0 percent credit program. The government has already planned 500 million zlotys for it

0 percent credit program. The government has already planned 500 million zlotys for it

Expenditures for the 0 percent loan have already been initially scheduled, in the first year of the program’s operation it will be about PLN 500 million – Minister of Development and Technology Krzysztof Paszyk informed on Tuesday. He added that quarterly limits on granting aid are to counteract the increase in housing prices.

Minister of Development and Technology Krzysztof Paszyk was asked on Tuesday on TVP Info whether there would be money for a 0% loan in the pool of funds for housing. – In my opinion, the amount that was allocated for housing in the budget for next year will also be enough to implement a credit program, a program that will allow many Poles waiting to buy a flat to deal with the most expensive loan in the EU, which Poland has – replied the minister. The average cost of a housing loan in Poland is 8 percent – he pointed out. – If we reduce the interest rate from this 8 percent to 5-4 percent, then very often the cost of the monthly installment is 800-1200 PLN less. This is the goal of this project – emphasized the minister.

A little dig at the minister

Paszyk emphasized that the ministry responsible for housing is the Ministry of Development and Technology, not the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. He referred to the words of the Minister of Funds and Regional Policy Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, who stated last week on Platform X that the good news is that “in the budget (for 2025 – ed.) there is a round PLN 0 for a 0% loan”. Paszyk admitted that expenditure on a 0% loan has already been initially planned. – The first year of the credit program is about PLN 500 million. In subsequent years, it will of course increase, but it is not an amount that dominates the budget allocated for housing – informed the minister. He emphasized that this program does not eliminate, does not exclude the social housing support program. – This can be reconciled and must be reconciled – he added. Paszyk also informed that after Wednesday’s meeting of the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers it will be possible to answer, “to a large extent”, the question of who will be able to benefit from this program. Asked whether the 0% loan subsidy will also apply to the secondary market, Paszyk stated that the secondary market is also “a subject included in this program”. He also referred to the question of whether there will be a limit on the square footage of an apartment that can be purchased under the 0% loan program. “This is being agreed today,” he said. He indicated, however, that singles will be able to use the program.

What are the safeguards in the 0 percent loan program?

The Minister was also asked about “safeguards” in the 0% loan program, which would prevent an increase in housing prices caused by the supply of money from loans.

– We have quarterly limits on granting aid, which means we are counteracting the kind of demand peak that previously caused an increase in housing prices – said the minister. – There will definitely not be entire annual tranches, it will be limited, for example, to quarterly limits of applications that will be considered, so then we will stabilize and spread the amount of money that will reach the market in time to prevent a demand peak – he emphasized. Asked about the age limit of people who will be able to use the loan subsidy, the minister said that “we are talking about the age limit of 35, but these are details that can still be shaped at this stage of work”. – We want to look into the problem of vacant properties. Analyses are ongoing – added Paszyk. Asked if he would like a tax on vacant properties, he assessed that we certainly have a problem in Poland with apartments purchased as an investment, which are very often empty. – Together with the Ministry of Finance, with other ministries that have something to say about it, we will look for a solution, because it is a burning problem. Without consulting the Ministry of Finance, I will not indicate specific solutions, Paszyk said.

There is no “warpath” between ministries

He also referred to the question of whether he is “on the warpath with the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk”. – I will not and do not want to be on the warpath with anyone within the government – he assured. – I have to react every time solutions appear in the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy that will harm entrepreneurs. Certainly, a four-day work week is an extremely harmful solution – assessed Paszyk. He explained that it will discourage foreign investors and worsen the competitiveness of Polish companies. He pointed out that this is not the last solution that has appeared recently. – The minister is starting to push for extremely harmful solutions regarding the employment of foreigners. Quotas, central planning. There are many areas in Poland today where without seasonal workers, mostly foreigners, there will be a collapse. I warn against such solutions. This should be controlled, but not in such a draconian way as the minister proposes – said Paszyk. – We say “no” to such solutions in the interest of entrepreneurs – he stated. According to information from the Ministry of Finance, the draft budget for 2025 allocates PLN 4.28 billion for housing construction, of which PLN 1.6 billion is in reserves.

– Depending on what decisions are processed, the funds will be redirected accordingly – indicated Deputy Minister of Finance Hanna Majszczyk. According to Minister of Finance Andrzej Domański, “funds for 0% credit may fit into the amounts allocated for construction”.

“Comprehensive housing program”

Earlier, Minister of Development and Technology Krzysztof Paszyk announced that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development had prepared a “comprehensive” housing program.

– The three pillars of this program are municipal, social and ownership housing. The program should not affect the growth of housing prices in Poland, especially since we want to add supply tools to it, so that in the future there can be more apartments on the market – said Paszyk. He added that next week Deputy Minister Jacek Tomczak will present details on this topic. Prime Minister Donald Tusk said last Friday that the so-called 0% loan is the most advanced project concerning housing support, and the government is working on it. He added that the budget earmarked billions for the housing sector, and decisions regarding the distribution of funds have not yet been made. – The statements of the Minister (MFiPR Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz – ed.) regarding the 0% loan are imprecise and the facts are different. I will expect the Minister to explain why she interpreted our decision, in which the Minister participated, in a very imprecise way – said Tusk, referring to the question about Pełczyńska-Nałęcz’s entries.

Main image source: Traveller70/Shutterstock



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