Resilience Revealed: The Kozytsky Foundation Showcases Mariupol’s Heartbreaking Journey

The exhibition presented photos of mosaics and reliefs that once adorned Mariupol

In the Italian city of Cassino, in the Lazio region, within the framework of the “We and the World” initiative, the exhibition “Mariupol: Lost Greatness” was opened. About September 11 reported Maksym Kozytskyi, head of Lviv OVA.

“During World War II, Cassino experienced almost the same thing that our Mariupol is experiencing now. The Italian city was even called a martyr city because of those terrible trials. But Cassino was rebuilt, now it is a pearl of Italian culture and architecture. It was even possible to restore the monastery of Monte Cassino, which existed since the 6th century, was a center of education, medicine, science and culture in Europe, and which was almost completely destroyed during hostilities. We believe that we will be able to rebuild the Ukrainian Mariupol in the same way,” said Maksym Kozytskyi.

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The exhibition presented photos of mosaics and reliefs created in the 20th century by artists from different regions of Ukraine, including Viktor Zaretskyi and Alla Gorska. These works convey the creative wealth of five art schools of Ukraine: Lviv, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Odesa and Zakarpattia.

All of them before the beginning of the full-scale invasion were the decoration of Mariupol. Now, through Russia, up to 90% of them have been destroyed. They remained only in the photos of Ivan Stanislavsky, and the photographer himself had to start life from scratch in the Lviv region.

The exhibition will last until September 13 inclusive. On the first day, more than three hundred people visited it. Among those who came to the opening were the mayor of Cassino, Enzo Salera, ombudsmen of various states, local residents, journalists, and Ukrainians who currently live in this region.

By the way, “We and the World” is an art exhibition project of the Kozytsky Charitable Foundation, which promotes Ukrainian visual art in various countries around the world, and uses the proceeds from auctions and the sale of paintings to help victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war, as well as organize scholarships for students.

What is the ⁤significance ​of the “Mariupol: ‌Lost Greatness” exhibition in Cassino for Ukraine’s cultural heritage? ⁣

Mariupol’s Lost Greatness: Exhibition ​in⁤ Cassino Honors Ukraine’s Cultural Heritage

In ​a powerful gesture of solidarity and cultural exchange, the Italian city of Cassino has opened its doors to an exhibition ‍that pays tribute ⁤to the ⁢artistic and cultural heritage of Mariupol, a city in Ukraine that has been ravaged by war. Titled “Mariupol: Lost Greatness,” the ​exhibition is part of the “We and the World” initiative and features stunning photos of mosaics and reliefs that once adorned the Ukrainian city.

A Shared History of Suffering

As reported ⁢by Maksym Kozytskyi, head of ‍Lviv OVA, the exhibition was inaugurated on September 11 in Cassino, a​ city in the Lazio ​region ⁣of Italy that ⁣itself has experienced the devastating effects of war. During World War II, Cassino was bombed and⁢ almost entirely destroyed, earning it the nickname “Martyr City.” However, through reconstruction⁢ efforts, the​ city has been restored to its former glory and is now a⁤ renowned⁢ cultural and architectural hub.

Kozytskyi drew⁤ parallels between ⁣Cassino’s​ experience and that of Mariupol, which has been severely damaged during the ongoing ​conflict in​ Ukraine. “We believe that we will be able to rebuild the Ukrainian Mariupol in the same way,” he expressed, echoing the resilience and hope of the Ukrainian people.

Celebrating Ukraine’s Cultural Wealth

The exhibition showcases the creative richness of five art schools in Ukraine,⁣ including Lviv, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Odesa, and Zakarpattia. Artists from these regions, such ⁣as ‍Viktor Zaretskyi and ⁢Alla Gorska, ⁤created beautiful mosaics and reliefs in the⁤ 20th century, which were once an integral part of‌ Mariupol’s cultural landscape.

Tragically, up to 90% of these stunning works⁢ of art have been destroyed due to ‍the conflict, leaving behind⁣ only memories and photographs. Photographer Ivan Stanislavsky, who had‌ to restart his life in the Lviv region, captured the essence of these masterpieces before ‍they were lost forever.

Preserving Cultural ‍Heritage in the ‌Face of War

The “Mariupol: Lost Greatness” exhibition ⁤serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of⁣ preserving ‌cultural heritage in the ‌face of war⁢ and destruction. By sharing the stories and artistic‍ expressions⁤ of Mariupol, the⁣ exhibition aims to raise awareness about the devastating impact of conflict on cultural ‍artifacts ⁣and the ⁢communities that cherish⁤ them.

As the world⁤ grapples with the consequences of war⁣ and displacement, this exhibition offers‍ a message of hope, resilience, and solidarity. It underscores the ⁤importance of protecting and preserving cultural heritage, not just as ‍a testament to the past, but as a beacon of hope for a brighter future.


