Uncover Hidden Gems: La Voix du Nord’s Spectacular Treasure Hunt this Weekend at the Braderie de Lille!

This Braderie weekend, La Voix du Nord is organizing a free treasure hunt open to everyone. Saturday and Sunday, you will have to find cones of fries (fake ones, obviously) hidden in the streets of Lille thanks to clues posted on the social networks of the northern media. The prizes to be won are ultra cool, we explain how it will work.

In total, there will be 6 cones of fries hidden in Lille and that you will have to find between this Saturday 14th and this Sunday 15th September, each with a different prize to win. So we prefer to warn you, there is no point in trying to find them all, not only will they be hidden drop by drop but above all you are only entitled to one cone per person. Basically it will happen like this:

  • Saturday September 14

    • 10am: the first cone has just been hidden, go to the Insta of La Voix du Nord which will explain how to recover the first clue (it will be via a broadcast channel). If no one finds it, other increasingly precise clues will be broadcast every quarter of an hour.

    • 12:00 p.m.: the second cone has just been hidden and the same story as at 10:00 a.m., namely the diffusion of clues little by little.

    • 3 p.m.: the third cone has just been hidden and here we go again like at 10 a.m. and 12 p.m.

  • Sunday September 15, almost the same

    • 10am: the fourth horn has just been hidden, we are watching the Voix du Nord networks which release the first clue and so on.

    • 12h: same thing with the fifth cornet

    • 2 p.m.: time for the very last cone

This is what the cone of fries you find looks like.

And here’s how it works once you find it.

“This year the theme is the must-see places in Lille. It is in these places that theThe cones will be hidden, always outside, you will not have to search, open a trash can for example. They will always be accessible, no need to climb or scale anythingexplains La Voix du Nord. And before hiding each cone, we will announce which lot it corresponds to, so that people know what they are doing the treasure hunt for and so that they are not disappointed with what they win..

Prizes to be won

Here are the prizes to be won, we warn you, they are very heavy:


    • “Almost a year of festival for two people” La Voix du Nord tells us, namely: 2 passes for the Nuits Secrètes, 2 passes for the Opal Coast festival and 2 passes for the Main Square. All that in a single gift, yes yes.
    • 3 tickets for the Ed Sheeran concert (sold out) in June 2025 at the Stade Pierre Mauroy
    • two tickets for each of LOSC’s best L1 home matches (against Lyon, Marseille and Monaco) + 50 euros in vouchers from Five

  • Sunday (same lots)

    • “Almost a year of festival for two people” La Voix du Nord tells us, namely: 2 passes for the Nuits Secrètes, 2 passes for the Opal Coast festival and 2 passes for the Main Square. All that in a single gift, yes yes.
    • 3 tickets for the Ed Sheeran concert (sold out) in June 2025 at the Stade Pierre Mauroy
    • two tickets for each of LOSC’s best L1 home matches (against Lyon, Marseille and Monaco) + 50 euros in vouchers from Five

We warned you, sacred gifts. Well and we’re already telling you here: know that we will also have a little clue to share with you to find one of the cones this weekend, so stay connected to our social networks.

– What are ‌the‍ prizes ​available during La Voix​ du Nord’s treasure hunt in Lille?

La ‌Voix du Nord’s Treasure⁣ Hunt: Find the Fries and ‌Win Big!

This Braderie weekend, La Voix du Nord is⁣ organizing a thrilling treasure hunt ‌in Lille, and everyone is invited! On Saturday and Sunday, participants will‍ have ​to find‍ fake cones of fries hidden ‌in the streets of Lille⁢ using ⁣clues ‌posted on La Voix du Nord’s social media networks. The prizes up for grabs are ⁤nothing short of amazing!

How to Participate

In⁣ total,⁣ six cones of fries will be hidden across Lille, each with ‍a different prize to win.⁢ Here’s ⁤how it will work:

Saturday, ​September 14:

+ 10:00 a.m.: The first cone is hidden, and the first‌ clue will be posted on La ⁣Voix du Nord’s Instagram. If no one​ finds it, additional clues will be‍ posted every ‍15 minutes.

+ 12:00 p.m.: The second ​cone​ is hidden, and the same process applies.

+ 3:00 p.m.: The third cone ⁣is hidden, following the same pattern.

Sunday, September 15:

+ ​10:00 a.m.: The fourth cone is hidden, and the first ‌clue⁤ is posted on La Voix du Nord’s social ⁣media networks.

+ 12:00 p.m.: The fifth cone is hidden.

