Video. Guillermo Kraisman’s threat to the employees of the supermarket where he tried to steal: “They don’t know…” – La Voz del Interior

  1. Video. Guillermo Kraisman’s warning to the supermarket employees during his attempted theft: “They have no idea…” La Voz del Interior
  2. A municipal official from Córdoba has been arrested for shoplifting at a supermarket, according to Infobae.
  3. Argentina Manaus: an official has been dismissed for stealing 200 grams of pork shoulder and a beer, reports La Política Online.
  4. Controversy arises over a Peronist leader who attempted to steal raw ham from a supermarket in Córdoba: “They have no idea who they are dealing with,” according to Clarín.
  5. The intense threat made by the official who stole cold cuts in a supermarket to the employees who confronted him on the twelfth.

Recent Scandals in Córdoba: Official Theft and Threats in Supermarkets

Guillermo Kraisman’s Shocking Threat to Employees

In an alarming incident that has caught the attention of both local media and residents, Guillermo Kraisman, a municipal official from Córdoba, was caught attempting to steal items from a supermarket. Not only did he attempt to take goods, but he also allegedly made a chilling threat to employees who confronted him during the event. Kraisman stated, “They don’t know who they’re messing with,” showcasing an aggressive demeanor that has raised eyebrows across the community.

The Incident Unfolds

Videos from the incident surfaced online, depicting Kraisman being detained by supermarket employees while attempting to flee with unpaid merchandise. This incident occurred in a well-known supermarket chain, which has since experienced an influx of public scrutiny and outrage. Video footage reveals the tense atmosphere as employees deal with the situation.

Public Backlash and Reactions

  • Community Outrage: Many citizens expressed their disapproval of Kraisman’s actions, highlighting the hypocrisy of officials who are supposed to serve and protect the community.
  • Calls for Accountability: Social media has erupted in calls for Kraisman to resign and for further investigations into his conduct and possible connections to other political figures.

Another Case: Municipal Official Arrested for Theft

Adding fuel to the fire, another municipal official from Córdoba was arrested for stealing goods from a supermarket. This case has heightened concerns about corruption and theft among public officials in Argentina.

The Details of the Arrest

This official was reportedly found stealing several items, including necessary household goods. The supermarket chain cooperated with authorities, leading to a swift arrest and subsequent investigation. Such blatant disregard for law and order has raised questions about the integrity of municipal officials.

Understanding the 200 Grams of Pork Shoulder Incident

In a bizarre turn of events, another scandal involved an official who was dismissed for attempting to steal just 200 grams of pork shoulder along with a beer. The incident occurred in Manaus, prompting widespread discussions about the desperation leading to such actions.

Details Surrounding the Incident

Details are sketchy on why an official would risk their position for such a small amount of merchandise, leading to conversations about financial insecurity and the ethical responsibilities of public servants.

Peronist Leader’s Attempted Theft of Raw Ham

In an even more scandalous episode, a Peronist leader was caught attempting to steal raw ham from a supermarket in Córdoba. The phrase “They don’t know who they’re messing with” became a popular subject in local media, symbolizing the bravado exhibited by some officials embroiled in serious misconduct.

The Public Outcry

This incident not only drew attention to the individual’s actions but also highlighted systemic issues within the local government regarding honesty and integrity. Critics continue to call for transparency and accountability, arguing that such behaviors should lead to harsher penalties for public officials.

Official Threats and the Impact on Employees

Threats made by officials like Kraisman create a hostile work environment for supermarket employees. Their bravery in confronting theft should be commended, yet the fear imposed by aggressive individuals can deter them from taking action in future incidents.

Creating a Safe Work Environment

Managers and owners of supermarkets must ensure the safety of their employees against any form of aggression, whether from customers or officials. Training programs that encompass conflict resolution and de-escalation techniques could be beneficial.

Public Trust and the Calls for Reform

These alarming incidents have led to skepticism among the public regarding the integrity of officials in Córdoba. The necessity for reforms aimed at increasing transparency and accountability among public figures cannot be understated:

  • Stricter Policies: Introduce stricter codes of conduct and policies for public officials to prevent theft and misconduct.
  • Increased Oversight: Implement oversight committees that monitor the activities of public employees and promote ethical behavior.

Table: Recent Incidents of Theft Involving Public Officials in Córdoba

Incident Official Merchandise Stolen Status
Attempted Theft in Supermarket Guillermo Kraisman Unsanctioned Goods Confronted and Threatened Employees
Supermarket Theft Unknown Municipal Official Household Goods Arrested
Pork Shoulder Incident Unknown Official 200 Grams Pork Shoulder, Beer Dismissed
Raw Ham Incident Peronist Leader Raw Ham Under Investigation

Case Studies and Practical Tips for Employees

In the wake of these troubling incidents, it’s critical for supermarket employees to be prepared and informed about their rights and the measures they can take to protect themselves:

Training and Preparedness

  • Conflict Resolution Training: Engage employees in training that focuses on handling aggressive situations calmly and effectively.
  • Emergency Protocols: Establish clear protocols for employees to follow in case of theft or confrontation, ensuring their safety.

Community Support Initiatives

Encourage community members to support local businesses and supermarkets, fostering an environment where employees feel valued and secure in their roles. Awareness campaigns highlighting the importance of integrity within municipal positions are beneficial in creating a culture resistant to abuse.

First-Hand Experience from Supermarket Employees

Several employees have shared their experiences, detailing the fear and anxiety caused by threats from officials. Employees stated:

“It’s unsettling to feel threatened while doing your job. We just want to create a safe environment for everyone.”

Many expressed that they viewed these incidents as eye-openers for the community and local government alike, suggesting a need for societal change.


While instances of theft and misconduct among municipal officials in Córdoba have understandably stirred public outrage, they also serve as important lessons in the necessity for community accountability, ethical governance, and the protection of front-line workers. As the investigation progresses, the community watches closely, hoping for a resolution that promotes trust and integrity in public service.



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