The⁢ “Mariupol: Lost Greatness” ‌exhibition in Cassino is a‌ powerful tribute to⁤ the cultural‌ significance of Mariupol and Ukraine⁢ as a whole. By sharing the stories and artistic expressions of this beleaguered city, the exhibition inspires a sense of solidarity and hope for the​ restoration of Mariupol⁢ to its ⁣former glory. As​ Kozytskyi aptly put it,⁤ “We believe that ⁣we will be able to rebuild‌ the Ukrainian Mariupol in the same way.”

Optimized Keywords:





Cultural Heritage





⁢ Hope


‌Cultural Significance

Art Schools

‌ Mosaics



* Ivan Stanislavsky

Meta Description:

Discover the ⁤”Mariupol: Lost Greatness” exhibition in Cassino,‌ Italy, which⁣ showcases the artistic and cultural heritage of Mariupol, Ukraine, ravaged by war.‌ Learn ‍about the importance​ of preserving cultural heritage in the face of destruction and the power⁢ of solidarity and hope.

Image Description:

[Image of the exhibition “Mariupol: Lost Greatness” in Cassino, Italy]

Word Count: 550

– What is the significance of the “Mariupol: Lost Greatness” exhibition in Cassino for Ukraine’s cultural heritage?

Mariupol’s Lost Greatness: Exhibition in Cassino Honors Ukraine’s Cultural Heritage

In a powerful gesture of solidarity and cultural exchange, the Italian city of Cassino has opened its doors to an exhibition that pays tribute to the artistic and cultural heritage of Mariupol, a city in Ukraine that has been ravaged by war. Titled “Mariupol: Lost Greatness,” the exhibition is part of the “We and the World” initiative and features stunning photos of mosaics and reliefs that once adorned the Ukrainian city.

The exhibition, which was opened on September 11, is a poignant reminder of the devastating impact of war on cultural heritage. The photos on display showcase the creative wealth of five art schools of Ukraine, including Lviv, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Odesa, and Zakarpattia. These works of art, created in the 20th century by artists such as Viktor Zaretskyi and Alla Gorska, were once a proud part of Mariupol’s cultural landscape.

However, with the onset of the full-scale invasion, up to 90% of these magnificent works of art have been destroyed, leaving behind only photographs as a testament to their existence. The exhibition is a testament to the resilience and determination of the Ukrainian people, who despite facing unimaginable challenges, continue to celebrate and promote their cultural heritage.

The significance of the “Mariupol: Lost Greatness” exhibition in Cassino cannot be overstated. It serves as a powerful symbol of solidarity between Ukraine and Italy, and underscores the importance of preserving cultural heritage in the face of war and destruction.

“Mariupol: Lost Greatness” also highlights the importance of cultural exchange and collaboration in promoting peace and understanding. The exhibition is part of the “We and the World” initiative, a charitable project that aims to promote Ukrainian visual art around the world, while also supporting victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The exhibition has received an overwhelming response, with over three hundred visitors attending the opening day. The event was attended by dignitaries such as the mayor of Cassino, Enzo Salera, ombudsmen from various states, local residents, journalists, and Ukrainians living in the region.

In a heartwarming gesture, Maksym Kozytskyi, head of Lviv OVA, drew parallels between Cassino and Mariupol, both of which have experienced devastating wars. Kozytskyi expressed his hope that, just as Cassino was rebuilt and restored to its former glory, Mariupol too can be rebuilt and restored to its former greatness.

The “Mariupol: Lost Greatness” exhibition in Cassino is a powerful reminder of the importance of preserving cultural heritage and promoting cultural exchange. It serves as a beacon of hope for the people of Ukraine and a testament to the power of art to bring people together in times of turmoil.

Keywords: Mariupol, Lost Greatness, Cassino, Ukraine, Cultural Heritage, War, Solidarity, Cultural Exchange, Art, Mosaics, Reliefs, Italy, Lviv OVA, Maksym Kozytskyi, We and the World.

Meta Description: Discover the significance of the “Mariupol: Lost Greatness” exhibition in Cassino, which honors Ukraine’s cultural heritage and promotes solidarity and cultural exchange between Ukraine and Italy.

Optimized Images:Mariupol- Lost-Greatness-Exhibition-Cassino.jpg (caption: “The ‘Mariupol: Lost Greatness’ exhibition in Cassino features stunning photos of mosaics and reliefs that once adorned the Ukrainian city.”), Maksym-Kozytskyi-Cassino.jpg (caption: “Maksym Kozytskyi, head of Lviv OVA, speaks at the opening of the ‘Mariupol: Lost Greatness’ exhibition in Cassino.”)



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