A Defining Moment: Can This Debate Transform the Future of the U.S. Presidency

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump face off on September 10 in a televised debate of all dangers. If the election will not be won in one night, the slightest misstep is forbidden to them…


It is said that they never spoke to each other. After weeks of procrastination over the place, the day, the channel and the modalities of the confrontation, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump finally have a meeting this Tuesday evening (at 3:00 a.m. for Belgium). The Democratic vice-president and the Republican, both candidates for the White House, will cross swords on the ABC channel for what could well be the only televised debate of the campaign.

This would take place at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, a large metropolis in Pennsylvania. This is no coincidence, since this state is considered one of the most important “swing states,” which lean one way or the other depending on the presidential elections.

Super-supervised and locked-down exercises, these televised jousts regularly end in “draws”, as the competitors have been drilled to avoid potentially embarrassing situations. There are, however, exceptions. The last one was in June, when Joe Biden’s disastrous performance convinced his supporters that it was better to bet on another mount if they hoped to win the election. A little less than three months later, Kamala Harris will not be able to do worse than her Democratic elder…

Catch-up session

For some observers, the potential impact of the debate on September 10 is precisely reinforced by the fact that the “VP” entered the dance late. Her profile and her positioning would remain unclear for some voters; the undecided, who the polls show are still numerous at this stage of the campaign, could thus take advantage of this debate to form an opinion. Kamala Harris does not have the charisma of an Obama either; she took several weeks before giving her first interview.

On paper, a joust with the media monster that is Trump therefore remains potentially perilous. However, to hear Jérôme Jamin, it is perhaps the billionaire who has the most to lose in the confrontation.Polls show that the risk of him not being elected is real.“, first points out the professor of political science at ULiège and specialist in the United States.

In one summer, the candidate has indeed managed to reduce the gap that was dangerously widening between Biden and Trump. According to the poll aggregator projects.fivethirtyeight.com, Harris is even slightly ahead in voting intentions, although the margin of error prohibits drawing definitive conclusions.

«Unlike Kamala Harris, who will continue with her life as normal, if he loses the election it will only be the beginning of a long series, because many people are likely to turn away from him, notes the professor. And he would no longer have the money to defend himself in court, during the multiple trials he will have to face. He has a lot to lose, which could add pressure to him, destabilize him during the debate.».

To Do (or Not to Do) Trump

That being said, unless there is a major misstep, this televised debate should not be more decisive than others in the past. The ULiège specialist anticipates the strategies of the two adversaries: “Donald Trump will try to demonstrate that Kamala Harris is a continuation of Joe Biden, that voting for Harris is in fact voting for Biden. If he is cornered, he could do Trump: insult the opponent, yell at him, prevent him from speaking, shoot in all directions without providing constructive criticism.».

On Harris’s side, the goal will be to remind people that candidate Trump is a convicted felon (a convicted felon), since the Stormy Daniels case. And of “propose innovative things to prove that she is not just a copy of Biden. She must not repeat the mistake Hillary Clinton made eight years ago. She thought that her mastery of the files would allow her to ridicule Donald Trump. She had not anticipated that he would attack her from all sides, lie, interrupt her, be vulgar. And so she was destabilized because she found herself facing an opponent she had not anticipated at all. Harris must not play Trump’s game, being so exasperated by his aggressiveness that she ends up losing her cool».

In such a polarized America, it is unlikely that many voters will switch to the other camp following this debate. The challenge for both candidates will be above all not to lose troops along the way, and to convince the undecided (for Harris, progressives put off by her centrist positioning, or moderate Republicans exasperated by the billionaire’s legal troubles; for Trump, abstainers from the right or far right).

If everyone sticks to their role, we should not expect the balance of power to change drastically following this debate, summarizes Jérôme Jamin. But it is likely that there will not even be “not really a debate, since Donald Trump is not in the habit of answering questions or challenges from his interlocutors»…

⁤ What​ were the main‍ issues‍ discussed in the televised debate ⁤between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump?

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump Face Off in Televised Debate of Dangers

In a​ highly anticipated⁢ event, Democratic Vice-President Kamala Harris and Republican ⁣candidate Donald Trump went head-to-head in a televised debate on ⁢September 10.​ The debate, held at the National Constitution Center ⁤in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, marked a crucial⁤ moment⁤ in the presidential campaign, with both candidates seeking ⁢to win over undecided voters and outmaneuver their opponent.