+ 2:00 p.m.: The sixth⁤ and ⁢final ⁢cone is hidden.

What to Expect

According to La Voix du Nord, the theme of ⁣this​ year’s treasure hunt is the must-see places in Lille. The cones will be⁤ hidden outdoors ‍in accessible locations, so participants won’t need to search ⁢through trash cans or climb structures. Each cone will correspond to ‌a specific prize, which ⁣will be⁤ announced before hiding, so ‌participants know what‍ they’re hunting​ for.

Prizes⁢ to⁢ be Won

The prizes up for grabs are truly exceptional:


+ “Almost a year of festival for two‌ people”: 2 passes​ for the Nuits Secrètes, 2 passes for ⁢the Opal Coast festival, and 2 passes for the Main Square.

+ ⁣3 ⁣tickets for the Ed Sheeran concert (sold out) in June 2025 at‌ the ​Stade Pierre Mauroy.

+ Two tickets⁢ for each ​of LOSC’s best⁣ L1 home matches‌ (against Lyon, Marseille, and Monaco) + 50 euros in vouchers from Five.


+ “Almost a year of festival for two people”: 2 passes for the Nuits Secrètes, 2⁣ passes for ‍the⁢ Opal Coast ⁣festival, and 2 passes for the⁣ Main ​Square.

Get Ready for the Hunt!

This Braderie weekend, grab ⁢your friends and family, and get ready to​ explore Lille like never before! With clues posted on La Voix du Nord’s social media networks, participants will have to use⁢ their wit and cunning‍ to track down ⁢the hidden cones. Who knows? You might just stumble upon a prize that will make your year!

Important Reminders

Each participant can only win one cone per person.

The cones⁣ will be ⁤hidden drop⁢ by drop, so be sure to check La Voix du Nord’s ⁢social media networks regularly​ for clues.

Don’t miss⁣ out ⁣on this ⁢exciting‍ adventure! Follow La Voix‌ du Nord’s social media networks and get‌ ready to‌ find those fries!

SEO⁤ Keywords: La⁣ Voix du Nord,⁢ Treasure Hunt, Braderie Weekend, Lille, Fake Fries, Prizes, Nuits Secrètes, Opal​ Coast festival, Main Square, Ed Sheeran, LOSC, Festival Passes, Concert Tickets.

Clues will lead you to these iconic locations.

La Voix du Nord’s Treasure Hunt: Find the Cones of Fries in Lille and Win Amazing Prizes!

This Braderie weekend, La Voix du Nord is organizing a thrilling free treasure hunt open to everyone in Lille. On Saturday and Sunday, participants will have to find six hidden cones of fries (fake ones, of course!) scattered throughout the city’s streets. The twist? The clues to find these cones will be posted on La Voix du Nord’s social media networks.

How it Works

Between September 14th and 15th, six cones of fries will be hidden in Lille, each with a unique prize to be won. The catch? You can only find one cone per person, and they will be hidden drop by drop. Here’s the schedule:

Saturday, September 14th:

+ 10:00 a.m.: The first cone is hidden, and the first clue is posted on La Voix du Nord’s Instagram.

+ 12:00 p.m.: The second cone is hidden, and the process repeats.

+ 3:00 p.m.: The third cone is hidden, and the same pattern follows.

Sunday, September 15th:

+ 10:00 a.m.: The fourth cone is hidden, and the first clue is posted.

+ 12:00 p.m.: The fifth cone is hidden, and the process repeats.

+ 2:00 p.m.: The sixth and final cone is hidden.

Prizes to be Won

The prizes are truly exciting:


“Almost a year of festival for two people” including 2 passes for the Nuits Secrètes, 2 passes for the Opal Coast festival, and 2 passes for the Main Square festival.

3 tickets for the sold-out Ed Sheeran concert in June 2025 at the Stade Pierre Mauroy.

Two tickets for each of LOSC’s best L1 home matches (against Lyon, Marseille, and Monaco) + 50 euros in vouchers from Five.


“Almost a year of festival for two people” including 2 passes for the Nuits Secrètes, 2 passes for the Opal Coast festival, and 2 passes for the Main Square festival.

3 tickets for the sold-out Ed Sheeran concert in June 2025 at the Stade Pierre Mauroy.

Two tickets for each of LOSC’s best L1 home matches (against Lyon, Marseille, and Monaco) + 50 euros in vouchers from Five.

Tips and Reminders

* The theme of the treasure hunt is the must-see places in Lille, and the



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