Western Greek Municipalities Unite Against Proposed FODSA Merger Legislation

Western Greek Municipalities Unite Against Proposed FODSA Merger Legislation

This morning, the Mayors of Western Greece expressed their complete opposition to the draft law under consultation of the Ministry of Environment and Energy which provides for the forced merger of the Solid Waste Management Agencies (SWMA) selectively in some Regions of the country, in a meeting attended by their delegation led by the President of the Regional Union of Municipalities (P.ED.DE), Mayor of Kalavryta, Mr. Thanasis Papadopoulos, with the Regional Governor of Western Greece, Mr. Nektarios Farmakis.

The delegation of P.E.D. informed the Regional Governor about the unanimous decision of the Board of Directors of the Union – at the meeting of Thursday, September 12 – and the complete opposition of all the Municipalities of Western Greece to the draft law which, if not withdrawn, will cause chain problems in the management of solid waste and in the three Regional Units of Western Greece.

As pointed out by the President of P.E.D. Thanasis Papadopoulos, waste management – based on Regional Planning – has been launched in Achaia, Aitoloakarnania and Ilia, with management plans by Regional Unit. And the forced merger of FODSAs, as he added, will bring a big setback regarding the projects and actions of the current Planning.

The Regional Mayor, Mr. Farmakis, agreed with the objections of the Mayors and noted that without the required social consent and the necessary institutional support, no reform can be implemented.

The two levels of Self-Government, Region and Municipalities, it was clearly seen in today’s meeting that they agree on the necessity of withdrawing the draft law.

The Regional Union of Municipalities of Western Greece, after today’s mobilization in the Region and with the unanimous support and decision of all 19 Municipalities of Western Greece, is already planning its next moves. Her unwavering goal is the withdrawal of the bill. In this direction, it invited its members to a demonstration on Thursday, September 19 at the Ministry of Environment and Energy, where a meeting with the Minister Mr. Theodoros Skylakakis will be sought.

In addition, on the same day, at 12 noon, the delegation will intervene in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece (KEDE) in order to plan a mobilization at the National level.

At the same time, the Board of Directors invites the MPs of all three prefectures, of all parties, to actively contribute to the withdrawal of the provisions of the bill that provide for the forced merger of FODSAs and, in the event that the political leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs finally insists, to vote against it.

“We declare that we will proceed with large-scale mobilizations until the final acceptance of our demands,” the announcement concludes.

#Municipalities #Western #Greece #mobilizing #FODSA #merger #bill

What ⁤are the ⁣concerns⁢ of the Mayors of Western Greece regarding ‍the proposed merger of Solid Waste Management Agencies?

Mayors of Western Greece Unite ‌Against Forced Merger of Solid Waste Management Agencies

In a‍ show of unity, the Mayors of ‌Western Greece have⁤ expressed their strong opposition⁢ to a draft law proposed by ⁤the Ministry of Environment and Energy, which seeks to forcibly merge Solid Waste Management Agencies (SWMA) in select regions of the country. The Mayors, led by the President of‌ the Regional Union of Municipalities (P.ED.DE), ‌Thanasis Papadopoulos, Mayor of Kalavryta, met with the Regional ⁤Governor of Western Greece, Nektarios Farmakis, to voice their concerns and objections to the proposed ‌law.

The Case Against Forced Merger

The Mayors argue that the‌ forced merger of SWMA would lead to ⁣a multitude of‌ problems in ⁣the management of solid⁣ waste⁤ in the three Regional Units of Western‌ Greece, namely ⁢Achaia, Aitoloakarnania, ⁤and⁢ Ilia. According to Papadopoulos, waste management in these regions has been successfully implemented based on Regional Planning, with‌ each Regional Unit‌ having its own management plan. The forced merger of SWMA would therefore be⁢ a setback ⁣to the progress‍ made in these regions.

Regional Governor Supports Mayors’ Concerns

Regional Governor ‌Farmakis shared the concerns of the Mayors, emphasizing that any reform requires ⁢social consent and institutional support. He acknowledged that the forced merger of SWMA would⁣ be a step backward for the regions, and⁣ expressed his support for the⁣ Mayors’ stance.

Unified Front Against Draft Law

Both⁢ levels of self-government, the Region and Municipalities, are in agreement that the draft law should be withdrawn.​ The Regional Union⁣ of Municipalities of Western Greece ‌has already begun planning‌ its next moves, with⁣ a demonstration scheduled for September 19 at the Ministry of Environment and Energy, ‌where they will seek a meeting with Minister Theodoros Skylakakis. Additionally, the delegation will intervene in the meeting ⁤of the Board of Directors of the Central ⁣Union of ‍Municipalities on ‌the same day.

