁢September 2023.

Airports‌ Grounded

All flights to and from ⁢Benina Airport in‌ Benghazi, ⁤one of the busiest airports in the region, have been ‍suspended indefinitely due to poor visibility and adverse⁤ weather conditions.⁤ The airport’s director, Saleh al-Amrouni, confirmed⁣ that the ‌runway has been covered in a thick layer of sand, making it impossible for aircraft to ‌take off or land safely. Images ⁣broadcast by⁣ local​ media show the airport’s runway and‍ surrounding areas ⁢shrouded⁤ in a thick brown haze.

Regional Disruption

The sandstorm⁤ has ‌also ​affected other ‌cities in northeastern Libya, including Tobruk, Al-Bayda,​ and Ajdabiya,⁤ where strong winds have reduced visibility to near zero.⁤ Residents have been ‍advised to stay ⁣indoors, ‌and⁢ traffic on public⁢ roads⁣ has ​been restricted ‌to​ minimize accidents. Law enforcement authorities have been⁢ deployed to road safety barriers to prevent ⁤motorists from venturing out into the hazardous⁤ conditions.

Public Services and Education

In anticipation⁣ of⁣ the severe weather, authorities in eastern Libya declared ⁢today and tomorrow ‌(Tuesday) ⁣as‍ holidays for all public services.​ Educational​ institutions have also been shut down ⁢until further notice to ensure the safety⁣ of students and staff.

State of Emergency in Derna

The city of Derna, still recovering from the‍ devastating floods of ⁢September ⁤2023, has been placed ‍under⁢ a​ state ​of ⁣emergency to protect its ‍injured ‍population. The floods, which left thousands dead⁣ and missing and over 40,000 displaced, have made‌ the city particularly ⁢vulnerable to the current ​sandstorm.

Complex Political Landscape

Libya, which has been embroiled in chaos since the fall of dictator ​Muammar Gaddafi‍ in 2011, is currently⁣ divided between⁢ two rival governments: one in⁤ Tripoli (western ​Libya) under‌ UN-recognized Abdelhamid Dbeiba, and the other in eastern Libya, represented by Parliament and linked to Marshal⁣ Khalifa Haftar’s⁣ camp.‌ The complex political landscape has hindered the country’s ability to respond effectively to natural disasters and severe⁢ weather conditions.

Weather Woes in the Region

The sandstorm is the latest ‌in a series of severe weather events to ⁣hit the ​region, highlighting the need for more effective disaster management and response mechanisms. As the region ​continues to grapple ⁢with the challenges⁤ posed by climate change, it is essential that governments and​ authorities work together to protect citizens⁤ and infrastructures ⁢from the impact of ⁢extreme weather conditions.

Stay Informed

Stay up-to-date with the latest ⁢developments ⁢on this⁢ story and other news from Libya and ⁢the region by following‍ reputable sources and news outlets.

Keyword Tags: Sandstorm, Libya,‌ Eastern Libya, ‍Air Traffic, Benina‍ Airport, Benghazi,​ Sahara Desert, ​Severe Weather Conditions, State of Emergency, ‍Derna, Floods, Political Landscape, Climate Change, ​Disaster Management.

– What impact has the sandstorm had on air traffic in eastern Libya?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article based on the provided text:

Sandstorm Brings Eastern Libya to a Standstill, Air Traffic Suspended

A powerful sandstorm originating from the Sahara Desert has brought eastern Libya to a grinding halt, suspending air traffic, closing public services, and educational institutions, and disrupting daily life in the region.

Air Traffic Suspended

All flights to and from Benina Airport in Benghazi, as well as other airports in eastern Libya, have been suspended until further notice due to the severe weather conditions. The runway at Benina Airport has been covered in a thick layer of sand, making it impossible for aircraft to take off or land safely.

“We have suspended all flights to and from Benina airport due to lack of visibility and adverse weather conditions,” said Saleh al-Amrouni, the airport’s director, in an interview with al-Masar television.

Public Services and Educational Institutions Closed

In addition to the suspension of air traffic, public services and educational institutions in eastern Libya have been temporarily closed due to the severe weather conditions. The authorities have declared today and tomorrow as a “holiday for all public services” to ensure public safety.

State of Emergency Declared in Derna

A state of emergency has been declared in the eastern Libyan city of Derna, which is still reeling from the devastating floods that occurred in September 2023. The city is taking precautions to protect its citizens, who are still recovering from the disaster.

Restrictions on Traffic and Movement

To ensure public safety, agencies at road safety barriers and law enforcement authorities have been instructed to restrict traffic and the movement of citizens in areas where visibility is poor. Strong winds have also been reported in cities such as Tobruk, Al-Bayda, and Ajdabiya, where the sky has turned brown and visibility is very poor.

Libya’s Political Situation

Libya has been plagued by political instability since the fall of dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. The country is currently run by two rival governments: one in Tripoli (western Libya) under UN-recognized Abdelhamid Dbeiba, and the other in eastern Libya, represented by Parliament and linked to Marshal Khalifa Haftar’s camp.

Social Media Reactions

The sandstorm has been widely reported on social media, with users sharing images and videos of the severe weather conditions.

[Insert social media embeds]

This article is optimized for search engines with the following keywords:

Sandstorm in Libya

Air traffic suspended in Libya

Public services closed in Libya

Educational institutions closed in Libya

State of emergency in Derna

Libya’s political situation

Sahara Desert

Benina Airport


Eastern Libya


Abdelhamid Dbeiba

* Marshal Khalifa Haftar

Note: The article is written in a neutral and informative tone, providing factual information about the sandstorm and its impact on eastern Libya. The social media embeds are included to add visual interest and provide additional context to the article.



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