Horoscope/Astrology: weekly forecast 1.9-7.9.2024 | Ono News

Here is a weekly forecast by Tsila Shir-El, an astrologer and marriage and family counselor

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A tip for those born this week

The planet Venus, which is responsible for your financial performance issues, means that you are in an appropriate period to check your entire financial system.

Aries March 21 to April 19

The sun in the sky is with you in the place connected with all the issues of relationships at work. This is your time to test yourself against your superiors in this field. It is quite possible that what you are sure is the best thing for you, will turn out to be objectionable to the others who think that you are taking wrong steps in everything related to work.

Taurus April 20 to May 20

The planet Mercury, which brings open and healthy communication, is in your family home and gives you quality time with the people closest to you. This is a time when you will feel that it is nicer and more pleasant for you and also those close to you are looking for your closeness and your opinion. It is time to upgrade your relationships and make it so that even at other times you will feel that you are acting in cooperation.

Gemini May 21 to June 21

In the coming week, you are advised to be careful and not expose yourself to quarrels in the circle closest to you. You may feel a little upset, because close people will tell you their opinion about you and you won’t necessarily like it, and you certainly won’t want to cooperate in something that won’t be in your best interest. It is recommended that you check with yourselves what they are telling you, because it is definitely possible that there is truth in their words.

Cancer June 22 to July 22

During the coming month, the planet Mars will visit, bringing with it a period of construction and action in your luck and will cause you to wake up and desire to develop relationships with the people close to you, and not necessarily your family members. It’s time to re-examine your areas of interest, in order to make sure that you use your best abilities in these subjects.

Leo July 23 to August 22

The sun in the sky brings with it a feeling of awakening and is in your house of finances so that during the coming month you will realize creative possibilities to market yourself, in a new and unique way. It is possible that you have not conducted yourself correctly until now, therefore it is very important that you give a chance to new issues in the field of finances that may require risk, but in the future will turn out to be profitable.

Virgo August 23 to September 22

During the coming week you will feel that you have a strong need to explore your subconscious motives in relation to close relationships. This is the time to let your natural intuition guide you, because even though you are very practical people, you are also looking for answers that go beyond logic and gut feelings may contribute a lot to this need.

Libra September 23 to October 22

During the coming month, the sun will be in the sky in your subconscious house and will give you the intuitive ability to express yourself in a pleasant way as you know how, in order to convince others of your opinion and your righteousness. You are going to influence close people to act in different ways to help you and thus you will also benefit from your ability to cooperate.

Scorpio October 23 to November 21

In the coming week, the planet Mercury brings direct and good communication in your career house, so this is a wonderful time in which you can strengthen all your relationships at work and you will even feel well when it comes to your ability to communicate with others. You are advised not to rest on the sympathy wreaths you will receive, but to continue working with full vigor to establish your career.

Sagittarius November 22 to December 21

It seems that in the coming week, for reasons reserved with you, you will not want to share your emotional experiences with others and it will be more comfortable for you to be introverted and keep to yourself, everything that concerns your feelings. It’s possible that people you trusted let you down a bit and you want to know that this time you’re going to be safe and not relying only on nice words they say to you.

Capricorn December 22 to January 19

The sun in the sky will be found throughout the coming month in a place connected with abroad and various issues related to legal bureaucracy. Therefore, this is the right time to plan changes that can suit you and are related to working relationships overseas. You have chances to succeed, because you strive to advance in any case. You are in a kind of breakthrough in your life, to which you have been longing to reach for a long time.

Aquarius January 20 to February 18

The media star who recently came out of retreat is visiting your partnership house so it’s time to check your behavior in the immediate environment and make sure you are completely understood by people close to you. It is possible that the behavior of other people can tip the scales for you regarding your decisions later on – therefore, in any case, you must be at peace with yourself.

Pisces February 19 to March 20

You are in the middle of the year after your birthday and you can assume for yourself, sit back and scan your thoughts and plans accompanied by mental accounts of everything you have been through in the last year. This is your time to help yourself to try to work on realizing old plans, and recruit close people for your benefit that you want near you.

* It is recommended to read together with Mazal Haofek.

* The forecast is general for those born under all zodiac signs. For a personal forecast it is recommended to make an astrological map.

The weekly forecast by Tsila Shir-El, an astrologer and marriage and family counselor. portable 0522248626 Email Shirel.zila@gmail.com

Tsila Shir al. Private photo

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