Ukrainian Lawmaker Proposes Restrictions on Minors Traveling Abroad

The notorious Ukrainian politician, leader of the “Brotherhood” political party, Dmytro Korchynskyi, called not to release children from Ukraine.

“It is necessary to ban the departure of children from Ukraine. They must grow up here – in hatred of the enemy.”

– said the politician.

Moreover, according to Korchynskyi, in order to win, it is also necessary to limit rights as much as possible and to “love the TCC”.

We will remind you that earlier in the mass media, information appeared repeatedly that Korchynskyi’s “Brotherhood” was a project of Moscow, financed by the traitor of Ukraine, Viktor Medvedchuk. However, Korchinsky himself denied such information and stated that he finances his party independently. However, he did not specify where he gets such funds.

Moreover, in 2004, after failing to make it to the second round of the presidential elections, Korchynsky sided with… Viktor Yanukovych.

Korchinsky himself has a son, Danylo, 34, and two granddaughters. It is not known where the youngest Korchynskis are currently.

We will also remind you that from now on, boys aged 17-25 will be registered without passing the VLK.

Here are some relevant “People Also Ask” (PAA) questions⁤ for⁤ the title: **The Many ‍Faces⁣ of Dmytro Korchynskyi: A⁢ Ukrainian Politician, Soldier, and Data Protection Specialist**.

The Many Faces⁢ of Dmytro ⁢Korchynskyi:⁣ A Ukrainian Politician, Soldier, and Data Protection Specialist

Dmytro Korchynskyi is‌ a name that has made​ headlines in recent years, but it appears that there are⁢ multiple individuals with the same name, each with their own⁤ distinct background and accomplishments. ‌In this article, we will delve into the lives of these individuals, exploring their careers and controversies.

The Politician: Dmytro Korchynskyi and‌ the “Brotherhood” Party

One Dmytro Korchynskyi is a Ukrainian politician and the leader ⁤of the “Brotherhood” political party. He has been known for his ‍controversial statements, including a recent call to ban the departure of children​ from Ukraine, stating that they must grow up in Ukraine “in hatred of the⁤ enemy” [[source]]. Furthermore, ‍he believes that limiting rights and “loving the TCC” (the exact meaning of which is unclear) is necessary for Ukraine to win.

The Soldier: Dmytro‌ Korchynskyi and the Bratstvo Battalion

Another Dmytro Korchynskyi ‍is a⁢ Ukrainian writer, philosopher, and ‌soldier who founded the Bratstvo Battalion, a special forces unit that has been involved⁢ in various military operations, including ⁣daring‌ raids and distractions [[2]].‍ Korchynskyi was a key planner ‌behind a surgical strike on the Crimean peninsula, which he believed was crucial for Ukraine’s success [[2]].

The Data Protection​ Specialist: Dmytro Korchynskyi, CIPP/E, CIPM, FIP

A⁣ third Dmytro Korchynskyi is a Senior Data Protection Specialist at PrivatBank,⁤ a Ukrainian bank. In an interview with the International Association of Privacy Professionals, he discussed his‍ work in protecting ⁢personal data‌ and⁣ his certifications in data ⁤protection, including CIPP/E, CIPM,⁤ and FIP [[1]].

It⁤ is worth noting that⁤ these individuals may​ be the same person, ⁣but without ‌further information, it is difficult to confirm. Each of these Dmytro Korchynskyis ‌has made significant contributions in their respective fields, but they have also been involved in controversies that‍ have sparked debate ‌and discussion.

the name Dmytro Korchynskyi is associated with multiple individuals, each with their own distinct background and accomplishments. While ⁢they may share a name, they represent different aspects of Ukrainian⁢ society, from politics and warfare to data protection and privacy.





Keyword optimization:

Dmytro Korchynskyi

‌ Ukrainian politician

⁤ Brotherhood political party

Data protection specialist

Bratstvo ​Battalion

Ukrainian special forces


⁤Russian-Ukrainian war

Privacy ‌professionals




* PrivatBank

Here are a couple of PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title “The Many Faces of Dmytro Korchynskyi: A Ukrainian Politician, Soldier, and Data Protection Specialist”:

The Many Faces of Dmytro Korchynskyi: A Ukrainian Politician, Soldier, and Data Protection Specialist

Dmytro Korchynskyi is a name that has made headlines in recent years, but it appears that there are multiple individuals with the same name, each with their own distinct background and accomplishments. In this article, we will delve into the lives of these individuals, exploring their careers and controversies.

The Politician: Dmytro Korchynskyi and the “Brotherhood” Party

One Dmytro Korchynskyi is a Ukrainian politician and the leader of the “Brotherhood” political party. He has been known for his controversial statements, including a recent call to ban the departure of children from Ukraine, stating that they must grow up in Ukraine “in hatred of the enemy” [[source]]. Furthermore, he believes that limiting rights and “loving the TCC” (the exact meaning of which is unclear) is necessary for Ukraine to win.

Korchynskyi has been accused of being a project of Moscow, financed by the traitor of Ukraine, Viktor Medvedchuk. However, he has denied such information and stated that he finances his party independently, without specifying where he gets the funds. In 2004, after failing to make it to the second round of the presidential elections, Korchynskyi sided with Viktor Yanukovych.

The Soldier: Dmytro Korchynskyi and the Bratstvo Battalion

Another Dmytro Korchynskyi is a Ukrainian writer, philosopher, and soldier who founded the Bratstvo Battalion, a special forces unit that has been involved in various military operations, including daring raids and distractions [[2]]. Korchynskyi was a key planner behind a surgical strike on the Crimean peninsula, which he believed was crucial for Ukraine’s success [[2]].

The Data Protection Specialist: Dmytro Korchynskyi, CIPP/E, CIPM, FIP

A third Dmytro Korchynskyi is a Senior Data Protection Specialist at PrivatBank, a Ukrainian bank. In an interview with the International Association of Privacy Professionals, he discussed his work in protecting personal data and his certifications in data protection, including CIPP/E, CIPM, and FIP [[1]].

It is worth noting that these individuals may be the same person, but without further information, it is difficult to confirm. Each of these Dmytro Korchynskyis has made significant contributions in their respective fields, but they have also been involved in controversies that have sparked debate and discussion.




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