Protecting Regional Interests

The Mayors ​of Western Greece are determined to protect the interests of their regions ‍and ensure that waste management continues to be carried out effectively. They believe that ⁤the ⁤forced merger of ⁣SWMA​ would undermine the progress made in their​ regions and⁣ create new⁢ problems. By standing together, they hope to persuade the government to​ reconsider the draft law and prioritize the needs of the regions.

Key Issues at ​Stake

The proposed forced⁢ merger of SWMA raises several key issues,⁣ including:

‍ The potential disruption ⁤to solid waste management ⁣services in Western ‍Greece

The undermining of Regional Planning and management plans in Achaia, Aitoloakarnania, ‍and Ilia

‌ The lack of social consent and institutional support for the reform

The potential setbacks ‌to projects and actions currently underway in the regions


The Mayors ​of Western Greece have sent a clear message to the ⁤government: they will not stand idly by ​while their regions are forced⁤ to merge ‍their Solid Waste Management⁢ Agencies. By uniting‍ against the draft law, they hope⁢ to protect the interests of ⁤their regions and ensure ‍that waste management continues to be carried out effectively. As ⁣the ⁤situation develops, one thing is clear: ⁤the Mayors of Western Greece are determined to have their ⁣voices heard.

Keywords: Mayors of Western Greece, Solid Waste Management⁣ Agencies,⁤ forced merger, Ministry ‍of Environment ⁣and Energy, Regional Union of Municipalities, Regional ‌Governor, waste management, ⁢Regional Planning, Achaia, Aitoloakarnania, Ilia.

Meta Description: Mayors of Western Greece⁣ unite against forced merger of Solid Waste Management Agencies, ‍citing concerns over ‌waste ⁤management services and‌ Regional Planning.

Note: ​The above article is SEO-optimized with relevant keywords, meta description, and header ⁢tags to ‌improve search engine visibility and⁢ readability.

– What impact will the forced merger of Solid Waste Management Agencies have on regional waste management in Western Greece?

Mayors of Western Greece Unite Against Forced Merger of Solid Waste Management Agencies

The Mayors of Western Greece have taken a unified stance against a draft law proposed by the Ministry of Environment and Energy, which aims to forcibly merge Solid Waste Management Agencies (FODSAs) in select regions of the country. The Mayors, led by the President of the Regional Union of Municipalities (P.ED.DE), Mayor of Kalavryta, Mr. Thanasis Papadopoulos, met with the Regional Governor of Western Greece, Mr. Nektarios Farmakis, to voice their opposition to the draft law.

Concerns Over Waste Management

The Mayors are concerned that the forced merger of FODSAs will disrupt the effective management of solid waste in their regions. They argue that waste management, based on regional planning, has already been launched in Achaia, Aitoloakarnania, and Ilia, with management plans in place for each Regional Unit. The forced merger of FODSAs, they claim, will bring about significant setbacks to the ongoing projects and actions of the current planning.

Regional Governor Supports Mayors’ Concerns

The Regional Governor, Mr. Farmakis, expressed his agreement with the Mayors’ concerns, stating that no reform can be implemented without the required social consent and institutional support. The two levels of self-government, Region and Municipalities, were in agreement that the draft law should be withdrawn.

Next Steps: Mobilization and Protest

The Regional Union of Municipalities of Western Greece has planned its next moves to protest the draft law. A demonstration has been scheduled for Thursday, September 19, at the Ministry of Environment and Energy, where a meeting with the Minister, Mr. Theodoros Skylakakis, will be sought. Additionally, the delegation will intervene in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece (KEDE) to plan a mobilization at the national level.

Call to Action for MPs

The Board of Directors has also invited Members of Parliament (MPs) from all three prefectures, representing all parties, to actively contribute to the withdrawal of the provisions of the bill that provide for the forced merger of FODSAs. In the event that the political leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Energy insists on the bill, the MPs are urged to vote against it.

Unwavering Commitment to Withdrawal

The Mayors of Western Greece have declared their unwavering commitment to large-scale mobilizations until the final acceptance of their demands. They will not back down until the draft law is withdrawn, and the effective management of solid waste in their regions is protected.

Keywords: Municipalities, Western Greece, FODSA, merger, bill, solid waste management, regional planning, waste management agencies, mobilization, protest.

Meta Description: Mayors of Western Greece unite against forced merger of Solid Waste Management Agencies, citing concerns over waste management and regional planning. Read more about their opposition and planned protests.

Header Tags:

H1: Mayors of Western Greece Unite Against Forced Merger of Solid Waste Management Agencies

H2: What are the concerns of the Mayors of Western Greece regarding the proposed merger of Solid Waste Management Agencies?

H3: Concerns Over Waste Management

H3: Regional Governor Supports Mayors’ Concerns

H3: Next Steps: Mobilization and Protest

H3: Call to Action for MPs

* H3: Unwavering Commitment to Withdrawal



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