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The “Elephant in the Room”: V.⁤ Zelensky on the Start of EU Accession Negotiations

Ukrainian President Volodymyr ‌Zelensky emphasized that ⁢the anticipated decision to initiate ⁢Ukraine’s accession negotiations⁤ with the European Union⁢ is not merely a gift; rather, the “elephant in the​ room” regarding this decision may not solely pertain to Hungary.

Zelensky made these remarks during a ​joint press conference with President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and President of Moldova, ‌Maia Sandu, in Kyiv.

The President ​highlighted Ukraine’s efforts to commence accession discussions⁢ by December of this year, stating, “Ukraine understands that any country’s path to the⁣ EU is a path of merit,​ not gifts. Therefore, Ukraine ⁢is implementing its part of the ​work.⁢ We believe that​ the EU will also be prepared to meet ⁤us on our journey, ​and as promised, we aim to achieve a political decision ⁢by ⁣the end ‍of‌ the year⁢ to‌ begin negotiations on membership ⁢and move closer to full integration.”

Zelensky ⁣stressed the importance of concrete discussions among EU leaders regarding the expected December decision, noting, “During ​the war, we⁤ must talk very concretely about the decisions we anticipate.” ⁣He expressed that while Ukraine does⁤ not expect gifts, the decision in December ​is crucial for ‌motivation and morale, reinforcing that Ukrainians uphold shared values during ⁤these challenging times.

He clarified that while there are‌ seven⁣ recommendations ‌to be ⁢fulfilled, Ukraine⁣ is committed ‌to meeting these challenges head-on. “Today,⁣ I ​believe we have done everything in our power, and if ​almost ⁤everything has been accomplished, we can complete the rest‌ as ⁣well,” he stated, referencing the⁢ recent legislative progress made⁤ by the Verkhovna Rada.

Zelensky remained optimistic, declaring, “We will implement‌ all⁤ seven recommendations. We are ready today.‍ I see a positive response.” ⁣However, he acknowledged Hungary’s stance as a potential obstacle, describing it as an “elephant​ in the room” in the context of commencing negotiations on Ukraine’s EU ⁣accession.

Responding to questions about Hungary’s opposition, he remarked, “We are preparing for everything. It’s true. So far, there are no problems. The ‘elephant in​ the room’ can⁣ refer ⁣to various factors. ⁢Ultimately, ​our focus is on behaving with integrity and adhering⁣ to our⁤ plans. We must fulfill ​all seven recommendations to eliminate any‌ doubts regarding Ukraine’s progress. I believe this is the strongest position for Ukraine to​ be in,” he underscored.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy and‌ Prime Minister of​ Hungary​ Viktor Orban



is prepared to demonstrate its readiness through substantial reforms and compliance with EU standards."

Zelensky acknowledged the significant hurdles that Ukraine faces on its path to EU membership, emphasizing that while external factors, such as relations with certain EU member states, play a role, Ukraine's commitment to reform and alignment with European values is paramount.

"The discussions surrounding our EU accession are complex," he continued. "However, what is most important is that Ukraine will not shy away from the necessary changes and the hard work that lies ahead."

The President's comments come amid ongoing tensions with Hungary regarding various political and economic issues, suggesting that negotiations could be influenced by external diplomatic challenges. Nevertheless, Zelensky remains optimistic and focused on Ukraine's future within the EU.

This joint conference also underscored the support from the EU for Ukraine during its ongoing conflict with Russia, reaffirming a unified stance among European leaders. The anticipated discussions on Ukraine's EU aspirations are expected to take center stage in upcoming EU summits.

As the clock ticks towards December, Zelensky's administration is gearing up for what could be a transformative period for Ukraine as it seeks closer ties with the European Union.



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