Sánchez Urges Maduro to Openly Share and Authenticate Election Records

  • The Spanish government has avoided commenting on the diplomatic crisis between Spain and Venezuela | Photo: EFE

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has demanded that the administration of Nicolás Maduro publish the minutes of the elections in order to verify the results in an “impartial and independent” manner.

Speaking at a meeting in Congress with deputies, senators and MEPs from his party (socialist), Pedro Sánchez did not make any specific comments on the diplomatic crisis between Spain and Venezuela, but he did mention Venezuela when speaking about his priorities for this political year.

Among them, he mentioned the “defense of democracy everywhere in the world, including Venezuela,” demanding that the Maduro government publish the electoral records and allow an impartial and independent verification of the results of the July 28 elections.

Edmundo González met with Pedro Sánchez at the Moncloa Palace” srcset=”https://eldiario.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/9d1a8f33a3053a631e2dd64b9c40cf8ddea14134-1200×798.jpg 1200w, https://eldiario.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/9d1a8f33a3053a631e2dd64b9c40cf8ddea14134-300×200.jpg 300w, https://eldiario.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/9d1a8f33a3053a631e2dd64b9c40cf8ddea14134-768×511.jpg 768w, https://eldiario.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/9d1a8f33a3053a631e2dd64b9c40cf8ddea14134-1536×1021.jpg 1536w, https://eldiario.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/9d1a8f33a3053a631e2dd64b9c40cf8ddea14134-150×100.jpg 150w, https://eldiario.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/9d1a8f33a3053a631e2dd64b9c40cf8ddea14134.jpg 1600w” sizes=”(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px”/>

Photo: EFE

Something that, he added, The Spanish Executive has been asking for a month along with most Western countries and the rest of the member states of the European Union.

On the other hand, he denounced those who use foreign policy “as an instrument to attack the Spanish government or divide citizens,” in an implicit allusion to the conservative Popular Party (PP), the main opposition group in Spain.

“They are committing the grave irresponsibility of supporting disinformation and destabilization campaigns promoted by external actors,” he added.

The PP proposed, and achieved, that Congress approved last week a non-law proposal to declare Edmundo Gonzalez, President-elect of Venezuelafollowing the presidential elections on July 28.

However, this position is not shared by the government of Pedro Sánchez, which, like the rest of the EU executives, asks the Venezuelan government to publish the electoral records in order to know with certainty who won those elections.

The Popular Party could govern with the far right in Spain, according to polls

The leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núnez Feijóo | Photo: EFE/Chema Moya

The National Electoral Council (CEN) declared Maduro the winner, but according to the opposition, Edmundo García Urrutia won, and to support this claim, they published a high percentage of the electoral records to prove the defeat of the ruling party.

After being summoned by the Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office, González arrived in Spain on the 8th of this month to request political asylum.

With information from EFE

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#Pedro #Sánchez #demands #Maduro #publish #independently #verify #electoral #records
2024-09-16 15:06:13

What are the best practices for using `

` in HTML?

The Role of

in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide



is one of the most commonly used elements, yet it’s often ‌misunderstood or underutilized. In ⁢this article, we’ll delve into the world of

, exploring its purpose, uses, and best​ practices.

What is


The ⁣

element is a generic container element in HTML, used to group together ​other elements ⁢and apply styles, layout, ⁣or other attributes to them. It’s⁢ a⁢ block-level element, which means it takes up the full width of ⁢its parent element and ‍starts⁣ on a new line.

Why Use


There are‌ several reasons why

is an essential element in HTML:

  1. Grouping elements:
    allows ‌you to⁢ group related elements together, making it⁣ easier to style⁣ or manipulate them.
  2. Semantic meaning: While
    doesn’t‌ convey any specific semantic meaning, it can be used to add structure to a webpage, making it more accessible and easier to maintain.
  3. Layout and styling:
    is⁢ often used to create complex layouts,⁢ apply styles,​ or add background​ images to a section of a webpage.

Common Uses ‍of

Here are ⁢some ⁤common scenarios where

is used:

  1. Container elements:
    is often used as a container‍ element to group together other ⁣elements, such as headers, paragraphs, or images.
  2. Layout elements:
    can be used to create complex ⁣layouts, such as grid systems or flexible boxes.
  3. Semantic replacement: In some cases,
    can be used as a replacement for ​more ‍semantic elements, such as⁤


  4. JavaScript manipulation:
    can be used as‍ a target element⁣ for JavaScript manipulation, allowing developers to dynamically add or remove content.

Best Practices for Using⁣

To get the most out of

, follow these best practices:

  1. Use ⁣
    sparingly: ⁣Avoid overusing

    elements, as they can make your HTML code cluttered ‌and harder to maintain.
  2. Use semantic ‍elements: Whenever possible, use more semantic elements,‌ such as
    , ⁢

  3. Add meaningful⁢ attributes:⁣ Add attributes, such⁤ as id, class, or style,⁤ to your
    elements to make‍ them more descriptive and easier to target.
  4. Keep it simple: Avoid nesting too many
    elements, as this can⁢ lead to complex and ​hard-to-debug ⁤code.


is a versatile and essential element in HTML, ‍used to‌ group together elements, apply ⁣styles, or add layout to a webpage. By following ⁤best practices and using

judiciously, you can create more⁢ maintainable, accessible, and stylish web pages.

SEO Keywords: HTML,

, container element, layout element, semantic ​meaning, accessibility, web development, best practices.



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