Unforgettable Moments: Celebrating the Hidden Gems of History

The absence of Juliana “Fury” Scaglione was one of the great controversies in the run-up to the Martín Fierro awards. Finally, the controversial participant of Big Brother had a protagonist in the ceremony, which took place at the Hilton Hotel in Puerto Madero, hosted by Santiago del Moro.

Big Brother (Telefe) won the “best reality show” category and the host went up on stage, along with a large number of former members of the show, such as Emma Vich, Rosina Beltrán, Nicolás Grosman, Bautista Mascia, Denisse, Virginia Demo, Lisandro Navarro and Catalina Gorostidi.

“El Chino” Martín Ku was present beforehand, on the Blue Carpet, but was then surprised to realize that he did not have a chair to witness the ceremony.

“Thousands of people worked to make this unique programme. Thank you for this award, which is dedicated to the people, this programme is dedicated to the people,” Del Moro began his acceptance speech.

The host, surrounded by the former siblings and panelists of the reality show debate, continued: “Many families worked on this program. Thank you to the people at Telefe, at Kuarzo… for making this wonderful program.”

“Thanks to the boys, who are the protagonists. To those who are here and those who are not”added Del Moro, recognizing all the participants who passed through the most famous house in the country.

Santiago del Moro and the Big Brother team. Photo: Telefe Press.

And then he did a special mention to Fury.

“Juli, Furia, this is yours too”said Del Moro, highlighting the most controversial participant of the last edition of the contest.

“Infinite thanks. “Long live Big Brother, dammit!”the driver closed.

Later in the ceremony, Del Moro confirmed that the new edition of Big Brother will begin on Telefe in December 2024.

Fury and her anger for not having been invited to the Martín Fierro

Furia Scaglione spoke on the subject of not having been invited to the Martín Fierro Awards ceremony in the cycle All, from the stream Carajo.


“I took the program on my shoulders,” said the former participant.

“It’s like this: those who fix the Martín Fierro are from Telefe. And well, I suppose that out of a kindness they said: ‘Juliana, you are no longer with us.’ So, for that reason, I am not invited”Furia said.

And he complained: “But I do want to say that I carried Big Brother on my shoulders. Many of the prizes they won were thanks to me. And they know it too.”

“For my part, I terminated the contract on good terms,” ​​she added. “But, well, despite that, I have not been invited to the table or I have not been invited to Martín Fierro in 2024 either.”

“They didn’t call me, but they told me that a lot of GH are going to be at the table,” she said, annoyed. “Are the snails going?” asked Alex Caniggia, the host of the show. Speaking about herself in the third person, Juliana Scaglione answered: “The snails are going to the Big Brother table and “Furia was the one who took charge of the program, but they didn’t call me.”

What were the reasons​ behind Juliana “Furia” Scaglione‘s absence from the Martín Fierro Awards? ⁤

The Fury Controversy: ‍Juliana‌ “Furia”‍ Scaglione’s Absence from the Martín Fierro Awards

The 2024 Martín Fierro ⁤Awards ceremony, hosted by Santiago del Moro, was not without its controversies. One of ⁤the most ‌notable absences was that of Juliana “Furia”‌ Scaglione, a⁤ popular ‍and polarizing participant from the reality ⁤show Big Brother. Despite her absence, Furia became a central figure in the ceremony, ⁢with⁤ Del Moro ​giving ⁣her a special ⁢mention‍ during his⁤ acceptance ‌speech for Big Brother’s win in the “best reality show” category.

Del Moro’s​ Special ‍Mention to Furia

As Del ⁢Moro accepted the award on behalf of the Big Brother team, he took​ a moment to thank all ⁤the participants who had been a part of the show, including⁤ those who were not present at the ceremony. “Thanks to the boys, who are the protagonists. To those who are⁢ here and those who are not,” he said, before ⁢adding ‍a special mention to Furia: “Juli, Furia,⁢ this is yours too” [[1]].

