Teenage Tragedy: Mysterious Arsenal Discovered in Apartment Following Shooting Incident


Police‌ Investigation Uncovers‌ Arsenal‍ in Ioannina Apartment

Authorities in Ioannina, Greece,​ have launched a significant investigation following the wounding of a 19-year-old‌ man in a firearm incident.⁤ The police’s preliminary inquiry led to the discovery of an extensive cache ‌of war materials ​in ⁣an apartment,⁢ which were confiscated by the Security‌ Directorate.

Arrests ‌Made in Connection with the Case

Two men, aged 50 and 51, were arrested on Tuesday, September 3, on charges of violating firearms ‍legislation. The arrests took place after⁢ police were alerted⁣ by the General‌ Hospital “G. Hatzikosta,” which reported that the young man had been admitted with severe head injuries resulting from a gunshot wound.

Details of the Incident

Upon receiving the report, the Ioannina Police Department conducted an autopsy at⁤ the apartment where the injured individual was found.⁤ The investigation was supported by the Department‌ of Criminal Investigations of the General Regional Police Directorate of Epirus. During the examination, officers discovered a pistol, identified as belonging ‍to the ‌50-year-old suspect and a relative of the injured​ victim.

Confiscated Weaponry and Ammunition

The extensive ⁤list of confiscated materials included:

  • 9,485 cartridges of various types and calibers
  • 3 pistols (caliber 9mm, 7.65mm, and 6.35mm)
  • A ‍rifled repeating firearm
  • A single-shot rifled rifle
  • A revolver with a 7-cartridge‍ capacity
  • A non-functioning ⁤revolver
  • An educational mortar
  • A German World War II grenade
  • An oxidized Italian World⁣ War II grenade
  • A training grenade
  • 4 empty grenades ‌without explosive and firing mechanisms
  • A grenade body and shell
  • 39 magazines
  • 40 bayonets
  • Various parts, short components, and barrels of military rifles
  • A submachine gun⁢ barrel
  • A military weapon⁣ silencer
  • 20 firecrackers
  • 16 marine hand flares
  • 4 packs of flares with a launcher
  • 2 ⁢flare launchers

Connections⁣ and Further Investigations

Ongoing⁣ investigations revealed that⁢ the confiscated items may belong to both the 50-year-old and ⁤the 51-year-old ‍arrested later in Attica. During a search of his home, authorities‌ also‍ found and confiscated a pair of​ binoculars.

The suspects will face charges filed by the Ioannina Security Sub-Directorate and will be presented before the Primary Prosecutor’s Office of Ioannina. Meanwhile, the confiscated materials are set to undergo the​ necessary laboratory tests.

Current Status of the Investigation

As of now, the Ioannina Police Department has not ‌uncovered any evidence pointing to⁢ a criminal act concerning the young man’s ‌injury.

He hospital ‍and initiated a thorough investigation. They discovered that the injury was a result of a ⁢shooting incident, prompting a ​swift response to locate the source of the firearm.

Upon​ investigating the scene and gathering evidence, police focused their efforts on the apartment where the two suspects were believed to be connected to the shooting. The extensive​ search revealed‍ an arsenal of weapons and ammunition, contributing to the serious charges against the detained suspects.

Continued Investigation

Authorities are now conducting a more‌ extensive probe⁢ into the origins of the​ weapons and whether they were used in any previous crimes. The ​police are also working to identify potential ​additional suspects who may have been involved in the incident or the⁢ possession of the firearms.

Community Response

The incident has raised concerns among local residents in Ioannina, prompting discussions about public safety and the accessibility of firearms. Local leaders are calling for increased measures to prevent such incidents in the future, emphasizing the need⁢ for stricter⁢ gun control policies.

As ‍the ‌investigation continues, police ‌have appealed to anyone with⁢ additional information regarding ​the shooting or the ⁢cache⁢ of weapons to come forward and assist‍ in their inquiry.



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