2024-09-03 13:00:08
On October 5, 2023, European Parliamentarians voted in favor of an amendment by MEP François-Xavier Bellamy to include surrogacy in the definition of human trafficking. Other politicians have since spoken out, such as then-Transportation Secretary Clément Beaune, who publicly supported legalization “future” GPA president Bruno Le Maire, who remains economy minister, said his views had changed. As experts in the field of medically assisted reproduction (AMP), we take this opportunity to highlight the need for reflection in order to avoid the pitfalls of this debate: its ideological instrumentalization. GPA may become one of the divisive social issues during the next presidential campaign or during the revision of bioethics laws, and the role of the scientific community is partly to help build this reflection with the French.
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From a medical perspective, remember that GPA and uterine transplantation (UT) are the only medical solutions to absolute uterine infertility, a set of health conditions that prevent women from becoming pregnant. In France, the former seems to raise more ethical and moral questions than the latter, but the latter is far from immune. The biomedical agency has authorized several TUs without sparking controversy, although it raises at least as many questions as living donor organ donation, which also requires recipients to conceive under immunosuppressants and to have the given organ removed after birth. uterus.
Then, considering so-called “social” surrogacy – mainly for single men or male couples – we must move away from the terrible “rights of the child” argument. The approach has been criticized by opponents but not defended by supporters. The role of the state is not to ensure that everyone has children, as if it were the object of the law. But the French must question the extent to which the state interferes with its power in matters of reproductive choice, especially when it decides which family models are approved based on symbolic arguments.
Don’t abandon morality
Since the law opened marriage to everyone in 2013, heterosexual couples are no longer the only norm, and with the enactment of the Bioethics Law in 2021, genetic families have become available to single women and same-sex couples. Now is the time to consider those citizens who are left on the margins of AMP: women who are incapable of pregnancy, single men and male couples. We also need to remember that the ban does not limit this practice, which is unequal according to one’s means in a globalized market for reproduction.
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