Atletico Madrid, eyes on Inter. And vice versa – MD

The paths of Inter and Atletico Madrid could soon cross. While on the one hand Davide Frattesi is popular in Spain, on the other hand at Inter they are looking carefully at a favourite of the colchoneros as explained by Sports World.

GOODBYE – Although the incoming market has ended in many European countries, the work of sports directors does not stop and sports directors continue to work for the winter market or for the medium-long term. Precisely for this reason, as anticipated by Sports Worldthere are two names that could unconsciously make the paths of Inter e Atletico Madrid. The Spanish newspaper, which cites Italian media, talks about how David Frattesi could part ways with Inter starting next season. The Italian midfielder, despite having won the Scudetto in Milan, is asking for more appearances and at the moment he continues to be just a bench pawn for Simone Inzaghi. This is why his possible farewell in the summer could set off the sirens of Atletico Madrid who like his qualities.

Inter-Atletico Madrid, two paths that can cross

NAME – At the same time, however, theInter watch carefully at home to Atletico Madrid, with Pablo Barrios who has long been in the sights of the big names in European football. The Spanish midfielder born in 2003 has long been in the sights of Peter Help who would be happy to get more information about him. At the same time, however, Atletico Madrid has long protected the young Barrios with a release clause that is around one hundred million euros. A dizzying figure for many Italian clubs and beyond.

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