Wissam Ben Yedder’s Court Date Approaches: Allegations of Intoxicated Sexual Assault Set for October 15

New legal troubles for Wissam Ben Yedder. Surrounded by all kinds of procedures, including an investigation for “rape, attempted rape and sexual assault” since the summer of 2023, the French international striker spent last weekend in police custody, according to our information, following a complaint from a young woman, born in 2001, for “sexual assault”.

The events allegedly took place during the night from Friday to Saturday in the Alpes-Maritimes, which remained the player’s place of residence after the end of his contract with AS Monaco, and in his car, where he allegedly tried to abuse the complainant, whom he met in the evening. After various journeys and a refusal to comply, Ben Yedder ended up being arrested while driving by the gendarmes of Cap-d’Ail, at around 3 a.m., in a state of intoxication.

At the end of his long police custody, the former Monaco captain, free of any contract, was brought before the court on Sunday, early in the afternoon, and received a summons to appear immediately on October 15, for “sexual assault while clearly intoxicated, refusal to comply and driving under the influence of alcohol”, with a delay to allow time for the psychological assessment of the young woman.

Placed under strict judicial control

According to our information, the prosecution had requested a provisional detention, in vain, and decided on Monday to appeal this decision. “Because provisional detention appears to be the only way to avoid any risk of pressure on the victim or witnesses, to prevent the repetition of the facts while he is under judicial supervision for rape and to guarantee his continued availability to justice in view of the real risks of flight,” Damien Martinelli, public prosecutor of Nice, tells us.

In the meantime, Ben Yedder is placed under strict judicial supervision, with a ban on leaving the Alpes-Maritimes, going out between 8pm and 6am, going to bars and nightclubs and coming into contact with the victim. He is also required to report twice a week and undergo medical treatment.

When contacted, her lawyer, Hasna Louzé, did not wish to comment.

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Wissam⁤ Ben⁣ Yedder Faces New Legal Troubles:⁣ French Striker Charged⁣ with Sexual Assault

French international striker Wissam ‌Ben Yedder‌ has ‌found ⁢himself in‍ the ⁤midst of ⁤new legal troubles, following a complaint ​from a young woman born ⁣in 2001 for sexual assault. ​The events allegedly ​took place during ⁣the night from Friday to Saturday in the Alpes-Maritimes, where Ben Yedder ‍resides after⁣ the end⁢ of his contract ⁣with AS Monaco.

According to reports, Ben Yedder was arrested while driving in his⁢ car, in​ a state of intoxication, after refusing to⁤ comply with authorities. He was taken into custody ⁢over the weekend and will stand trial on charges of “sexual‍ assault in a state of intoxication, refusal to⁣ comply, ‍and⁣ driving under ‌the influence of alcohol” [[1]]. The French striker ⁢was brought before the⁤ court on Sunday and received a summons to ‌appear on October​ 15.

This is not the⁢ first ‌time‌ Ben⁢ Yedder has faced legal troubles. He ​has ‌been under investigation for “rape, attempted rape, and sexual⁣ assault” ⁢since the⁣ summer of​ 2023⁣ [[2]]. The new charges have led to the prosecution requesting a provisional detention, which was ‌denied, and an appeal has ⁤been filed [[3]].

Ben Yedder has ⁢been placed under strict judicial control, with the prosecution ‍citing the need to prevent any risk⁣ of pressure on‍ the victim or​ witnesses, prevent the ‌repetition of the ​facts while ⁢he is under judicial‍ supervision for rape, and guarantee his continued availability.

The French‌ striker’s future ‌in the sport hangs in the ‌balance as he faces these serious allegations. The incident has sent​ shockwaves ⁤through the football community, and fans are waiting with ⁢bated breath ‌to see⁤ how this unfolds.

Timeline of ⁤Events:

Friday to Saturday: Ben Yedder allegedly commits sexual assault in his car in the Alpes-Maritimes

Weekend: Ben Yedder taken into ⁤custody and arrested⁢ while driving⁤ under ⁤the influence of‍ alcohol

Sunday: Ben ⁢Yedder brought before the court and receives a summons to appear on October​ 15

Monday: Prosecution files an‌ appeal against the denial of provisional‌ detention





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– What are the latest developments in the sexual assault charges against Wissam Ben Yedder?

Wissam Ben Yedder Faces New Legal Troubles: French Striker Charged with Sexual Assault

French international striker Wissam Ben Yedder has found himself in the midst of new legal troubles, following a complaint from a young woman born in 2001 for sexual assault. The events allegedly took place during the night from Friday to Saturday in the Alpes-Maritimes, where Ben Yedder resides after the end of his contract with AS Monaco.

According to reports, Ben Yedder was arrested while driving in



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