Coastal protection and sustainable mobility project in Rio

Coastal protection and sustainable mobility project in Rio

“Today’s signature seals a visionally difficult but realistic effort to protect, regenerate and promote the coastal zone of Patras in the area of ​​Rio – Agios Vassiliou”.

This is what the Vice-Regional Governor Fokion Zaimis notes in his announcement regarding the signing of the contract for the redevelopment project of the beachfront of Rio.

Continuing, Mr. Zaimis says characteristically: “I am particularly happy as I contributed alongside our Regional Governor, Nektarios Farmakis and the rest of my colleagues to the implementation of this important project for our region. The initial effort for a coastal erosion protection and shoreline replenishment project was significantly enriched and upgraded by my contribution to a larger redevelopment project that includes a bike path and prioritizes pedestrian, cyclist and sustainable mobility.

I will continue to contribute and monitor the project from the position of the Vice-Regional Governor of Achaia in order to meet the required specifications, with the aim of this specific project becoming a model for other areas of Achaia that have similar problems”.

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