Fact-Checking the Debate

According to ABC⁤ News, fact-checkers⁢ were hard at work during the debate, scrutinizing the ‍statements made by both Harris and ‌Trump. ‌The fact-checking exercise revealed that both candidates ⁢made claims⁢ that were exaggerated, lacked ⁣context, or were outright ​false [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1].

Debate Analysis

In the aftermath⁢ of the ‍debate, many observers agreed that Harris outperformed ​Trump. A​ CNN Flash Poll found ⁣that a ‌majority of debate watchers believed Harris had done ⁣a ‌better job than Trump⁢ [3[3[3[3[3[3[3[3]. According to France24, Harris was well-prepared and pushed Trump onto⁤ the defensive, ⁢forcing him to ‌respond to her attacks ‍ [2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2].

The Stakes

For both candidates, the debate was a high-stakes affair. Harris, who entered the ‌race late, needed to ⁣use the debate to introduce herself to⁣ voters and dispel any doubts about‍ her ‍candidacy. Trump,⁤ on⁤ the other hand, faced the risk of losing his base of support if he faltered in the debate.


According to Jerome Jamin, a professor of political ‌science at ULiège, Trump’s ​strategy was⁢ to portray Harris as ‌a continuation​ of Joe Biden, while Harris⁤ sought to remind voters​ that Trump is a convicted felon. Jamin noted​ that Trump had ⁤the most to lose in the debate, as a loss could ‌lead to a decline in his ​support and a‌ subsequent loss of funding⁣ to defend himself in court.

Polarized America

The debate took place in a highly polarized America,⁤ where⁤ voters are deeply divided along partisan lines. As such, it is unlikely that many voters will switch⁣ sides following the debate. Instead, the challenge for both⁣ candidates will be to mobilize their base and convince undecided voters to support their campaign.

the September 10⁣ debate between⁣ Kamala Harris and‌ Donald Trump marked a critical⁣ moment in‌ the ⁤presidential campaign.​ While Harris was seen as the winner ​by many, Trump’s performance was marred⁣ by factual inaccuracies and aggressive behavior. ⁢As the campaign continues,⁣ both ⁤candidates ‌will need to fine-tune their strategies⁤ and appeal to a divided electorate.

**What were the main takeaways from the televised debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump?**

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump Face Off in Televised Debate: A High-Stakes Encounter

On September 10, Democratic vice-president Kamala Harris and Republican candidate Donald Trump finally went head-to-head in a highly anticipated televised debate at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This crucial encounter marked a pivotal moment in the presidential campaign, with both candidates aware that a single misstep could have far-reaching consequences.

The debate was closely watched by millions of Americans, including undecided voters who are still forming their opinions about the candidates. According to a CNN Flash Poll, a majority of debate watchers believe that Kamala Harris outperformed Donald Trump [1[1]. Meanwhile, ABC News live fact-checked the statements made by both candidates, highlighting instances of exaggeration, lack of context, and falsehoods [2[2].

The debate took place in a crucial swing state, Pennsylvania, which has played a significant role in previous presidential elections. Philadelphia, a large metropolis in the state, was chosen as the venue for the debate, highlighting the importance of the region in the campaign.

Catch-up Session: What’s at Stake for Kamala Harris and Donald Trump

For Kamala Harris, the debate presented an opportunity to boost her profile and positioning, which had remained unclear for some voters. Her entry into the presidential race was delayed, and she took several weeks before giving her first interview. This allowed her opponents to establish a head start in terms of name recognition and voter support. However, with a strong performance in the debate, Harris could potentially win over undecided voters and narrow the gap with Trump.

On the other hand, Donald Trump has the most to lose in this confrontation. According to polls, the risk of him not being elected is real [1[1]. If he loses the election, Trump will face a series of legal challenges, and his reputation could be severely damaged. This pressure could destabilize him during the debate, making him more prone to errors.

What Were the Main Issues Discussed in the Televised Debate Between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump?

The debate covered a range of topics, including healthcare, economy, immigration, and national security. Both candidates presented their visions for the country, highlighting their policy differences and personal approaches to governance. The debate was closely watched



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