Alliance Police Files Formal Complaint Against Sébastien Delogu


“These rotten representatives of the Alliance union, I don’t have time for these people,” the far-left MP said.

The Alliance union, the majority union within the National Police, announced that it was filing a complaint against Sébastien Delogu, a member of parliament for the far-left party La France Insoumise in Bouches-du-Rhône, this Friday on X. “These rotten representatives of the Alliance union, I don’t have time for these people.”he had launched on Sud Radio September 12. He was reacting to the numerous mockeries aroused by his speech impediment in the Finance Committee.

“Alliance Police nationale notes once again that the honour of police officers is being flouted on the altar of anti-cop hatred”we can read in the press release. “Insulting police representatives is insulting all police officers! Mr. Delogu wants our hatred! He will only have our determination to fight every minute against this ideology that is deadly for our country.”he continues. “Faced with anti-cop hatred, the only response remains and will remain the values ​​of the Republic and the ability to mobilize against this ideological impasse”he concluded.


Sébastien Delogu is regularly the subject of controversy. On 28 May 2024, he was excluded from the National Assembly for two weeks for waving a flag in the colours of the Palestinian Authority in the chamber. The MP contested his sanction and appealed to the European Court of Human Rights. He is also to be tried for aggravated violence and refusal to submit to the identification survey operations during an altercation in a high school in Marseille. He is suspected of having kicked a CPE and an assistant principal, causing a total incapacity for work of less than eight days. Sébastien Delogu was fined on 28 August 2024 for driving the wrong way on a bus lane.

What did Sébastien Delogu ​say about the Alliance union that caused controversy?

The Controversial Remarks of Sébastien Delogu: A Far-Left MP’s Tirade Against the Alliance Union

In a‍ recent interview on Sud Radio on September ⁣12, Sébastien Delogu, a member of ‍parliament for the far-left party ‌La France Insoumise⁢ in Bouches-du-Rhône, sparked outrage with⁢ his inflammatory comments​ about ⁤the Alliance union, the majority union within the National Police. Delogu’s remarks have drawn widespread criticism, with the Alliance union announcing that ‍it would be filing a ⁤complaint against‍ him.

The Incendiary Comments

In ⁣his interview,⁤ Delogu lashed out at the Alliance union, referring to its representatives ⁢as “ces pourritures” or “these rotten representatives.” He also stated‍ that he didn’t have time for these people, sparking a firestorm of controversy. Delogu’s outburst was prompted by the numerous mockeries he had faced in the Finance Committee due to his speech impediment.

The Alliance Union’s Response

The Alliance union was​ quick to respond to Delogu’s provocative comments, issuing⁤ a​ strongly worded press release. “Alliance⁢ Police nationale notes​ once again that the honour of police officers is being flouted on ⁣the​ altar ​of anti-cop hatred,” the release stated. The ​union​ accused ⁣Delogu of insulting police‌ representatives and, by extension, all police officers. The ⁢release concluded by emphasizing the ‍need to mobilize against anti-cop⁤ hatred, citing the values ​​of the Republic as the only response to this ideology.

A‌ Pattern of Controversy

Sébastien Delogu is no stranger to controversy. The far-left ‌MP has regularly found ⁣himself ⁣at the center‍ of heated debates and disputes. On ‍May 28, 2024, Delogu was involved in another high-profile⁤ controversy, highlighting his tendency to push boundaries and challenge established norms.

The Broader⁤ Implications

Delogu’s comments about the Alliance union have sparked a wider debate about the nature of ‌political discourse in France. The incident has highlighted the growing divide between ​the ‍far-left and law enforcement, with some accusing Delogu⁤ of​ perpetuating an anti-cop agenda. Others have defended Delogu’s right to free ⁤speech, arguing that his comments were taken out of context.

The Role of Unions⁣ in French Politics

The Alliance union⁤ is one of the largest and most ​influential police unions in France, representing the interests of thousands of police officers across the country. The union plays a crucial role ⁢in shaping policy and advocating for the rights of law enforcement personnel. Delogu’s comments have highlighted the⁤ tensions between the far-left and law enforcement, underscoring the⁢ need for ⁢greater understanding⁢ and ​cooperation between these‌ groups.

The Importance of ⁣Civil Discourse

The controversy surrounding Delogu’s comments serves as a reminder of⁣ the importance‍ of​ civil discourse in a democratic society. While political disagreements are inevitable, it is essential to ⁣maintain a level of respect and ​decorum in‍ public discourse. As the Alliance union’s press release ​emphasized, the ‍values ​​of the Republic must be upheld, and ideological differences must be addressed through​ peaceful means.

Sébastien Delogu’s inflammatory comments⁢ about the Alliance union have sparked a ⁣heated debate about the nature of political discourse in France. The incident⁣ has highlighted the need for greater understanding and cooperation between the far-left and law enforcement, while underscoring the importance ⁢of ​civil discourse⁢ in a democratic society. As the controversy continues to unfold, one thing is clear: the importance of respectful dialogue⁢ and cooperation cannot be overstated.

What did Sébastien Delogu say about the Alliance union that caused outrage?

French MP Sébastien Delogu Sparks Outrage with Controversial Remarks about Alliance Union

In a recent radio interview, French MP Sébastien Delogu sparked outrage with his inflammatory remarks about the Alliance union, a majority union within the National Police. The far-left MP, representing the La France Insoumise party in Bouches-du-Rhône, made a scathing comment about the union, calling its representatives “rotten” and saying he doesn’t have time for them.

The controversy began when Delogu reacted to the numerous mockeries he received about his speech impediment in the Finance Committee. In an interview on Sud Radio on September 12, Delogu lashed out at the Alliance union, saying, “These rotten representatives of the Alliance union, I don’t have time for these people.” His remarks were met with swift condemnation from the union, which announced that it was filing a complaint against the MP.

Alliance Union Fires Back

The Alliance union responded to Delogu’s comments in a strongly worded press release, accusing him of flouting the honor of police officers and promoting anti-cop hatred. “Alliance Police nationale notes once again that the honour of police officers is being flouted on the altar of anti-cop hatred,” the union said in a statement. “Insulting police representatives is insulting all police officers! Mr. Delogu wants our hatred! He will only have our determination to fight every minute against this ideology that is deadly for our country.”

The union’s statement went on to emphasize the values of the Republic and the need to mobilize against anti-cop hatred. The union’s strong response is a testament to the hard feelings stirred up by Delogu’s controversial remarks.

Delogu’s History of Controversy

Sébastien Delogu is no stranger to controversy. In May 2024, he was excluded from the National Assembly for two weeks for waving a flag in the colors of the Palestinian Authority in the chamber. The MP contested his sanction and appealed to the European Court of Human Rights. Delogu is also set to be tried for aggravated violence and refusal to submit to identification survey operations during an altercation in a high school in Marseille. He is suspected of having kicked a CPE and an assistant principal, causing a total incapacity for work of less than eight days. Additionally, Delogu was fined in August 2024 for driving the wrong way on a bus lane.

Free Speech and the Limits of Criticism

Delogu’s comments about the Alliance union have sparked a wider debate about free speech and the limits of criticism. While the MP has the right to express his opinions, his inflammatory remarks have been widely condemned as unacceptable and disrespectful. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible speech, particularly among public figures who have a duty to uphold the values of respect and tolerance.

As the controversy continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how Delogu’s remarks will impact his political career and the wider discourse on free speech and criticism. One thing is clear, however: the Alliance union will not take Delogu’s comments lying down, and will continue to fight against anti-cop hatred and promote the values of the Republic.





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