Olga Stefanishyna Steps Down: A Look into Her Journey and Impact

This information was reported by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk against the background of personnel changes among officials. According to him, the application will be considered at one of the next plenary sessions.

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Stefanishina resigned

The Verkhovna Rada received a statement from the Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, O.V. Stefanishyna, on her resignation,
– Stefanchuk wrote.

The Ukrainian official also added a corresponding photo of the above statement.

Olga Stefanishina wrote a letter of resignation / Photo by Ruslan Stefanchuk

Let us recall that Olha Stefanishyna was appointed Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration on June 4, 2020. 255 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada voted for this decision.

Prior to this, from March to December 2017, she worked as the Director of the Government Office for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers. In December 2017, she was appointed to the position of Director General of the Government Office for the Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Secretariat.

In 2019, after leaving the Government Office, Stefanishyna worked for some time in the legal business. That same year, she ran for the Verkhovna Rada on the lists of the Ukrainian Strategy of Groysman party, but did not get into parliament.

Supplemented. Journalists later reported that Olga Stefanishyna may be promoted. They allegedly plan to appoint her as Minister of Justice and Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration – Suspilny told us about this said source in “Servant of the People”. But, in accordance with the procedure, the official must first be dismissed from the position of deputy prime minister and a re-vote.

By the way, the promised personnel changes have begun in the Presidential Office. It became known about the dismissal of one of Yermak’s deputies. Thus, by decree of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, Rostislav Shurma was dismissed.

Ukraine’s Vice ⁤Prime Minister for ​European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Resigns

In a surprising move, Olha Stefanishyna, Ukraine’s Vice Prime Minister for ⁢European ⁤and Euro-Atlantic Integration, has tendered her resignation. This information was ​revealed by the⁣ Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ruslan ‍Stefanchuk, against the backdrop of personnel⁤ changes among top officials. According to ‌Stefanchuk, the‍ application for resignation will⁣ be considered at one of the next plenary sessions.

Stefanishyna’s Resignation Letter

The news of Stefanishyna’s ⁣resignation​ was broken by Stefanchuk, who shared a photo of ⁤the resignation‌ letter on social media. “The Verkhovna Rada received a statement from ⁣the Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of ​Ukraine, O.V. Stefanishyna, on her resignation,” ⁤Stefanchuk wrote.

Stefanishyna’s Tenure

Olha Stefanishyna was⁢ appointed Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration on June⁢ 4, 2020, with 255 deputies of⁤ the ‍Verkhovna Rada voting in favor of her appointment. Prior to this,‍ she served as the Director of the Government Office for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of​ Ministers from March to⁣ December 2017. Later, she was promoted to the ⁢position of Director ‍General ⁣of the Government Office for ⁢the Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of​ the Secretariat.

Post-Government Career

After leaving the ⁤Government ​Office in 2019, Stefanishyna worked in the legal business for a brief period. That same year, she ran for a seat in⁣ the Verkhovna Rada ​on the lists of the Ukrainian Strategy ⁣of Groysman party ⁢but failed to secure a seat.

Speculation ‍about Next Steps

Although ⁢the reasons behind Stefanishyna’s resignation are not yet clear, journalists have⁣ reported that she may be in line⁢ for a promotion.​ According to sources,⁤ plans ‌are underway to appoint her ‌to a more senior role, although details of ​this are still under wraps.

This development comes at a time⁤ when Ukraine is undergoing significant changes in its political landscape. The resignation of high-ranking officials is not ⁣uncommon in Ukraine, and this latest move ‌is likely ⁤to ⁢spark speculation about the country’s ​future direction.

In related news, there have ‌been reports about‌ the possible ‍return ⁢of Dmitruk to Ukraine ​and his subsequent handover to law enforcement agencies. A ⁣lawyer has​ outlined a ⁢mechanism for this process, which is currently⁢ being closely watched ‌by the Ukrainian ⁢public.

As the situation unfolds, one thing​ is clear: Ukraine’s political landscape⁢ is set for significant changes in the coming days and weeks. Stay tuned for further updates ⁣and developments on this story.

Keywords: Olha Stefanishyna,​ Vice Prime Minister for European⁤ and ‌Euro-Atlantic Integration, Ukraine, Ruslan Stefanchuk, Verkhovna ‌Rada, resignation, political changes, ⁤European integration, Euro-Atlantic integration, Ukrainian⁤ politics.



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