Navigating the World of CBD: Tips for Selecting the Right Product

2024-07-26 13:00:35

Home > Health Advice > CBD: How to Choose the Right One? Written on July 26, 2024 at 3:00 pm CBD: How to choose the right one? Article published in Newspaper No. 126

CBD, the cannabinoid in cannabis, is increasingly being used by the French, appreciated by users for its benefits in combating chronic pain, anxiety and even sleep disorders. What do we know about how it works? And how to choose?

Consumption of CBD (or cannabidiol) has exploded in France in recent years. It is a compound extracted from cannabis flowers and is different from THC, as the latter is primarily responsible for marijuana’s psychoactive effects. So, CBD doesn’t make you “high,” on the other hand, it does so on our body’s endocannabinoid system (a group of neuroreceptors distributed throughout our bodies that respond to the presence of cannabinoids like CBD) Make an impact, have multiple effects. Some quality criteria must be considered.

Prefer natural CBD over synthetic CBD

First, choose products that contain only naturally derived cannabinoids, as several molecules ” Lab-created ‘synthetic CBD’, some showing significant side effects. Then, it’s best to choose a broad-spectrum product, meaning that its CBD has not been separated from other molecules present in the plant, because there are synergistic effect Therefore, if CBD is not surrounded by other compounds present in the plant, its efficacy will be reduced. There are a huge variety of other cannabinoids (CBL or cannabichromene, CBN or cannabigerol, CBV or cannabigerol, etc.), not to mention the presence of flavonoids, just to name a few.

Still reading about CBD, or even quitting smoking?

Pay attention to the media

this Support dilution This should also be taken into consideration. For example, VeryNatura Laboratories (see address book to the right of the article or below) has chosen to fractionate coconut oil, allowing it to produce a product that remains liquid at room temperature, is low in fat, and can be stored for a long time. Composed of medium chain triglycerides (known as MCT).

There are many situations in which people are interested in taking CBD, the most common of which areAnxiety, stress, difficulty sleeping, or chronic inflammation. In fact, cannabidiol increases the amount of synaptic cannabinoids that play a role in reducing pain and inflammation, specifically by inhibiting their reuptake.

CBD is also an agonist at 5-HT1A receptors, the most common serotonin receptor in the brain, whose activation leads to a reduction in blood pressure, heart rate, and pupil diameter, and improves conditions in people with anxiety and depression. These two mechanisms are likely responsible for the beneficial effects described by CBD consumers.

Also read Medical Marijuana: Potential Asset in Treating Cancer Pain

Also read CBD: Large-scale study finally on marketed product

Under no circumstances is the information and advice provided on the Alternative Santé website a substitute for consultation or diagnosis with a physician or health professional, who is the only person who can adequately evaluate your medical condition.

Where to buy?

By VeryNatura / Natural Living

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By VeryNatura / Natural Living

#CBD #Choose #Good

CBD: How to Choose the ​Right One?

Published on July 26, ​2024

CBD, or cannabidiol, is gaining immense popularity in France‍ as more ​individuals seek its potential benefits‍ for various health issues including chronic pain, anxiety,⁢ and sleep disorders. Unlike its psychoactive counterpart THC, CBD does not produce a ‍“high,” making​ it an appealing option for those looking to ⁣manage their ‌health concerns without experiencing intoxicating effects.‌ Understanding how CBD works ⁤and how to select‍ the right product can enhance your⁣ experience and benefits.

Understanding CBD

CBD is‍ a compound derived from the cannabis plant, and works ⁣by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system—a complex network of ‍receptors and neurotransmitters that regulate various functions including mood, pain sensation, and sleep. When choosing a CBD product, it is important to prioritize quality to ​ensure you reap the full range of its therapeutic effects.

1. ‍Prefer Natural CBD Over Synthetic ⁤CBD

When selecting a⁣ CBD product, aim for those that contain naturally derived cannabinoids. Avoid synthetic CBD, which can lead to unexpected side ​effects. Natural products that maintain their full-spectrum profile—meaning they retain other beneficial compounds from the cannabis plant—are typically more effective⁣ due to the synergistic effects of‍ the cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids.

Broad-spectrum CBD products are ⁣ideal as they contain multiple cannabinoids without⁣ THC. This allows⁣ users to benefit from the‌ entourage effect, a phenomenon where the combined effect of all ⁢the⁣ compounds enhances the overall benefits. Look for ‌products containing a variety of cannabinoids including:

  • CBN (Cannabinol)
  • CBG (Cannabigerol)
  • CBV (Cannabivarin)

2. Pay Attention‌ to the Carrier Oil

The carrier oil ‍utilized in your CBD product is another critical factor to consider. ⁤Different ⁤carrier oils ‌affect the product’s absorption and⁢ efficacy. High-quality brands, such as VeryNatura Laboratories, use⁤ fractionated coconut⁢ oil (MCT ⁢oil) as their‍ carrier. MCT oil can remain liquid⁣ at room temperature, is‌ low in⁢ fat, and has a long shelf life, making ⁤it an ideal choice for CBD.

Benefits ⁤of MCT ‍oil as a Carrier:

  • Enhanced Absorption: Faster and better absorption of CBD into the bloodstream.
  • Quick ‍Energy Source: MCTs are metabolized differently ⁢and can provide instant energy.
  • Longer⁤ Shelf ⁣Life: MCT oil helps preserve the integrity ‍of ​CBD products.

3.​ Identify⁣ Your Needs

Understanding‌ why‍ you want to use CBD is⁣ essential in determining the right product for you. Many individuals seek CBD for common conditions​ such as:

  • Anxiety and Stress:​ Cannabidiol can increase synaptic cannabinoids, which play ‌a role in ‌reducing pain and inflammation.
  • Sleep Disorders: The calming effects​ of CBD may help ‌improve sleep​ quality and duration.
  • Chronic Inflammation/Pain: Due to its anti-inflammatory properties,⁢ CBD may aide in reducing chronic pain symptoms.

CBD interacts with receptors in ​the brain, including 5-HT1A receptors, ​which are involved in ‍regulating mood and anxiety. This⁤ interaction can lead to reduced blood pressure, a lower heart rate, and improved mental health for consumers suffering from anxiety and depression.

4. Look for Transparency and Laboratory Testing

Opt for ​brands that ⁣provide transparency regarding their sourcing, extraction methods, and lab testing. Reputable companies often⁤ publish​ third-party lab results on their websites, ‌allowing consumers to verify the purity and potency ‌of⁢ their products. This ensures that the CBD product you are considering is free from contaminants‍ and ‍contains the promised concentration of cannabinoids.


As the CBD market continues ⁤to grow in France, ​making⁤ informed decisions‌ about your CBD consumption is paramount. By choosing ​high-quality, natural products, understanding the importance of carrier oils, identifying your⁤ specific needs, and ⁣ensuring transparency through ⁤lab ⁤testing,‌ you‍ can maximize the benefits of CBD. ⁣Remember, however, that any health-related⁤ information provided here is not a substitute⁣ for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Explore resources on Medical Marijuana and a large-scale‍ study on⁣ marketed CBD products to deepen your understanding. CBD could be a potential game-changer in your journey toward enhanced wellness.



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