Who are the members of the LXVI Legislature?

Mexico City.- This Thursday, August 29, the Constitutive Session was held in the Chamber of Deputies, thus marking the beginning of the LXVI Legislatureand the Board of Directorsfind out why it is important and who is part of it in this first legislative year that will begin on September 1st.

This time they will be 251 women and 249 men who will represent Mexicans and create laws from the Legislative Palace of San Lázaro starting next Sunday, September 1.

Morena will be the party with a qualified majority in the lower house, whose composition was as follows after the elections of June 2 and the allocation of proportional representation seats (plurinominal), by the National Electoral Institute (INE):

  • Morena: 257
  • National Action Party: 71
  • Green Ecologist Party of Mexico: 60
  • Labor Party: 47
  • Institutional Revolutionary Party: 36
  • Citizen Movement: 27
  • Democratic Revolutionary Party: 1
  • Independent Deputy: 1

What is the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies?

It is the body responsible for conducting the sessions and ensuring proper Development of debates, discussions and votes in the Plenary, as well as to ensure that the provisions of the Constitution and the laws prevail in legislative work. corresponding.

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What is the function of the Board of Directors?

Its main functions are: to interpret the necessary regulations for parliamentary activity and the proper conduct of sessions; formulate and carry out the agenda.

They must also ensure that opinions, proposals, motions and other documents comply with the rules governing their formulation and presentation; determine the sanctions in relation to conduct contrary to parliamentary discipline; and appoint courtesy committees.

How is the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies composed?

The Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies is made up of 1 president, 3 vice presidents and 6 secretaries, who serve one year in office and may be re-elected.

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Its members are elected by the Plenary, with the vote of two thirds of the deputies present.

This election is carried out by ballot or by means of the electronic system, and it is the parliamentary groups that nominate the candidates to join it. The parliamentary coordinators cannot be part of the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies: Who are its members in the LXVI Legislature?

  • Chairwoman. Iphigenia Martinez. Morena
  • First Vice President. Sergio Gutierrez Luna. Morena
  • Second Vice President. Kenya Lopez Rabadan. PAN
  • Third Vice President. Maria del Carmen Pinete Vargas. PVEM
  • Secretary. Julieta Villalpando Riquelme. Morena
  • Secretary. Alan Sahir Marquez Becerra. PAN
  • Secretary. Nayeli Arlen Fernandez Cruz. PVEM
  • Secretary. Pedro Vazquez Gonzalez. PT
  • Secretary. Fuensanta Guadalupe Guerrero Esquivel. PRI
  • Secretary. Laura Ballesteros. Movement Citizen
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#members #LXVI #Legislature
2024-09-04 00:40:22



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