Furia’s Anger and Response

However, Furia was not happy about being⁤ left out of ⁣the ceremony. In an interview on ​the cycle All, from ⁣the stream Carajo, she expressed her frustration and disappointment at not‌ being invited ⁤to the Martín Fierro Awards.⁤ “I took the program on my shoulders,” she said,⁤ claiming that she was the reason for many⁣ of the prizes ⁣won by ⁤Big Brother. “It’s like ⁣this: those who fix​ the⁤ Martín Fierro‌ are from Telefe. And well, ⁣I suppose that⁤ out of⁤ a kindness they⁣ said: ‘Juliana, you are no longer with us.’ So, for that⁣ reason, I am not invited” [[2]].

Furia’s⁢ Call to ⁤Action

In response to her exclusion,⁢ Furia called for her followers to boycott⁣ the Martín Fierro Awards ceremony, encouraging‌ them to ‍switch off their TVs and not watch the event ​ [[3]].‍ This move sparked controversy and debate among fans and critics alike.

The Aftermath

Despite the controversy surrounding Furia’s absence, Big Brother went on‌ to win‌ the “best reality show” category, and Del Moro confirmed⁢ that a​ new edition of the show would begin on Telefe in ​December‍ 2024.

the absence ⁢of Juliana “Furia” Scaglione from ‌the Martín⁤ Fierro Awards ceremony ⁢was a major talking point, with both Del Moro and Furia herself weighing in on the‍ controversy. While Furia’s absence was notable, her presence was still felt throughout ⁣the ceremony, and her comments sparked a⁤ lively debate about her role in Big Brother ​and her exclusion from the awards.

Martin Fierro in English

Big Brother Wins Big: Santiago del Moro’s Heartfelt Speech and Fury’s Absence from the Martín Fierro Awards

The 51st edition of the Martín Fierro Awards, held at the Hilton Hotel in Buenos Aires on July 9, 2023, was a night to remember for Argentinian television. One of the most notable moments of the ceremony was the win of Big Brother (Telefe) in the “best reality show” category, with host Santiago del Moro delivering a heartfelt acceptance speech.

As Del Moro took the stage, surrounded by former Big Brother participants, including Emma Vich, Rosina Beltrán, Nicolás Grosman, Bautista Mascia, Denisse, Virginia Demo, Lisandro Navarro, and Catalina Gorostidi, he expressed his gratitude to the people involved in the show. “Thousands of people worked to make this unique programme. Thank you for this award, which is dedicated to the people, this programme is dedicated to the people,” Del Moro said.

Del Moro also acknowledged the effort of the participants, saying, “Many families worked on this program. Thank you to the people at Telefe, at Kuarzo… for making this wonderful program.” He then gave a special mention to Juliana “Furia” Scaglione, a controversial participant of the last edition of the contest, saying, “Juli, Furia, this is yours too.”

Fury’s Absence and Anger

However, Fury Scaglione was not present at the ceremony, and her absence was one of the major controversies leading up to the event. In a recent interview on the stream Carajo, Fury spoke about not being invited to the Martín Fierro Awards ceremony. “I took the program on my shoulders,” she said. “It’s like this: those who fix the Martín Fierro Awards are the ones who decide who comes and who doesn’t.”

Fury’s absence sparked debate and speculation about the reasons behind her exclusion. According to some sources, Fury’s controversial behavior during her time on Big Brother may have contributed to her not being invited to the ceremony.

Big Brother’s International Recognition

In related news, Big Brother Argentina recently won the Big Brother Award for “Best Extended Season” [1[1] [2[2]. This prestigious award is a testament to the show’s popularity and success, both locally and internationally.

What’s Next for Big Brother?

During the Martín Fierro Awards ceremony, Del Moro confirmed that the new edition of Big Brother will begin on Telefe in December 2024. This news has generated excitement among fans of the show, who are eagerly awaiting the next installment of the popular reality program.

the Martín Fierro Awards ceremony was a night of celebration for Big Brother, with Santiago del Moro’s heartfelt speech and Fury’s absence from the ceremony making headlines. As the show continues to break records and gain international recognition, fans can look forward to more exciting developments in the world of Argentinian television.



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